Air sweetness: candy floss machine for the home

Many people associate the caramel smell of cotton candy with a holiday, a visit to the circus, amusement park, and happy childhood. This is an extremely simple dish. Of the required ingredients there is only one product. And how many emotions he can cause! Due to the simplicity of the goodies, it can be cooked at home, adding a little imagination in the manufacturing process.

Reviews for Candy Floss Machine for Home


Candy floss can be colored (the tint is achieved by the addition of food coloring) and classic white. It can be sold both on a stick and in a bag or special packaging. Flavoring and flavoring agents can give it a touch of lemon, strawberry, apple and other fruit. But the basic recipe remains unchanged.

Candy floss machine for home made in Russia

What is needed to make goodies?

For cooking, you should take:

  • 200 g of sugar;
  • 100 g of water;
  • ten drops of table vinegar.

Pour sugar into a pan with a thick bottom, pour acidified liquid. With constant stirring, bring the mass to a boil, and then remove from heat, cool slightly and put on fire again. Thus, it is necessary to achieve the state of a solid large ball of light brown color. To avoid these cooking steps, you can purchase a special composition for the candy floss machine for the home. It is granulated sugar with flavoring, aromatic and color additives, however, its cost can reach up to 2500 rubles per kilogram.

Candy floss

Candy floss making machines

There are many similar units on the market for both catering and personal use. Mostly Chinese and Polish production. There are also candy floss machines for a Russian-made house. Examples of them are the goods of the Tver factory. From Russian companies it is easier to find overall machines. When choosing, you need to pay attention to:

  • bowl material (the best option is metal);
  • the presence of a protective cap (it ensures accurate operation);
  • reliability of electrical components.

The price of a candy floss machine for a home varies and depends on the manufacturer and the capacity of the unit. You can find budget cars for 700 rubles, one and a half thousand and five thousand rubles. They are united in that they are small appliances suitable for home use. It is necessary to adhere to the formulation of manufacture described in the attached instructions.

How to make candy floss at home without an apparatus

How to make candy floss at home without an apparatus

Of course, it is good if the machine does most of the work. But what if you don’t have the opportunity to buy a candy floss machine for your home, but would you like sweets right now? Then there is the opportunity to make this dessert with your own hands. Equipment is not required so much, but dexterity and a love of experimentation is required. For the base on which we will crystallize sugar, take a fork, a bamboo stick or a paper tube. Use either an assistant to hold the tool, or some item to support the base.

Be extremely careful, since the temperature of such a composition is about 130 degrees. Keep it away from exposed parts of the body. Work surfaces should also be protected from sweet threads. Although the composition is easily washed, a brief enjoyment is not worth an hour of cleaning. After preparing the syrup according to the recipe indicated above, dip a whisk in it for whipping (or a fork) and apply fibers of sucrose crystals to the base in a circular motion. If necessary, you can lightly crush them with your hand to control the splendor of the dessert. The quality of the resulting product will depend on the quality of the caramel (the thread should easily stretch) and the skill of the cook. But with due diligence, as we see, the candy floss machine for the home can be completely replaced with the simplest kitchen equipment.

Secrets and features

There are several secrets to making this dessert, either alone or with a candy floss machine for the home.

Candy floss machine price for home
  1. If after making the dessert you have a little syrup left, do not rush to get rid of it. Remember the roosters on a stick - the delicacy is too simple, not having its former popularity today, but still very tasty. If you do not have a special container for making candy, you can take any heat-resistant cookie molds, use small-sized dishes: mugs, bowls, or even parchment paper. For convenience, you can insert sticks (for example, from ice cream) in molds. Lubricate the form with sunflower oil, pour caramel. Soon the mass will freeze and be ready for use.
  2. You can add some medicinal herbs to hot sugar so that this treat is not only tasty, but also healthy (mint leaves, sage). It will have the same effect as throat lozenges.
  3. To make a fruit-flavored dessert, you need to either take a ready-made syrup or make it yourself. Freshly squeezed juice can be used for fruits that have a bright flavor like lemon. If you add the essence to the composition of the mixture, you can get new shades of taste, shade the sugary sweetness of sourness.
  4. It has long been proven that taste is born not only in our tongue, but also in the head. If you add a little the appropriate color using food coloring in the syrup, this will make the dish more elegant and will delight children and adults.


When choosing a unit, it is better to be guided by reviews of candy floss machines for home, so as not to repeat other people's mistakes. Negative opinions are more informative, they can prepare for possible troubles in advance. If there is no desire to pay for such units, then prepare this dessert yourself, but be careful when working with hot caramel. Create new tastes, don't be afraid of experiments.


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