How to get a passport in Ukraine. How much is a passport in Ukraine

Traveling within your home country is, of course, incredibly interesting, but almost everyone wants to visit abroad sooner or later. Many people know that obtaining a passport is fraught with enormous bureaucratic red tape. Therefore, if you know in advance how the paper should be prepared, then you will significantly save your time and will not lose your nerves in kilometer-long queues. You can learn more about how to get a passport in Ukraine and what difficulties and nuances you will encounter.

How to get a passport in Ukraine

We are preparing a package of documents

To have a fresh passport on hand, you first need to make 2 photocopies of the first and second pages of your internal passport and be sure to have a registration page. And with you, by all means, capture the original of this most important document of a citizen. The package of documents must also include a copy of the identification code (the original must be taken with you).

If you have previously received a passport, but its expiration date has already expired, then the old passport is also added to the documentation. We want to note that the process of changing a passport is no different from the procedure for obtaining it for the first time. For young people from 18 to 25 years, a certificate from the military registration and enlistment office is also required. 18-25 years old is a draft age, therefore, without paper from the military commissariat, registration of a passport in Ukraine will be impossible. The form of such a certificate is approved by the Ministry of Defense. If the young man has already served, then you need to add a military ID and a photocopy of it.

Additional documents

The above set of documents is, in principle, standard. But in some situations you may be asked for other papers. For example, in exceptional cases, a citizen may be required to obtain a criminal record.

It is also important to know that if you changed the registration and its term is at least 6 months, then you should attach form 16 from the housing and communal services, which will confirm the registration.

how to make a passport in Ukraine

Have you changed your last name?

Obtaining a passport in Ukraine can also be a little complicated for people who have changed their name. If you change your name after marriage, the original and a photocopy of the marriage certificate are additionally submitted. If a citizen (citizen) changed her surname after a divorce, a divorce certificate shall be provided, respectively (original + copy). Persons who have changed their last name will also be required an identification code for the new last name.

Information about children

Many are often interested in how to get a passport in Ukraine to enter data on children (child) there? If you need to enter information about the children, then take the trouble to prepare a copy and the original certificate for the children. If the child is more than 14 years old or more, make two photocopies. If he is over 16 years old, you will have to file a copy of his internal passport. For children over 5 years old, you need two 3x4 matte photos.

How much does a passport in Ukraine cost?

We submit documents

To obtain a document for traveling abroad, all Ukrainians should contact the local department of the service for immigration, citizenship and registration of individuals at the Ministry of Internal Affairs. In the old manner, such a department is called the OVIR, but it is considered the old Soviet abbreviation. Therefore, this name has long lost its relevance. In Kiev, not only residents with local registration can get a passport. Visitors can arrange it by contacting the interregional center for issuing documents. To do this, submit the entire standard set of papers.

Crucial moment

And so you have collected the package of the necessary documentation and are ready to start receiving it. How to get a passport in Ukraine further? Almost all departments of immigration and citizenship of the UMVS are open from 9 in the morning. However, to avoid kilometer-long bursts and keep your nerves, we recommend that you come an hour earlier. Directly in the office of the passportist, you fill out the form and find out all the necessary details for payment for such a service.

documents for a passport Ukraine

Issue price

An important question for many is the question: “How much does a passport in Ukraine cost?” It is worth noting that its price - depending on the urgency - may be different. As a general rule, to get a brand new passport in 30 days, you need to lay out 330 UAH 28 kopecks. For registration urgently, of course, you have to pay more. So that you become the owner of such a document in 10 days, be prepared to pay 825 UAH 88 kopecks. If you need to get a passport in just three days, then such a pleasure will cost 1179 UAH. 55 kopecks Each immigration, citizenship and registration department has a stand where all the details for payment are indicated, and the necessary documents for a passport are also written there. Ukraine, as you know, also plans to introduce biometric passports. The cost of such a document has not yet been determined.

Take a photo

After you paid for the service for issuing a passport, you must again return to the department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. You will be photographed directly in the passportist’s office. You won’t have to pay extra for the photo. After all these, in principle, simple procedures, you will be told the date when you can get a passport of a citizen of Ukraine.

Getting a passport

After the time that was allotted for the preparation of the passport, again go to the MVS department for a document. As a rule, a document is issued in the afternoon. At the same time, all branches have their own reception hours when they issue a passport. Keep in mind that only you personally can receive a document for foreign trips, even close relatives will not be able to do this for you. In the most exceptional cases, your representative may receive it by proxy.

passport to a child Ukraine

When will the new passports be introduced?

In Ukraine, old-style passports may still be valid, but now embassies of some European countries, and especially those who are members of the Schengen area, are rather skeptical of old-style passports. And since Ukraine plans to get visa-free entry to EU countries in the near future , it will be impossible to travel to Europe without biometric passports. Therefore, now the government of Ukraine must introduce a biometric passport in the country.

It is still unknown reliably how to obtain a passport in Ukraine, which will contain scanned biological data about a person. However, until citizens begin to issue passports of the latest type, you can forget about visa-free travel abroad to the European Union.

Ukrainian passport

What is a biometric passport?

From the name itself, it follows that a biometric passport will allow people to be recognized by several or at least one biological line. This is the fundamental difference from the usual passport.

Each of us has our own unique physical feature, and that’s what they will be brought into a single base of the system. Such information may be fingerprints or retinal data (this may be other information). This information will be placed on the first page of the passport. A photo of the person and information on his name, date of birth, age, etc. will be stored on electronic media. The procedure for applying for minors will also change, if the children were entered in the parents passport before, now they will be required to make the child a passport separately. Ukraine will also establish special corridors for holders of biometric passports, the line in them will move much faster.

Ukrainian passport

Documents and Difficulties

To issue a new passport, citizens will be able to submit all the same documents as for a regular passport. True, the form of the questionnaire, the fee and the number of photos, most likely, will differ. Many experts note that, technically, Ukraine is ready to introduce such a document. But in the legislative plan, much remains to be worked out. Authorities must pass an appropriate bill introducing such a document. And after that, many regulations also need to be brought into line with the law on biometric passports.

When will clearance begin?

According to preliminary data, issuing biometric passports will begin in 2015. Their cost will also be slightly higher than a standard foreign passport. How much does a passport in Ukraine cost for a new model? According to unofficial information, to make it, it will be necessary to spend more than 600 hryvnias, and if it is urgently needed, then it will be necessary to pay more than 1000 UAH. Its validity will not change and will be 10 years. At the same time, this will not mean at all that you need to get a biometric passport. You can stay with the old document, but then you will have a number of restrictions on entry into many states. Children will have to make a separate biometric children's passport. And this, as you know, is also an additional expense.


After all of the above, we can conclude that, in essence, there is nothing complicated when preparing a document for traveling abroad. Everything, of course, is a little time limited and bureaucratic red tape, but in general, if your documents are in order, then no difficulties should arise. It should be added that it is necessary to change the passport once every 10 years. Moreover, the process of changing it is no different from if you would draw up such a document for the first time. Now you know how to make a passport in Ukraine, and are also aware of the new rules that are coming next year regarding the introduction of biometric passports. A new passport will make the life of travelers much easier. Thus, it will be easier to go through passport control and travel to countries without visas. Have a nice trip!


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