All about the variety of cucumbers Lutoyar

The closer the spring, the more hassle associated with the garden or cottage. It is important to take care of the choice of seeds, preparation of seedlings and much more. Breeders keep up with the times and delight with new inventions. We will talk about one of them in this article. We are talking about the variety of cucumbers Lutoyar - quite young, but firmly entrenched in the horticultural industry. We will share its description, advantages and features of cultivation.

Grade description

Cucumber Lutoyar

Cucumber Lutoyar is a hybrid of various cucumber varieties produced by Turkish breeders (Yuksel Sids company). The fruits of this variety belong to the gherkin species due to the small size. The maximum length of the cucumber does not exceed 13 centimeters, with a diameter of 3 centimeters and a mass of about 100 grams. Dark green cylindrical greenbacks are covered with large tubercles with white spikes. Crispy white flesh of high density with small seeds under a thin but strong skin does not have voids. This variety has an average ripening time of about fifty days from the time of planting. The full nomenclature name is cucumber Lutoyar F1. Its bushes grow medium-branched, with dark green leaves of small size. The type of flowering plant is female.

Grade Benefits

Cucumber Lutoyar f1

Cucumber Lutoyar is one of the best varieties for sale, since it perfectly tolerates long-term storage and transportation, while maintaining its presentation and taste. Due to its small size, this hybrid is mainly used for canning, but also in the fresh form pleases with its taste. Almost all gardeners who at least once cultivated Lutoyar cucumber in their area noted a high yield and resistance to various diseases such as gray and white rot. A special advantage of this variety is the ability to get two crops per season during rainy summers. From one bush you can collect at least 20 cucumbers, which is equivalent to about 7 kilograms. Sudden changes in temperature are not afraid of this hybrid either - it easily adapts to any changes in weather conditions. A high resistance to cucumber mosaic, bacteriosis and powdery mildew makes the variety virtually invulnerable to various troubles.

Growing Features

Growing cucumbers

Cucumber Lutoyar can be planted both in open ground and in closed. The methods and technologies for planting this hybrid on the site are no different from any other cucumbers. The main conditions necessary for their cultivation are light, loose soil and a well-lit, sheltered from the wind site. You should not often plant cucumbers - more than three bushes per square meter. Breeders recommend observing a planting density of 2.2-2.3 shrubs per square meter. Either seeds or pre-grown seedlings are planted in prepared soil.

Caring for Lutoyar cucumbers is also quite usual and consists in evening watering, periodic weeding and fertilizing with fertilizers. But you need to pick the fruits with caution. It is advisable to do this with gloves, because cucumbers are so prickly that they will easily scratch your hands during the collection process.


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