Bathhouse projects with a relaxation room and a terrace: types of projects and their features

A country house, nature and still necessarily a bath - these are the main advantages of individual construction. What kind of person did not hear that the bath gives health? In order for this to be true, the most environmentally friendly material for construction is taken - wood. One smell of the forest in the bath is dizzy, and the healing heat of anyone can put on its feet. And how good it is to sit on the terrace and drink herbal tea after hot procedures with an oak broom on a summer evening!

When a person decides to build a bath, the first question arises regarding the design and selection of material. It will not be difficult for someone to draw a perimeter for the planned object, while someone even dimly imagines where to start.

bath projects with relaxation room and terrace

Designs of a bathhouse with a relaxation room and a terrace (photos of objects are in our article) for anyone, even the most sophisticated consumer, will help to choose the dimensions, layout and material of the future building. To finally make a choice, it is worth exploring the topic in more detail.

What do you need to make a project?

When contacting specialists, it is necessary to clarify a number of issues that will allow to develop bathhouse projects with a relaxation room and a terrace with the highest quality:

  • Financial opportunities.
  • Planned number of visitors, intensity of use.
  • In what season will the building be operated.
  • What additional functionality I would like to receive. Attic arrangement, relaxation room, terrace.
  • Land restrictions.
  • What equipment is planned.
  • Type of steam room for a bath or sauna.

Answering these questions, you can create the design of the future structure. The most popular projects are baths with a relaxation room and a terrace.

The optimal set of rooms

In any bath there is a certain set of rooms:

  • Steam room.
  • Shower room
  • The locker room can also perform the function of a relaxation room).
  • Terrace (there is a wide variety of sizes).

To determine the size of the bath, you should first consider what makes up the steam room.

Steam room options

To calculate the size of this room, you need to understand how many people are planned for a simultaneous visit. But do not forget: the larger the steam room, the longer it will take to warm up. Based on these two data, the dimensions of the room are selected. The ceiling height should be in the range from 2.1 to 2.4 m. This parameter is selected depending on the growth of the tallest member of the family.

bath projects with a relaxation room and a terrace photo

The lengths of the walls are laid taking into account the placement of the stove-stove and deck chairs. The second set in 2-3 tiers. It looks from the side like steps, the height of which relative to each other is from 350 mm. The width of the shelves is done at its discretion, and also relies on the internal dimensions of the steam room. The length is laid from 1.8 m to the size of the tallest member of the family, so that he can lie comfortably, stretched out to his full height.

In general, avid bath attendants and experienced builders tend to reduce the floor area and increase the shelf space. Under the sunbeds, in order not to heat the wasted air, make a beveled lining. The use of metal decors and reflectors in the bath is strictly prohibited. On such items you can get a burn.

Typical bath sizes

Having decided on the main room - the steam room, the remaining area is distributed between the remaining rooms. Numerous ready-made bath projects with a relaxation room and a terrace clearly show the running dimensions of such rooms.

The optimal size range for the bath lies in the range from 4 x 4 to 6 x 6 m. But this does not mean that if your wishes go beyond the scope of this take-off, then the dream bath cannot be built. Dimensions can vary both up and down.

Types of bath terraces

To increase the recreation area, many began to make terraces. There are various options. As a rule, they will rely on your wishes. It can be very small open areas to set a table and chairs. And there may be large indoor spaces where, in addition to the tea party zone, a pool can also be located. Such bath projects with a relaxation room and a terrace (and a pool) are placed in our catalog of ready-made ideas. Imagine how great it is to visit a hot steam room to plunge into the cool water in the fresh air. Terraces with a pool are most often made with a canopy and closed. Basically, glass sliding walls are used for this, which can be installed later.

bath projects with a relaxation room and a terrace of blocks

Terraces can be open and closed, with and without canopies. It all depends on the wishes of the customer. This extension can be a beautiful design addition to the main building.

Features of foundation work

Designs of the bathhouse with a relaxation room and a terrace, presented in our catalog, were built most often on a columnar foundation. This significantly reduces costs at this stage of construction. Why exactly this kind of foundation? Everything is simple — the bath structures made of the materials recommended by us are quite light, so there is no point in laying a strip foundation.

