Quotes from "Twilight": statements about life, feelings and separation

Almost 10 years have passed since the moment when the first film of the famous vampire saga "Twilight" was released. The love story that arose between the ordinary young girl Bella Swan and the 100-year-old vampire Edward Cullen fell in love with many youth representatives and adults. The film was liked by the audience with sincerity of feelings, as well as the mysterious and supernatural side of life.

Not all fans of the vampire saga know that the films were made based on the books Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse and Dawn. Their author is Stephanie Mayer. Books before the release of films gained popularity. They were published in many countries of the world and quickly sold out in bookstores.

It is worth noting that all parts of Twilight contain a lot of beautiful quotes. Both in books and in films there are thoughts that make you reflect on the meaning of life, feelings, dreams, your own destiny.

The Vampire Saga Twilight

Death in the name of love

The first movie of the vampire saga begins with a beautiful monologue:

I used to think little about death, but, in my opinion, giving my life for a loved one is not the worst death.

These words are pronounced by the main character of the movie novel Bella Swan. A book quote from Twilight sounds a little different:

It is no doubt worth giving your life for another person, much less a loved one. This is even noble!

No matter how these words are spoken, they have one essence. When a loved one is in danger, you don’t think about yourself. You are ready to sacrifice everything. Your beloved is your life. Without it, you cannot imagine your continued existence. Named quotes from Twilight like a tape permeate the entire vampire saga. Edward and Bella constantly protect each other, not to be afraid to protect each other even when they face death.

Sheep and lion

- The lion fell in love with a sheep.

- Stupid sheep.

- A lion is just a masochist.

Viewers become witnesses of this conversation when watching the first movie of the vampire saga. This quote from the movie "Twilight" - a conversation between Edward and Bella at the moment when the young man reveals his secret, and the girl understands whom she fell in love with. A vampire calls himself a lion for the reason that he has a very powerful force. There is no such person or beast on the whole planet who could cope with him.

But Bella understands that her actions, from the point of view of the mind, are not entirely correct, therefore she speaks of herself as a stupid sheep. She is associated with the supernatural side of life, hidden from the eyes of ordinary people and is extremely dangerous. However, this young girl is not at all scared. Only a single fear torments her. She is afraid of losing Edward.

Edward Cullen and Bella Swan

The pain of parting

In the second part of the vampire saga, a sad event occurred. Edward Cullen informed Bella of the desire to part with her. The conversation between them took place in the forest. The vampire spoke very convincingly that he did not need a girl. Bella believed him, but could not come to terms with such an end. Edward left, leaving the girl in the forest. The words of her beloved hurt her so much that she lost her senses.

Parting is always pain, tears, experiences. When a loved one quits, your soul loses peace. You cannot erase from your memory those happy moments when you were together. Sometimes it begins to seem that you are slowly and painfully dying of loneliness, heartache. Bella experienced similar feelings. The book describes her thoughts:

Time is running. It goes against all odds. Even when any movement of the second hand causes pain, like blood throbbing in a bruise. It goes unevenly: either it gallops, then it stretches like maple syrup. And yet it goes. Even for me.

However, not only Bella faced the pain of separation. Edward felt the same way. He did not part with the girl because he did not love her. He took such a step for the sake of her safety, but after a while the two halves reunited again, passing through dangerous trials. In the book, Edward admitted that life without Bella was some kind of ridiculous existence. Here is a quote from Twilight:

Bella, before you my life seemed a moonless night, dark, illuminated only by the radiance of stars - the sources of common sense. And then ... then you flashed across the sky with a bright meteor. It flashed and lit everything around, I saw the splendor and beauty, and when you disappeared beyond the horizon, my world again plunged into darkness. Nothing seems to have changed, but, blinded by you, I no longer saw the stars, and everything lost its usual meaning.

Friendship or love?

Jacob's feelings

To sacrifice everything for Bella to be there ... Not only Edward, but Jacob is ready for this. In the third film of the vampire saga “Eclipse”, a young werewolf with an athletic body confesses to Bella in love and asks her to choose him, not a vampire.

In one of the conversations with the girl, Jacob talks about imprinting - the feeling that all werewolves feel when they meet their soul mate and fall in love with her for life:

This is more than “roofing” ... When you see her, and everything changes. And it turns out that it is not gravity that keeps you on the planet, but it. Everything else is nothing, and you will do anything, become anyone for her sake.

Jacob probably thinks he's captured with Bella. This is confirmed by numerous quotes from all parts of the movie "Twilight". But the werewolf does not even suspect that he is still ahead. The love of his life (Renesmee - the daughter of Bella and Edward) has not even been born.

Capturing Jacob with Renesmee

Bella admits that she loves Jacob, but she has more strong feelings for Edward. She is ready to give her soul and become a vampire in order to be close to her chosen one. The girl is not afraid that after the transformation she will feel the desire to kill for blood. She is ready to enter a world that she is not entirely familiar with:

I always did not step in the foot, literally stumbled over life. I was not normal. I'm crazy. I will be like that. I faced death, loss and pain in your world, but I felt stronger, more real, myself. This is my world, too, because I'm from there.

Forever together

The first step to eternal love, Edward and Bella took, having played a wedding. Standing at the altar, the lovers promised to support each other in wealth and poverty, in illness and health, to love each other until death did not part. Bella got married as a man. The Cullen family should have turned the girl into a vampire after the honeymoon of the newlyweds. However, plans collapsed when it became known about Bella's pregnancy. None of the Cullen family knew what kind of child could be born, and whether he threatens the girl’s life. Edward and Alice were against the fact that Bella kept the pregnancy, but the future vampire wanted the baby to be born.

Bearing a child was extremely difficult. Bella during this period lost a lot of weight. The fetus literally sucked life out of it. During childbirth, she died. In desperation, Edward injected his poison from a syringe directly into her lover's heart, and made several bites on her body. A gradual transformation began. When Bella woke up, she saw the world in a new way. What was previously hidden from her gaze has now become apparent.

Quotes from the movie Twilight

After the rebirth, the young vampire had to go through many trials: learn to control herself, prepare for a meeting with the Volturi clan, do everything possible for the safety of her daughter Renesmee. Bella coped with all this, and in her life with Edward began a white streak.

“We will still have time.”

- A month of Sundays.

- Eternity ...

This quote from Twilight is a conversation between lovers, which serves as the ending of the vampire saga. Seeing the main characters, we understand that a happy life awaits Edward and Bella, as well as Renesmee and Jacob, in which there is no place for previous fears and worries.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E17408/

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