Electrics in a wooden house: input, wiring, safety requirements

Wooden houses are popular due to the simplicity of construction, environmental friendliness, as well as the cheapness of construction. The main disadvantage of this design can be called a significant fire hazard. Therefore, it is very important to pay attention to such a process as conducting electricians in a wooden house.

If you strictly adhere to all recommendations and instructions, it will turn out to reliably and safely equip the electrical wiring.

Where to start?

wires in the house

The main requirement for the electrical supply of a private house built of wood is safety. The electrical wiring in a wooden house must be carried out in strict accordance with existing standards and recommendations. The documents that govern this process are the "Rules for the installation of electrical installations, GOSTs and other standards."

Following the above instructions, you can easily make the right electrician in a wooden house. This process consists of the steps presented:

  1. The power of the electrical equipment is determined, after which a power supply project is drawn up.
  2. Cables, sockets, switches and other electrical devices are selected, and electrical appliances are bought.
  3. Power is introduced into the house, the circuit breaker is connected, electricity consumption meters, electrical panels.
  4. Internal wiring is in progress.
  5. Sockets, lighting devices, switches are connected.
  6. The grounding system is configured, the protective shutdown system is connected.
  7. Tests are being carried out as a preventive measure.

Preparing a future project

we carry out an electrician in a wooden house

To start creating an individual project for conducting electricians in a wooden house, it is required to obtain technical specifications from the electricity supply company. They will be the basis for the work.

First you need to calculate the free power of all electrical appliances. After this, a phased scheme for internal electricians in a wooden house is created:

  • The technical plan of housing construction is being implemented. The diagram shows the areas where sockets, lamps, switches and devices that will have a separate connection will be placed.
  • For each electrical point, you need to choose the type of cable that leads to it. If you will put switches with two buttons or sockets with grounding, then you need to pull three-wire cables to them.
  • The diagram also indicates the areas where the junction box will be located. A little tip: for two adjacent rooms it is better to put one box.
  • On the wiring diagram in a wooden house, the power for each of the devices is noted. If the device is equipped with an electric motor, then the value must be indicated, taking into account the starting power of this device.
  • Each lighting device, such as a chandelier or sconce, is connected in one group, and devices that are stronger in power, like a boiler or boiler, need to be combined in another group. For them, a cable will be carried out and the connection is through a separate machine.
  • On the diagram, it is required to note the distance from the cable placement line for the doorway, window, as well as the distances from the floor and ceiling to electric points. Subsequently, this will give you the opportunity to avoid possible disruption of the electrical wiring if you carry out repairs.

Operational tip: each turn of the cable for the internal wiring system is carried out exactly at an angle of 90 Β°.

Next, you need to calculate the maximum power indicator that will be consumed by each electrical device when they are connected at the same time. Thus, the rated load on the input circuit breaker is determined.

Selection of the necessary cable and other components

we carry out an electrician

In order to properly perform the wiring of electricians in a wooden house, you can use the tables from the electrical manuals. In them, you can choose the necessary section for cables so that they correspond to the power of electrical devices of all groups. Each device has a technical passport, which displays the amount of energy consumed. Based on these indicators, you can choose the right cable. If you want to determine the cross section of the input cable, add the power parameter of each device.

The most popular cable option for connecting electricians to a wooden house is NYM copper wire. It has the necessary insulation, easy to operate and very sturdy. If you decide to choose an aluminum version, then do not forget that they are very vulnerable to bending and can often break.

For the outlet, you need to conduct a three-wire wire with grounding to provide maximum safety when using electrical equipment. Lighting devices also need grounding, but very often homeowners decide to neglect this norm. However, if you live in a private house and will carry out powerful searchlights to illuminate the nearby territory, you must make grounding.

The switch and the socket when installing electricians in a wooden house must be selected based on the magnitude of the current, the type of electrical wiring.

We select the input cable

As soon as you calculate the load of each of the electrical devices supposed to work, you need to determine the cross-section of the input cable. In the event that the wiring is updated and old internal cables with automatic devices are replaced with a more powerful version, it is important not to forget about the cable at the input. It happens that its cross section may not be enough for large power indicators, which as a result will cause a fire. In this case, contact the appropriate company to have it replaced. This is done during installation of metering devices and their sealing.

Regarding the input circuit breaker , a three - pole circuit breaker must be used for a three-phase power supply . With single-phase power supply, which happens in most cases, single- and bipolar switches are used that break the neutral and phase.

Useful tips: you need to choose an input circuit breaker with a rating so that it does not turn off the power inside the house when the maximum load is obtained, but simply breaks the circuit, preventing a possible short circuit.

Denomination and type of single-phase power machines

Do-it-yourself circuit breaker for conducting electricians in a wooden house with your own hands should be selected based on the data presented:

  • The sum of the power of all electrical equipment is determined in order to calculate the highest current parameter. Most often, a 25 A switch is selected for an ordinary house.
  • If you want to determine the type of future machine, you must also calculate the size of the minimum current for short circuits.
  • The ratio of the short circuit current with respect to the rated current makes it possible to understand the required characteristic of the circuit breaker. It’s best to install machines that work great on mixed load networks.

