Preliminary appeal: drafting procedure, filing procedure, deadlines

A preliminary appeal is a kind of legal tool to delay the time period for filing this claim. It may be filed if the first instance judgment has not yet entered the stage of legality. This is stated in the rules of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation of chapter 39 in article 320. The code says in detail about the timing of the appeal to the office, the effect of time on the consideration of the document or the refusal to accept it. A preliminary appeal may impede the court’s resolution because of a discussion of the issue raised in the claim.

What restrictions did the law establish?

The deadlines for the entry into force of judicial decisions are regulated by Article 209 of the Civil Code. In the judicial act, at the end of the meeting, they put a number, the next day the time begins. If the applicants do not file a preliminary appeal when 30 days are over, the civil case can be considered “closed” or the decision made on it has entered into force. Provided that the legislation does not provide otherwise. Suppose, in matters of bankruptcy of individuals, the right is given 2 times to file a preliminary appeal to interested persons after a court decision and a final decision. In plenary judgment No. 13 in 2012, the Supreme Court decided to consider the end of the period after midnight the last days established by law. Here are just the restrictions differ from each other, they are influenced by the types of issues addressed. An example would be:

  • The 15-day period established by the Code of Civil Procedure in article 232.4 in cases considered in a simplified manner;
  • 244.17 article of the Civil Code gives 10 days to object to conflicts between parents due to the return of children to one of them;
  • In Article 261, the code provides voters with 5 days to complain about the elections.

So the preliminary appeal on civil record keeping has a number of features, so that it can be received at the office, you need to know the nuances, and besides this, motivation to attract a judge to consider the problem.

Appeal of the verdict

What legal elements should be available?

In order for appeal proceedings to be instituted, legal criteria must be present in the case:

  • a person empowered to appeal the matter;
  • object with rights of appeal;
  • the deadlines for filing an appeal have been met and an appropriate procedure has been conducted for its implementation.

A preliminary appeal in a civil case against a court verdict is filed:

  • persons involved;
  • citizens who were not involved in the consideration of problems at the meeting, but the court allowed to use their rights and obligations;
  • the prosecutor who is involved in the case.

The opportunity to make a brief appeal can be taken by those same people who are allowed by law to complain in this document.

Who does the court allow to attend?

The persons not involved in the issues at the hearing, but to use the rights and obligations of which are authorized by the court, may include:

  • third party;
  • successors;
  • citizens who apply to protect the legitimate interests of the victims;
  • people who are not involved, but the issues addressed affect their rights;
  • representatives of individuals and legal entities.
Filing a petition in court

In what form are claims filed?

The Code of Civil Procedure allows Article 321 to provide a preliminary appeal against a decision of a judge in writing at the same court that issued the verdict. The same code, article 325 states that the filing of claims through appeals will be in the court, which had previously dealt with this issue, made its decision. Now he will be provided with actions in relation to the received document. It should be noted that the objects of appeals are court decisions adopted by the first instance, not including court orders. Provided that the decisions are still legally invalid, as the deadline for their appeal.

Content Requirements

Article 322 of the Code of Civil Procedure states that the filing of a preliminary appeal must comply with the following content:

  • name of court;
  • on whose behalf it is submitted, with a description of the contact information about the place of real residence and the actual location of the applicant;
  • a decision in a case with which disagreement is expressed;
  • reflection of requirements and references to grounds that are considered reasonable by the representative;
  • include a list of applications proving the validity of claims.
Complaint Sample

The appeal should not contain requirements if they were not examined by the first court. The procurator or any other applicant may transfer the new evidence-based facts that have arisen, if they justify their impossibility of submitting it to the first court up to this point. The complaint can be signed by the person who filed it, the representative, if there is a power of attorney for these actions. The application shall be accompanied by a receipt on the funds received by the state treasury through a fee. The prosecutor signs his submission. The appeal package of documents should correspond to the number according to the number of participants, since copies with full content will be sent to them.

Recording Readings

Preliminary appeal in a criminal case

Appeals in criminal proceedings fall under the regulation of the Code of Criminal Procedure. Legal regulations are described in chapter 45.1. execution is no different from complaints in civil matters. The documents on the preliminary appeal to the arbitration court and after the criminal proceedings should not contain:

  • corrections;
  • incorrect statements;
  • profanity.

In the presence of such violations, a person may be held liable for insult.


Who is appealing?

A preliminary appeal against a sentence may be filed:

  • convicted, his lawyer;
  • acquitted or defender;
  • the prosecutor;
  • to the victims;
  • private prosecutor;
  • legal representative.

When a criminal proceeding involves the consideration of issues in a civil lawsuit, civil plaintiffs and defendants may appeal in this part under the rules of the Civil Procedure Code of the Russian Federation. The document structure in any case has the same form, where they fill out:

  • name of authority;
  • details of the plaintiff;
  • sentence information;
  • the rationale that caused the complaint;
  • list of applications.

The applicant signs the document and puts a number under its execution.


Criminal Complaint Dates

The court pronounces the verdict; the next day, the period for the possibility of appealing against it begins to decrease. A time equal to 10 days shall be given to the convicted person for objections to the verdict, but provided that he received his copy in hard copy on paper. The deadlines for complaints in criminal cases are slightly different and depend on the status of the court:

  • 15 days for district and city courts;
  • within a month you can solve the issue with a verdict issued by a regional or regional court;
  • object to the decision of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is allowed for 45 days.

What is the difference between a brief complaint and a real one?

A preliminary appeal is established in jurisprudence so that people can use their right to appeal decisions on time and not miss the deadlines. In addition, it is convenient to use this legal tool to:

  • procedurally and lawfully postpone the present complaint;
  • collect documentary evidence in full;
  • prepare well for the upcoming appeal.

In this case, the law preliminary appeals are endowed with all the requirements and conditions of the procedural documentation, but this is just a declarative maneuver that does not have real legal force. Of course, interested parties are given the opportunity to restore the deadlines, but for this they will have to collect a number of supporting documents proving that the deadline has been missed for good reasons:

  • serious illness;
  • the absence of a judicial act.

When pre-filing, it is necessary to appeal to the court that made the decision, he will send an appeal to the second instance. The judicial authority cannot consider the issue of its own functions; it must be condemned or taken by a higher court. When considering the highest status court will determine the suspension of the issue without movement with the introduction of appropriate adjustments.

For the time provided, the appellant will really prepare for future consideration, he will automatically be given procedural time for this complaint. Still, this is a document that needs to be taken seriously so as not to miss a period and take advantage of the right to appeal a sentence of any severity. If the brief complaint is rejected, the time taken on the legal appeal should be taken into account. The applicant may submit a complaint during the period established by the legislator:

  • preliminary;
  • the usual in full, laid down by law;
  • additional.

An additional claim shall indicate lost or reappeared facts with documentary evidence. Provided that they relate to the issue under consideration, it is impossible to raise other problems in the case. The judicial office will not accept conflicting justifications, but will meet the defendant if his rights have been affected and infringed.


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