How to pass level 498 (Planet of the Gems)

If you are familiar with the game “Planet of Gems”, in which it is necessary to make multi-colored stones in rows to get rows of the same color, then you most likely know that some levels in this game at first glance seem impassable. However, you can be sure that each level can be completed if you try hard and develop the right tactics. This article will focus on level 498. Gem Planet is a game in which there are a lot of level, and if you have already reached the 498th, then you should have a lot of tricks in stock. However, it is not enough to have them, they must also be used. So how do you get through level 498? "Planet of gems" will delight you with one of the most difficult puzzles in the game.

What is the purpose?

What will level 498 require of you? Gem Planet is a game in which each level has its own tasks that you will need to complete in order to proceed to the next. But in this case in most cases you will be limited by the number of moves. In this case, you need to break 28 solid blocks or 14 double solid blocks to complete the level and proceed to the next passage. It would seem that it is quite possible to implement, but the problem is that you only have thirty moves to do this. What to do? How to pass level 498? The Gem Planet is a project that will require you to take a significant share of logical thinking and planning, so it's time to figure out what you should pay attention to if you want to go through this level in thirty moves.

498 level planet of gems


The first thing you should take care of is totems. At the very beginning of the game, you can use them only in random situations, when you manage to add certain combinations of stones. At this level, you will be given five containers that need to be filled, breaking the gems of five different colors. Accordingly, it is necessary to use them on time and wisely. You should not try to pass the level without paying attention to the totems, since they are your main ally, and you should never turn a blind eye to them if you really want to learn how to pass the 498 level. Gem Planet is a game in which you should use every tool that is available to you, because these tools are never given for nothing.

how to pass level 498 gem planet

Rope Blocks

If you are trying to understand how to pass level 498 in the "Planet of Gems", then you should pay attention to the blocks with ropes, which will be an integral part of this level. This is a new obstacle that you need to learn to overcome effectively. To break such a block and gain access to the gem, you will need to first destroy the ropes, and it is not so easy to do this, since you will have to activate one block three times: the first time to untie one node, the second time to the second, and the third - in order to break the gem itself.

how to pass level 498 in the planet of gems

Double tiles

As mentioned earlier, here you will have to work not only with ordinary, but also with double blocks, and you should remember this. Double blocks have a golden hue, and if you blow it up, it will not become accessible, since under it will be a regular block. In this case, the problem is that in the lower part such blocks are separated by black holes, which do not allow you to deal with the problem effectively. So at the first opportunity, use the totem on the central gem in the bottom row to start destroying the bottom row of double tiles as soon as possible, and then the tiles that are hidden under them.

Unfortunately, this level largely depends on luck and how gems will drop out, but if you are guided by these tips, then significantly increase your chances of winning.


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