How to turn in gold to a pawnshop: practical tips

Almost every house has unnecessary gold jewelry that is dead weight. An oversized ring, one earring, a torn chain, a deformed bracelet and other outdated things - all this can be profitably sold as scrap of precious metal. Whole products that no one has been wearing for a long time can also be exchanged for a bundle of notes. Moreover, sometimes money is needed so much that a person is ready to sell not only old and unnecessary gold, but also favorite jewelry dear to the heart.

Today we will consider in detail the question of how to turn in gold to a pawnshop, how to get a high price for jewelry and what to do in order not to be deceived.

how to turn in gold to a pawnshop

Pawnshops as an alternative to banks and microfinance organizations

Pawnshops are often turned not for the sale of precious metals, but for a loan secured by valuable property. In fact, a pawnshop is an analogue of a bank or microfinance organization, only more loyal to its customers.

What is the advantage of pawnshops? Banks issue loans at a relatively low interest, but obtaining a loan, even a small amount, takes a lot of time. Income certificates are required, a good credit history, plus recently, banks have begun to impose insurance, which increases the amount of return. About microfinance organizations, in principle, no one has ever heard anything positive, but they are famous for their gigantic interest and the removal of debts by force.

how to return gold to a pawnshop with a return reviews

Pawnshops in all respects are much better when you need to get money on the day of treatment for a short time. They require only one identity document and collateral. Moreover, they will not even require a return of the debt if the client for any reason could not repay it, because all their financial costs are offset by the sale of the collateral.

Gold accepted at the pawnshop

Before you hand over gold to a pawnshop, you need to understand whether they will accept it or not. In most cases, you can sell or mortgage:

  • precious metal household items;
  • jewelry in the form of scrap;
  • whole and paired jewelry.

What can not be surrendered

Not all gold can be handed over. Some things will not be accepted by customers, and for attempting to hand over a reclaimed precious metal, you can get a real criminal term. The following items cannot be sold in pawnshops and other purchases:

  • gold or other precious metal in nuggets, concentrates, plates, wire or parts;
  • prosthetics elements;
  • waste from precious metals in the form of chips and saw cuts;
  • Gold leaf;
  • orders and medals containing gold and other valuable metals;
  • gold in the form of laboratory parts and elements for industrial use;
  • semi-finished jewelry.
how to turn in gold to a pawnshop without a foreclosure reviews

Precious metal sale

How to transfer gold to a pawnshop without a refund? In fact, we are talking about regular sales. And it should be noted that a pawnshop is not the most profitable way of implementation. There are many other alternatives, for example, you can buy, a thrift store or a jewelry salon. However, sometimes pawnshops offer a good course - it depends on the particular institution. Therefore, before selling, you should contact several places in order to find out how much and where you can turn in the gold product.

If a more attractive offer was at the pawnshop, then the seller will need a passport and, if available, a certificate or a jewelry tag. The latter is not necessary, but with such papers there are fewer questions about the authenticity of the metal. They also indirectly confirm that the seller is the owner of a valuable property.

A passport is required. Firstly, in order to make sure that the seller is over 18 years old. Secondly, everyone who sells gold is recorded in a special register book.

How to transfer gold to a pawnshop without a buyback? In the presence of the client, the pawnshop worker weighs the gold and checks for the stigma. If there is no embossing, the receiver makes a small file on gold or checks the metal chemically, so that small traces remain on the product.

When the sample and weight are established, the pawnshop employee converts these parameters into monetary units, for example, if for 1 gram 585 samples offer 1,500 rubles, then a ring weighing 2 g will be estimated at 3,000 rubles.

How to return gold to a pawnshop with a return

In this case, gold is considered collateral, and the money issued is considered a loan. The loan amount depends on the market value of gold minus 10-30%, which the pawnshop pawns as insurance against non-payment of interest. That is, if you sell jewelry, it will be rated higher, while it is accepted as a security at a reduced rate. Moreover, the client may not take the entire amount offered by the pawnshop employee if he needs less money. The feasibility of this step is that you do not have to pay interest for a large loan amount.

The loan term is usually 30 days, then another 30 days there is a grace period during which the borrower can repay his property after paying the debt. The loan term largely depends on the desires and capabilities of the client, in addition, it can be extended - as agreed with the pawnshop an unlimited number of times.

security ticket

Important information: if the property remains mortgaged at the pawnshop, a security ticket is issued to the client. This is a registered document, the form of which is approved by the Government of the Russian Federation, and it displays all the information on the mortgaged property and the full cost of the loan. It is executed in two copies - one remains at the pawnshop, and the second at the owner of the pledge.

Ticket loss

What could happen the worst after handing over gold to a pawnshop with a return? According to consumer reviews, this is a loss of a security ticket. However, according to the assurances of the pawnshop employees, this is a completely solvable situation. If the security ticket is lost, stolen or not readable, you can get a copy of it. For this, a statement is written in the model that will be issued at the pawnshop, after which a duplicate will be issued to the owner of the collateral.

Important information: to obtain a duplicate of a security ticket, you need a passport, and it is issued only to the owner of the valuable property. If he does not have the opportunity to come on his own, then you need a legally issued power of attorney for another person.

Valuation of gold in a pawnshop

Before you hand over gold to a pawnshop, you need to clean it well. This rule applies to whole and paired jewelry, which can be sold not only by weight. For beautiful and new products you can always get a slightly better offer.

how to return gold to a pawnshop with a return

Stones do not affect the cost of the product. As a rule, their weight is subtracted from the total, and in fact the seller gives them free of charge. Therefore, if the stone is truly valuable, then you should find that pawnshop where they can appreciate it. Unfortunately, there are quite a few of them, due to the catastrophic shortage of specialists.

Also, practically no one accepts white gold, due to the fact that it is difficult to evaluate its authenticity. The white alloy is easily confused with both more expensive platinum and cheaper fakes. Therefore, products made of white gold are accepted only if they are in tandem with traditional yellow gold.

how to hand over gold to a pawnshop without redemption


How to transfer gold to a pawnshop without a ransom or on bail? Before you do this, you should weigh the pros and cons. Gold is a good long-term investment, while money will be spent instantly. In addition, there is a risk of running into dishonest buyers, with lowered rates for the purchase and high interest on the loan.

According to customer reviews of pawnshops, almost none of those who sold their gold complained about the deal. Although some felt that they had cheaper, and valuable metal could be sold more profitably.

Whereas customers who left gold on bail often remained dissatisfied. This situation is due to the fact that they did not evaluate their financial capabilities, and could not return the money on time. And all those payments that are possible go to pay interest. Thus, a vicious circle is obtained, which, however, is easy to break. You only need to find the strength to part with your favorite thing.

how to turn in gold to a pawnshop so that you don’t deceive

Useful Tips

How to hand over gold to a pawnshop, so as not to be deceived? There are some practical tips for this case:

  1. In pawnshops, where everything is in order with the law, the contract is always executed in duplicate.
  2. Before you donate gold to a pawnshop without a return, you need to look for more profitable options. Most of these establishments reduce the real price by almost 2 times.
  3. In the case of a loan, a pledge ticket must always be issued and issued. In the absence of this document, it may turn out that a person actually sold gold items for the small amount that he needed.
  4. The receiver is required to evaluate and weigh the gold in the presence of the client.
  5. Before you hand over gold to a specific purchase, you need to ask if they have a license for this type of activity.
  6. Be sure to read all the terms of the loan agreement. In any case, you will have to give more than was taken. But only in the contract can you find the real amount of interest for the entire period.
  7. It is necessary to correctly assess your financial capabilities and the degree of attachment to the decoration left as a pledge.


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