Catarrhal sore throat in children. Catarrhal sore throat: antibiotic treatment, reviews

catarrhal sore throat in children

Many modern parents often encounter a child’s disease such as catarrhal sore throat (a photo of the throat with this disease can be seen in various medical literature), and do not know what it is and how to treat it. Unpleasant symptoms can appear in the cold season. A particular exacerbation of the disease is observed in autumn and winter, when the immunity of children is reduced compared to the summer period, when many vitamins are consumed and there are favorable conditions for active leisure at any time of the day.

Catarrhal sore throat in children occurs against the background of viral infections, as well as due to hypothermia. This form of manifestation is not too dangerous and characterizes only the initial stages of inflammatory processes, which can go into more serious forms if treatment measures are not taken in time.

Catarrhal sore throat and its causes

catarrhal sore throat in children treatment

The main causative agents of the disease are pathogenic bacteria, viral microbes, staphylococci and streptococci. Inflammatory processes of the larynx can be the result of caries, sinusitis, otitis media, adenoids and even overwork and violation of the regime. Therefore, before you begin to take any measures, it is worth visiting a doctor and find out the cause of angina.

Medical indicators of the presence of the disease are dry mouth in the absence of a runny nose, enlarged tonsils and a bright color of the larynx. Inflammatory processes of the trachea can be accompanied by fever and swollen lymph nodes. It is worth noting that catarrhal sore throat in children, whose treatment is almost always based on taking antibiotics, is much more difficult than in adults.

How is angina in children

Features of the course of catarrhal sore throat in babies and adults vary significantly, therefore, many mothers and fathers cannot recognize an insidious disease in time, exacerbating the situation.

The main preventive measures against sore throat are frequent walks in the fresh air, hardening in order to increase immunity, physical preparation of the body.

catarrhal sore throat photo throat

A child can catch microbes and get sick in a kindergarten or in a public place due to their spread by airborne droplets.

Catarrhal sore throat in children is the first signal to take the most stringent preventive measures to increase immunity immediately after recovery. It is impossible not to respond to inflammatory processes in the larynx, as they can result in the development of arthritis, kidney disease and the cardiovascular system.

You can notice the development of catarrhal sore throat in the presence of a mucous membrane in the tongue, which is easily removed from it, and also in the bright red larynx.

During the development of symptoms of angina, the baby needs strict bed rest, frequent and plentiful warm sweet drink, as well as treatment of the larynx with anti-inflammatory sprays intended only for children - the doctor should prescribe them after examining the patient.

Komarovsky about angina

rinse with angina

The well-known kind doctor Komarovsky characterizes catarrhal sore throat as a sudden and acute disease. Viral illness can be transmitted from the carrier by airborne droplets. A weakened body is an excellent environment for the development of streptococci, especially when the baby has not yet recovered from another cold.

Komarovsky orientates all parents in the direction of the easy course of the disease due to the correct measures of providing first aid to the patient. If the parents are negligent in treating such a diagnosis as angina, Komarovsky says that they may subsequently have the result of the development of a child’s many complications in the body - diseases of the kidneys, heart, joints and a number of ailments.

Treatment of catarrhal sore throat

So how to treat catarrhal sore throat? The main provisions for getting rid of it are bed rest and drinking plenty of water. The more fluid the patient uses, the faster the healing process will begin. When there is a sore throat in the absence of temperature and the child’s appetite, it must be fed in small portions and preferably rubbed food, so as not to create pain in the larynx. If this condition is not taken into account, the child may refuse to eat food at all due to fear of an emerging cutting sore throat.

Drugs that must be taken with angina

how to treat catarrhal sore throat

During the initial timely detected stage of the development of the disease, the inflammatory process can be stopped using the combined drugs Biseptol, Septrin, Bactrim, Streptocid. If the child has an elevated body temperature, treatment should begin with a decrease in it by taking Paracetamol, Ibuprofen, Nurofen or Aspirin, and then continue the medical procedures with Loratadin, Suprastin, " Diazolin "," Tavegil ".

It should be remembered that the medication should be prescribed by the attending physician, who examined the child and made the diagnosis.

To support the baby’s immunity, you can independently give him a vitamin complex, which is available in the house, without fail with the content of vitamin C.

When to call a doctor

Many parents, not knowing that the child has caught a sore throat, can’t take the necessary measures when she begins to present unpleasant surprises related to the baby’s health. So, in order not to aggravate the situation with the development of inflammatory processes, it is necessary to call a doctor at home in the following cases and with such symptoms:

  • pain in the larynx of the child does not go away for several days;
  • the baby refuses to drink and eat;
  • it is impossible to bring down an elevated body temperature;
  • throat walls were covered with white and yellow spots, reminiscent of tearing away mucus;
  • the child's voice became coarse and hissing;
  • it is difficult for the patient to swallow food and breathe.

After recovery, you should not immediately send the baby to kindergarten or school, since the catarrhal sore throat in children, whose treatment is not very fast, significantly violates the immune system. A weakened body can again catch this disease. During the recovery period, great attention should be paid to sleep and walking in the fresh air, as well as to a diet rich in healthy and light diet foods.

Is it worth taking antibiotics for this disease?

catarrhal sore throat antibiotic treatment

If the child has catarrhal sore throat, treatment (antibiotics) should be prescribed by a doctor. But for small and preschool children, antibiotics are undesirable. The decision on their appointment is made by the doctor after conducting a test to determine the causative agent of inflammatory processes in the larynx.

Catarrhal sore throat in children is often accompanied by pain, which Hexoral, Faringo Spray, and Orasept Sprays can help relieve.

Gargling with decoctions prepared on the basis of oak bark, chamomile and sage will also help get rid of inflammation. The treatment of tonsils with iodinol solution can alleviate the patient's condition.

With the development of sore throat, the child should not be given hot food and drink, as well as applying warm compresses to the throat , which will only cause blood flow and increase inflammation, causing a complication of the disease.

Raspberry jam and linden homemade tea with honey in small proportions are excellent helpers in overcoming catarrhal sore throats.

angina komarovsky

Rinsing with angina, and what solutions can be prepared

The following solutions are shown:

  • manganese - a glass of faint pink water;
  • alkaline salt - a teaspoon of soda and a teaspoon of salt are dissolved in 250 ml of water;
  • sea ​​- a teaspoon of sea salt is dissolved in one glass of water;
  • hydrogen - in one glass of water one tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide dissolves;
  • herbal - tincture of mint, chamomile, sage, thyme and linden.

An indispensable tool in the treatment of tonsillitis is radish, infused with honey, and propolis.

In conclusion - about possible complications

Catarrhal sore throat in children is an insidious disease that can result in dire consequences if treatment was not prescribed on time. Such can be frequent repeated outbreaks of the development of inflammatory processes of the larynx with the slightest hypothermia, chronic tonsillitis, rheumatism, disturbances in the cardiovascular system.

If something like this happens to the child’s body after the illness, you should immediately contact the clinic to take tests and an ECG, in no case should you be vaccinated and Mantoux, according to the adopted schedule of vaccinations for children.


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