Unique Shadow Knitting Patterns

One of the many knitting techniques that are distinguished by their ease of execution and original appearance is shadow patterns.

Execution technique

Shadow patterns with knitting needles are perhaps the most interesting kind of knitting. It is so simple that even a novice can handle it. With a simple alternation of the front and back loops, shadow patterns are created with knitting needles. Patterns of these mono patterns can be found on the Internet, you can use the ready-made scheme of single-color embroidery or create it yourself. The main thing is that the picture was large enough. Simple execution of the pattern creates amazing paintings.

Shadow knitting patterns

As you can see, simple shadow patterns with knitting needles are very easy to use. If the scheme is designed specifically for this type of technology, then on it most often only front rows are indicated. At the same time, in the odd (front) rows, the pattern is knitted with facial loops, and its background is tied with the wrong surface.

As for the even (wrong) series, then there can be two versions. The technique of knitting the wrong side depends on the complexity and fullness of the picture. In the first case, the loops of the back row are knitted strictly according to the pattern, and in the second case, when the pattern is not intricate, absolutely all the loops are knitted with the wrong stitch.

If the wrong side is knitted according to the second scheme, then the picture looks more voluminous. When shadow patterns are made with knitting needles according to the second scheme, the pattern from the face is embossed, and its “negative” image, which is also called the “shadow” image, is tied out from the inside, which, in fact, is the name of this knitting technique.

In order to achieve a good performance of the drawing and it looked clear, it is necessary to choose the right thread, which in no case should be fluffy, since the silhouettes will be erased in the drawing, they should also be quite thick.

Shadow knitting patterns description

For the most part, this type of pattern is used to create potholders, rugs and pillowcases, but they will look equally impressive on clothes.

Basic Rules

Always shadow patterns with knitting needles are knitted with a thread of the same color, otherwise the pattern pattern will not be visible. That is why absolutely any monochrome picture, stencil or filet pattern can be suitable for this knitting technique.

The pattern itself is tied with purl loops in the front row, and in the reverse row all the way around.

To form the background, it must be knitted in the wrong row with the wrong loops, and in the front row, respectively, with the front ones.

In the scheme, one row of the scheme corresponds to one row of the scheme, most often they are numbered.

In order to see the line of the figure, it must be connected to the end of the row.

The figure is always visible, both from the front and from the wrong side, this highlights the shadow patterns with knitting needles.

Shadow knitting patterns

Circuit description

Linear patterns in the shadow knitting technique look especially beautiful. Consider the shadow patterns with knitting needles as an example of a description of the pattern.

This is a linear image of the lines, made by alternating the front and back loops.

Only two types of loops are indicated in the diagram, the front loops are marked with a cross, and the empty light cell is the wrong loop.

The even rows of this pattern must be knitted according to the drawing. Rapport in width is repeated from 1-10 loop, and in height from 1-15 row.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E17450/

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