One of the subtleties of this stage of work is that you need to immediately lay the foundation for both the bathhouse and the terrace. Then the building with the extension will be completed efficiently and on one level. Such designs will last a long time. It is undesirable to build the main building first, and then sew a terrace to it. Due to the difference in shrinkage, problems may arise with additional repairs during operation.

What to build walls from?

This question is one of the most popular. Material for construction is selected based on the wishes and capabilities of the client. There are several types of them: blocks, foam blocks, timber, logs. These types of material gained popularity due to their low price and light weight.

bath projects with a relaxation room and a bar terrace

The construction of walls made of bricks is not recommended, since in addition to a lot of weight, a more thorough foundation will be required. Plus, this material quickly heats up, that is, it will not be able to retain heat well, so you will have to additionally insulate the walls. Such projects come out much more expensive and less effective.

To help make a choice, it is worth considering in more detail each type of material, based on the designs of the bathhouse with a relaxation room and a terrace, the arrangement of which we made.

Block bath

For these types of walls, two types of foundations are recommended - columnar, as mentioned earlier, and tape shallow. This is due to the low weight of the structure. Gas blocks have several advantages:

  • The speed of walling due to the size of the material.
  • The porosity of the material gives it good thermal insulation properties with low weight.
  • Strength and durability. It does not decay, is not subject to chemical influences.
  • Environmental friendliness. The composition includes natural substances.

The projects of the bathhouse with a relaxation room and a terrace of blocks presented in our review clearly show that by making high-quality interior and exterior decoration, you can get a good-quality beautiful structure, while preserving all the important properties of a good Russian bath.

Foam block bath

The types of foundation for walls made of this material will be identical to the previous version. Designs of a bathhouse with a relaxation room and a terrace of foam blocks are quite economical. The main advantages are:

  • Low cost of material.
  • Lightweight construction.
  • High thermal insulation properties.
  • Resistance to mechanical stress.

bath projects with a relaxation room and a log terrace

The main disadvantage of this material is its hygroscopicity. But properly made internal and external waterproofing can easily cope with this problem. As the presented projects of the bathhouse with a relaxation room and a terrace of foam blocks show, the Russian tradition of a good steam bath is fully preserved.

Sauna from a bar

Of course, the traditional Russian bath is built of wood, because this is the place where people go for health. And it is nature that can give us a great mood and well-being. Designs of a bathhouse with a relaxation room and a terrace from a bar can surprise with variety. This is one of the most popular materials recently. The bar can be of several types:

  • Not planed. Such material will require a finish that can be made after shrinkage, the period of which is about 6 months. Shrinkage will occur due to the natural moisture of the material. But here there is a low price compared to other types.
  • Profiled. It is exposed to external processing, dried, due to this it gives a minimum of shrinkage. Walls of such material will not require additional decoration.
  • Glued. Also subjected to external processing. Thanks to this, it practically does not sit down, does not need additional decoration.

bath projects with relaxation room and terrace and pool

To the listed advantages of each type, you can add a number of common advantages:

  • Environmental friendliness. What could be more natural than natural material?
  • High thermal insulation properties.
  • Due to processing and obtaining material of the correct form, the speed of erection is increased significantly.
  • No need to caulk the walls.
  • If necessary, easily finished.
  • Optimum prices.
  • The foundation is used columnar, this allows you to make the weight of the walls.

The main disadvantage is susceptibility to the fungus, the effects of bugs and decay. But this can be avoided by treating the material with special compounds.

Log structures

This is a classic of the genre that has passed through the centuries. The bathhouse projects with a relaxation room and a log terrace, presented in our article, clearly show that the Russian people honor their traditions in everything, and in construction too.

The following can be said about buildings made of this material:

  • The foundation will fit columnar.
  • Profitability.
  • 100% eco-friendly material.
  • "Breathes."
  • Excellent heat and noise insulation.

Problem areas of the log can be avoided if you turn to professionals who correctly choose the material for the construction of walls and perform quality installation. But still, we highlight the following disadvantages:

  • Poorly dried material gives great shrinkage.
  • The complexity of installation.
  • Difficulties in further care.

bath projects with a relaxation room and a foam block terrace

In any case, log baths remain one of the most popular types. Despite this, a place for other types of materials remains. The main thing is to make the interior decoration efficiently.

Get the maximum pleasure from the rest, and even the health benefits will help the bathhouse. Therefore, this type of construction will always be popular. The quality of the constructed building will depend on how well the project is made, so this stage is best left to professionals.


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