Based on the electrics scheme in a wooden private house, you can proceed to the installation of an introductory machine. Switches for devices combined in one category, metering devices, an input switch must be installed inside the switchboard on a special metal profile. After you need to carry out the wiring according to the diagram.

We proceed to installation

empty wooden house

You can conduct an open electrician in a wooden house, as soon as you have all the necessary equipment on hand: sockets, cables, switches, lighting, and more. Based on the compiled diagram, they perform installation of a switchboard, fix points for mounting sockets and other devices. If the walls will later be sheathed with finishing materials, then the cable must be laid inside the metal sleeve.

Junction box installation

It must be installed in the location defined in the diagram. Further we pass to such stages:

  • installed devices for accounting inside the case;
  • an input circuit breaker is attached to the din rail, and the phase and neutral are connected to a bipolar circuit breaker;
  • the output terminal of the metering device is connected to the input of the input switch;
  • the wire must be brought into the house and connected to the input terminals of the meter;
  • on a metal rail you need to install a voltage relay, as well as machines for different categories, such as sockets, lighting devices;
  • the clamp of the electrical appliance must be connected with a solid wire.

We start the cable inside the room

create wiring in the house

The input of the power cable must be carried out in accordance with the EMP and SNiP. You can enter it underground or by air. It is worth noting that the air method is cheaper, but it does not differ in its reliability. In this case, it is necessary to use a self-supporting insulated wire. Also a prerequisite for this method is the installation of a fireproof sleeve, through which the input will be made.

An underground wire is located underground in a pipe, most often made of metal, which helps protect it from various influences. Such cable laying must certainly be coordinated with the distribution energy company.

How to make the inner lining?

If the wiring in a wooden house will be open wiring, in this case there are several methods for its installation:

  • Ceramic roller - it is great for laying wires along the walls of logs. This method goes well with the retro style of the room.
  • Metal pipes - they allow you to reliably protect the building from possible fire. Pipes are filled with a wire no more than 40%. It is best to use copper wires that bend perfectly.
  • Plastic channel. It is placed on the walls, while you can choose options of different colors, so that they are suitable for wall decoration.
  • Skirting boards with a special groove. Inside the baseboard there are special clips for fastening all the wires.
  • Fastening with brackets. Staples made of plastic are selected, which are suitable for the cross-section of the wires. This method is most often chosen in utility or technical buildings, since it does not have the most attractive appearance.

Advice for the future: all the passageways of the wires between the rooms through the walls should be formed using fireproof metal sleeves through which the cable will go.

In certain cases, the cable can be laid under a simple plank floor using metal pipes.

Wall wiring

ceiling wiring

How to spend an electrician in a wooden house? Using cable channels, you can easily lay wires along the walls in this way:

  • It is necessary to mark the passage of the cables relative to the created circuit.
  • The cross section of the channel depends on how many wires will pass through it.
  • Next, the lid is removed from the box and is attached to the surface using a self-tapping screw. Self-tapping screws should be placed every half meter. Cornering places need to be further strengthened with self-tapping screws.
  • In certain places you need to install a junction box.
  • All wires are placed inside the channel and closed by a lid. In places where the outlet or switches will be connected, you need to leave a small margin for the connection.
  • Combine the wires inside the junction box, then connect them to the terminals of the machines, sockets.

In what order do you need to connect the wires?

work with wires

The rules provide for the connection of all wires inside the junction box. It needs to be installed where the bends from the main cable will go. Connect the wires as follows:

  1. With self-locking terminals. You will need to remove approximately 10 millimeters of insulation from the wire. The terminals are selected depending on the size of the wire cross section with the insulation layer.
  2. Using twisting caps. Thus, the insulation is removed from the wire so that the length of the exposed section is no more than the length of the cap. Inside is a conical spring. As soon as the cap is placed on a twist, the spring securely fixes the wire, and its plastic sheath provides the necessary insulation.
  3. Twisting involves cleaning the wire from insulation, about 4 centimeters, after which they need to be tightly twisted. They are also desirable to solder and rewind with electrical tape.

A quick tip: the number of connections affects the system's resistance to stress. The more there are, the worse the load threshold will be.

Grounding for electricians in a wooden house

No home can do without such electrical appliances as washing machines, a refrigerator, a boiler and more. Electrical devices with metal enclosures must always be grounded.

How does grounding work:

  • Three reinforcement rods are taken, its length is 3 meters, and its diameter is 3 centimeters. A trench is excavated in the form of an equilateral triangle, each side - 1 meter. The depth of such a trench is 30 centimeters. The reinforcement must be placed at the corners of the formed triangle;
  • The rods are combined with each other. For this, metal corners are used that are welded to them.
  • On one of the corners you need to weld a loop. By screw connection or welding, it is necessary to attach to it a steel rod with a diameter of 1 centimeter.
  • The rod is placed in the trench so as to combine it with the grounding conductor inside the electrical panel. Grounding conductors have yellow-green insulation.

Next, you need to inspect the resulting electricians in a wooden house, inviting specialists from certified laboratories.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E17458/

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