Vacations in Baku in October: weather, sea, reviews

Vacation in Baku in October is interesting for travelers. The city is the capital of Azerbaijan, here you can find many attractions. The monetary unit of the state is manat (equal to 100 qepiks). We will tell you what prices in Baku are for food, transportation and housing.

in baku in october

Financial subtleties

After arriving in Baku in October (and in any other month), you need to quickly change the funds for manats. Some large shopping centers and high-end restaurants accept euros and dollars. However, paying in local shops, for taxis and cafe-bars you need only local currency. Coins of small denomination will be needed to visit the bazaars. You can exchange both rubles and dollars with euros. There is no need to contact private traders. Currency exchange is best done at a bank or exchange office. Numerous supermarkets and banks have ATMs where it is possible to withdraw funds.

weather in baku october

Food prices in Baku

For food prices are very low. Dairy is the same as in the Russian Federation. Brown bread costs about twenty qepiks. Cheese - about two manats, apples - seventy qepiks per kilogram, and potatoes - ninety qepiks per kilogram.

What do travelers in Baku get

Tourists bring home a variety of gifts. In order to buy magnets with the image of a resting place, it will take three to four manats. Cards with attractive city landscapes cost two manats. Hand embroidery costs about twenty-five manats, and silk shawls - ten manats. We can say that prices in Baku are low.

prices in baku


An excursion tour in Baku in October can be ordered online. In the city itself, they can also offer various and affordable programs.

Excursions are offered by all city tour operators and hotel guides without exception. Programs can be found in different durations: from a few hours to a couple of days.

A trip to Baku for a weekend from Moscow costs about 30 thousand rubles. This price includes accommodation, meals and a sightseeing tour. A tourist trip can be picked up online.

Sightseeing, as a rule, is carried out by bus, although it is possible to find pedestrian options. The best excursion is a sightseeing tour, within its framework tourists can see the most popular places in Baku. Fascinating is a trip through the Old Town with a tour of the medieval forts. Travelers will love mosques, temples, monasteries, nature reserves and ancient castles.

baku october reviews

Weather in Baku in October

The capital of Azerbaijan has the most glorious weather in the first week of October. The temperature in Baku in October during the daytime is 25-30 ° C, at night it is 18-23 ° C above zero.

Then, with slight cooling and warming, the temperature gradually decreases, by the end of October in the daytime it is no longer hotter than 21-22 degrees, and at night the thermometer column in some cases drops to 10-12. In October, it is still possible to observe people on the beaches of Baku (not in the city itself, you still have to go to the beach), but the water in the sea is cold, approximately + 22 ° C in early October and up to 16-17 ° C by the last days of the month. Even if the weather in Baku in October is rainy, this does not interfere with rest.


In the city center, they almost do not swim in the sea: both the water is dirty and the beaches will not please. Here they just walk along the embankments, breathe the sea air, but love to swim and sunbathe in the villages of the Absheron peninsula.
The sea is cleaner there, the water is clear throughout the year. It is dirty only near the shore, because the sand rises from the bottom when walking and settles very slowly. Most of the beaches are clean enough, they are tidied up, although exceptions, unfortunately, are always and everywhere.

What else can be done in October?

Those who visited Baku in October leave different reviews. They say that love is in the air. This place is an order of magnitude better than other cities, suitable for a honeymoon. The gentle sun, the sea of ​​fruits and clean beaches. What else does?

Those who visited Baku in October say that this is a city where it is pleasant to walk at a slow pace, enjoy the streets of the old city and the colossal buildings of our time. Baku is bewitching, falls in love with itself once and for a lifetime! For this reason, dressing is necessary according to the weather, so that absolutely nothing distracts you from walking.

temperature in baku in october

Seasonal fruits in Baku in October

The nature in this area is rich. To make sure of this, you just need to visit the central market of Baku. How many fruits and vegetables are here! Eyes run up. However, the most impressive variety of types of pomegranate. Autumn is the period of its ripening, real Azerbaijani, the weather in Baku in October only helps the fruit grow. Walking around the bazaar, you can eat plenty of pomegranate without even buying it. Near each counter give it a try.

Local merchants treat and urge you to buy delicious pomegranate juice. As it turned out, what is sold in bottles in our stores is very far from the local real juice. In October, persimmon also begins to ripen, appetizing and very useful.

What holidays can I find in Baku in the fall, in October?

In continuation of the story of pomegranate, you definitely need to tell about the triumph dedicated to this fruit. The October Pomegranate Festival in Baku is a classic annual holiday. This is one of the most popular events of the year. Local residents of the country are gathering for it, and in addition, travelers from Turkey, the Russian Federation, Georgia, Italy. During the celebration, without exception, they try pomegranates, juice.

Surely you do not even suspect how many types of pomegranate grows in this state. As part of this festival, various sporting events are held, you can watch the performances of state song and dance ensembles. Guests always really like the extraordinary action that takes place on this holiday. It is called "To Each Grenade."

And in October, you can become a member of a public holiday in this country. October 18, Azerbaijan’s Independence Day is celebrated here . In honor of this, many interesting events dedicated to this celebration take place in Baku.

tours in baku in october

Are there many tourists here in October?

By the first half of October, the number of tourists is reduced by almost half compared to how many vacationers there are in July-August, although tours in Baku in October are much cheaper. And this gives travelers a huge number of advantages.

Firstly, you can easily and without waiting in line to inspect and photograph all the interesting places and attractions. All museums and exhibitions work without exception.

Secondly, the cost of housing at this time is quite low. And this is a big plus. However, even at this time you should not rely on empty roads. Baku is a modern large city, one of the most expensive in the CIS. In this metropolis, financial forums, conferences and other large-scale events are held at any time of the year.


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