How to do the drainage around the house with your own hands?

Building a house is a responsible occupation. It is important to calculate everything to the smallest detail, to take into account a lot of nuances. One cannot do without knowledge of building laws. Drainage around the house will need to be equipped not always. Such work will need to be performed if:

  • the structure will be in lowland areas;
  • the terrain is characterized by marshy soil;
  • site location - river floodplain;
  • the future house will be built next to the reservoir.

The task is real!

Arrangement of drainage around the house is really possible to do yourself. It is possible to drain the local area with your own hands, taking into account the features of this activity. After carefully studying the recommendations on this topic, the drainage device around the house will be a success. The tips outlined below will help to qualitatively implement the task.

Remove moisture

To make the drainage around the house with your own hands as good as possible, you need to do the drainage of the territory from groundwater, which are too close to the top layer of the earth. Such a need would not exist if the water flowed no higher than 2.5 m. Then the surface is considered dry, not requiring the arrangement of drainage around the house.

But in cases where the flow of water is observed above 1.5 m, this helps to reduce the bearing capacity of the soil, it becomes unstable. Therefore, the future structure in such a situation is at significant risk. Waterlogged soil contains too much water. Then the foundation can settle. It will be risky to build a basement or basement type, there is a risk that the foundation will settle, cracks will appear on the walls.

Buildings around the house

Process characteristic

Doing the drainage around the house with your own hands consists in draining the territory where the construction is planned to be erected. It will be necessary to remove water at least along the perimeter, optimally - along the edge of the entire territory where the yard will be located. You will need to dig channels. It is important to arrange them with a certain slope, a width of 50 to 70 cm.

What calculation depends on how deep the channel should be? Calculations are made depending on individual measurements. The main goal of the work is to ensure that groundwater flows under the site without going outside. It will be necessary to work hard to solve such a problem. Consider the features of laying drainage with a step-by-step description of the process.

Detailed description

The drainage around the house should be the same in depth with the base of the foundation. The sequence of work will be as follows:

  1. A ditch is excavated 2-3 meters from the building.
  2. The clay layer is being laid with a thickness of 15 to 20 cm, it is important to provide a groove-like shape to the groove.
  3. A medium-sized stone is carefully laid out on top to form the sides.
  4. The formation of the arch is provided by large stones.
  5. A layer of 25-30 cm of gravel or gravel is laid on the arch.
  6. A layer of soil dug during the creation of the ditch is poured on top, so that water can flow freely into the capacity of the tray and from there move along the arranged gutter.
Original design solution

Tips for getting proper drainage

The reliability of the house depends on the proper arrangement of drainage around the house with their own hands. The operation can be carried out using the most modern methods. To do this, you need to purchase the necessary number of drainage pipes created from specially designed for this material with a smooth surface of the inner wall. This characteristic will increase the rate of fluid flow. For the outer layer, it is important that it has a corrugated structure, which will provide rigidity and strength. Pipes must be laid at a depth of at least 5 meters.

Description of the drainage device

Proper drainage around the house should be done as follows:

  • The placement of drainage trenches is necessarily carried out on the territory where there will be no buildings. They must be combined using a common water collection pipe. The flow outlet is organized in the direction of the street cuvette.
  • The drainage system of the drainage system around the house on clay soils is laid at an angle of 2-3 degrees. Separate elements are used, for the production of which pipes with a diameter of 100 or 150 mm are used. The length of this kind of pipe hire should not exceed 20 meters. It is necessary to dig a trench, the slope of which must be directed to the catchment.
  • To fill the surface above the pipe, large gravel is used, the layer of which should be at least 20 cm. A layer of ordinary soil is laid on top.
  • If you need to direct the drainage network in the opposite direction from the street, under the site you will need to build a place where water can collect. The sides of the tank should be 2 by 4 m, the requirement for the walls is strict verticality.

It is important to consider that the process of laying a groundwater removal system is not simple and cheap. The problem of the existence of groundwater makes construction more costly. But ignoring the problem is not recommended, so as not to risk the strength of the whole house.

The drainage system must be inclined.

Difficulties with laying water pipes should not arise. If you have questions, you can always get advice from the company where you purchased pipe hire. It provides a staff of specialists involved in the creation of a drainage system.

Features of the organization of drainage using pipes

Knowing how to make drainage around the house, you will not need to spend extra money on ordering services from professionals. Indeed, for construction, every penny will not be superfluous. Consider the features of the use of pipes.

We offer a list of the main stages of work.

  1. Dig the grooves manually or using construction equipment. Depth should reach from 40 to 60 cm.
  2. Take care of removing debris, checking evenness with a ruler or sporting level.
  3. Fill the bottom of the trench with a sand layer, the thickness of which should be from 5 to 7 cm. Drain pipes are laid on this layer, each of which must be connected using tees or fittings.
  4. A layer of gravel is poured over the pipes. Care must be taken to lay the geotextile film, which ensures the durability of the use of the entire drainage system. A layer of soil should be poured from above, which will level the ditch with the surface.

Important Tips

It is advisable to take care of applying a drainage scheme to the master plan of the house. Ready drainage must not be damaged. After all, over time, the owners can plan the construction of personal buildings. Such a scheme will preserve the integrity of the structure.

It is not necessary to use pipes to create a water drainage system.

need to dig a trench

Other reasons for arranging a drainage system

For owners of private real estate, the behavior of the waters that flood the site when it rains or melts can be an unpleasant surprise. It is also very difficult to move on wet ground, if the site is clay type soil. But do not despair - the situation is fixable. Modern construction achievements will help to create the most comfortable conditions.

Drainage around the house with your own hands on clay soils consists in installing drainage drains on both sides of the paths.

Design ponds

In addition to the withdrawal of drainage flow outside the territory of the site, it is possible to solve the problem of groundwater in an original way - to turn the problem into a masterpiece of design skill. Water can drain into an artificial reservoir with a depth corresponding to the size of the drainage system.

It is important to take care of the compaction of the walls of this pond with crushed clay, to put several layers of waterproofing from a special modern material - hydrostekloizol.

Original design solution

Then the walls can be laid out of bricks, natural stone, concrete. Water-loving plants are used to decorate the shores.

It is advisable to develop a house plan after creating a groundwater drainage system.

Well and drainage requirements

There are a number of mandatory requirements that apply to pipes and wells. When wondering how to properly drain around a house, pay attention to such features. The classical scheme is characterized by the laying of a drain, covering the perimeter of the entire structure, always with a slope. The use of a two-layer drainage type of pipes on which perforation is applied is recommended. The rigidity of such building materials should be from SN6. There are simple arguments to explain why such a choice - the uneven surface of pipes with a soft texture - attracts pollution.

The choice of rigid pipes for arranging the drainage system will help to achieve evenness of the layer, saving drainage from silt overgrowth and pollution. If there is no way to stock up with finished pipes - this is not a problem. Try to make them yourself - apply a perforated pattern.

The right angles of the drainage system through one must be provided with inspection and inspection wells. They are built 10-12 m from one another, using long straight sections for this purpose.

The purpose of the inspection well is that it additionally provides sludge collection. For the successful implementation of this function, it is necessary that the level of the bottom of the well relative to the drain is placed 0.2 meters lower.

Do not strive for all bends to be littered with revision wells. There is no need for this. But their presence in sufficient quantities will allow cleaning pipes in a bilateral direction.

To turn the pipe without using a well, the use of bends with sockets is practiced, the main characteristic of which is flexibility. To make such a well, you need to take a chopped plastic pipe or buy an already finished product. Pay attention to the diameter of the pipe; it must be sufficient so that it can be cleaned.

We proceed to the arrangement of the lower section of the drainage ditch - the installation of a collector well, which combines all the drains. What materials are used for this purpose? There is a choice between concrete rings and special-purpose plastic containers.

The system operates in this way - after installing the drainage pump in the collector, it can efficiently pump water and direct it through pipes to a ravine or pond. It is necessary to ensure the presence of check valves on the pipes. And if the drainage pump suddenly suddenly breaks, the outflow of water from the well in the opposite direction will be impossible.

Organization of a collector-type well made of polymers

Material saving issues should not be paramount in the process of constructing a drainage collector. It is important to ensure that the valves are protected against silt deposits that threaten damage to the pump.

It’s not so difficult to dig a trench yourself. If you are not self-confident, you can invite assistants. Excavation equipment - an excavator can accelerate the process, if there are no other assistants. Preparing to start work, ensure that:

  • cars, with which you will transport soil and other bulk materials;
  • tamper;
  • hacksaws for metal, which will help to cut pipes.
On-site drainage system

Get the listed materials:

  • Drains, which can be replaced with ordinary sewer pipes, with a diameter of 100 to 150 mm. Holes are drilled in them. There is an option to use factory perforated products that are produced specifically to create a drainage system.
  • Several options for flexible bends or couplings to rotate pipes in a curved section.
  • Cut large diameter plastic pipes. An alternative is to use factory-made plastic inspection wells.
  • Pieces of geotextile material, gravel, sand.
  • Cord, laser type level.
    Layout of the drainage system

To summarize

Given a number of these features, you can create your own drainage system on the site. It is important to remember that the drainage should be arranged with a slight slope - from 50 to 70 cm wide. The drainage depth should be the same with the bottom of the foundation. Lay pipes at a depth of 5 m. Put a drainage scheme on the master plan of the house. Develop a house plan after creating a drainage system. The diameter of the pipe should be sufficient so that the pipes can be cleaned. Check valves are important.

We hope that the information presented on how to do drainage around the house will be useful to people interested in the successful implementation of such a task.


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