Domodedovo Airport: employee reviews

The order to create Domodedovo Airport was given by the Main Directorate of the Civil Air Fleet in April 1962. A year later, the complex had already begun to carry out mail and cargo flights, and in May 1964 the first plane with passengers on board took off from there. For the next several decades, the airport actively served flights to the Far East, Siberia and Central Asia, the Urals and the Volga region. And in 1992, thanks to actions taken by the management of East Line, he received international status. Since then, a major reconstruction of the entire Domodedovo Airport has also been carried out. The reviews will tell you about what the state of this largest complex is today, about passenger service, flight safety and about the prospects opening up for employees.

Domodedovo Airport Reviews

How to get to the place: the fastest option

The airport is located in the Moscow region at a distance of just over 20 km from the city of Klin in the vicinity of the village of Elgozino. To arrive there from the center of the capital, it is necessary to overcome about 47 km. The fastest and easiest, but not the cheapest (fare 470-1000 rubles) way to make such a trip is aeroexpress, allowing you to get from the Paveletsky Train Station to the place in just 35-45 minutes. It is also useful to know that the existing system of tariff plans can significantly save on fares.

To airport: other options

The train ride takes a little more than an hour. But, as testimonials of drivers testify, it is not always easy to get to the Domodedovo airport by car and taxi. Too high probability on the Moscow Ring Road to get stuck in traffic for several hours. Here, the Kashirskoye highway is considered the best promotion option. From the Domodedovo station on the Zamoskvoretskaya line, it is possible to get to the airport by express bus or minibus. This is a fairly simple, fast and cheap way to travel, and the road usually takes no more than half an hour. Buses depart every 6 minutes from 6 am to midnight, and minibuses generally operate around the clock.

Domodedovo Airport Employee Reviews

Free parking options

Today, it is extremely important for passengers of flights, meeting and seeing off citizens, as well as foreign guests to know how to park their car better. Often this becomes a big problem. The path at the entrance to the station is blocked by barriers, and the time of unpaid stay is strictly limited to 15 minutes. But, having the money, you don’t have to puzzle over where to park the car at Domodedovo Airport. Reviews indicate that there are many paid parking lots in the terminal area. But their cost sometimes reaches 600 rubles per hour.

Free parking can be found before reaching the complex for one and a half kilometers when turning left using the signs. Seven kilometers away, there is also convenient parking on the right-hand drive. True, she is not guarded. But, if you believe the reviews about Domodedovo Airport, it is quite possible to pass the time waiting for a call from a visitor, then quickly drive up and pick it up without breaking the fifteen-minute limit. Gas stations in the airport area are also available, but not for those who want to save money.

Where to park a car at Domodedovo Airport

Promising industry

The terminal is always full of passengers and last year alone it served 25.7 million people. Today, about 13.5 thousand employees are employed in this structure, who are highly qualified specialists and representatives of 1.5 thousand of various professions.

The transport sector is a very promising industry, constantly in need of new personnel. And at the enterprises of the airfield, there are always vacancies for many posts and specialties. This circumstance is of great interest to young people, as can be understood from the reviews about the Domodedovo airport. “Inflow”, in this case, is a program that may well be of interest to them. It is launched in the Domodedovo branch of the Russian State Humanitarian University, and promises full-time students free tuition, scholarships and subsequent employment. The program is carried out in order to ensure the entry of talented young specialists to work in this field. But is it really so tempting?

Is it worth it to work in this area?

From the reviews of employees about Moscow Domodedovo Airport, it becomes clear that many young professionals who have chosen a profession related to the maintenance of this complex are quite happy with their salary and regular bonuses, working conditions, as well as the team. Among the advantages is a free bus that takes employees to and from the airport after a hard day. Attracts technical training in normal working mode with payment for these days. And for an unfair deprivation of a premium, you can contact the arbitration court.

As the reviews of Domodedovo airport employees prove, many of them are satisfied with the Inflow program, which provided them with employment in a promising industry, which has become an important part of their lives. This is a multifaceted targeted training, giving a chance to test yourself from different angles and subsequently feel a significant unit in a huge corporation.

Moscow Domodedovo Airport Employee Reviews

Are they really professionals?

It should be clarified that the “Inflow” program does not aim to provide participants with qualifications or professions, but only prepares for the upcoming position in this area, establishing in advance between the employer and employee the relationships stipulated by the contract. And this is a very useful and timely measure, because even judging by the reviews of Domodedovo airport employees, quite often there are specialists who are completely unsuitable and unprepared, representatives of completely different professions that are not relevant to this job. Moreover, they often rise to the position of bosses only because they have influential acquaintances and relatives.

Job application

Prospective employers, as a rule, draw quite promising prospects for candidates for certain positions. But the difficult workdays among the employees of this complex eloquently speak about the difficult working days of workers in this sphere and the presence of unpleasant sides in realities. To be hired, as testimonials from the Moscow Domodedovo Airport indicate, the applicant needs to undergo a series of interviews and satisfactorily master the three-hour test.

But even if the results turn out to be positive, the final execution lasts four months. Such a significant period of time is necessary to receive answers to inquiries to prove the absence of a criminal record and the passage of a medical commission. And one has to prove his moderation and spotlessness in the matter of drinking alcohol and especially narcotic substances on a lie detector.

Employee salaries

At the interview, candidates agree with employers on certain salaries. But the reviews of Domodedov airport employees indicate that the salary upon receipt is usually only 20% of the contracted amount. And the rest, which is considered as premium, should also be earned in accordance with the Methodology of remuneration adopted by this company. This is a big surprise for many, since the contract signed by the candidate before entering the ranks of the complex’s employees does not say anything about this. As a result, far from all are benefited. And the existing system of fines often leaves employees without bonuses. In addition, the payment of sick leave and the calculation of vacation pay, as can be understood from the reviews about the Domodedovo airport, are far from always made in a satisfactory form.

Domodedovo Airport Driver Reviews

What does the terminal look like?

Considering today the main of the capital's airports, the described complex carries out flights to 187 destinations. The increasing quality of services provides a significant influx of passengers. For this reason, the congestion airport is considered one of the most significant in Europe. The complex has two runways located in parallel at a distance of 2 km from one another. This makes it possible to simultaneously receive and send aircraft. The airport terminals, equipped for the convenience of visitors, are a single complex, measured by an area of ​​135,000 m 2 .

The first floor of the building is reserved for passenger service. At the same time, the right wing is for domestic flights, and the left for international. Reception desks should be sought in the center of the waiting room. Another convenience for visitors are numerous food outlets and shops.

Opinions of visitors

Passenger reviews about Domodedovo Airport are mostly supportive and positive. Many are attracted by the aesthetics of a fantastic building with tinted windows and laconic architecture. Visitors with children are especially pleased. Little travelers have room to feed and seat. And it’s possible to relax and change diapers in the room of the mother and child. Aquariums with colorful and very unusual fish, air bubbles and algae are also attractive for children.

However, claims are not uncommon among visitors. A large stream of welcoming, mourners, arriving and departing, constant crowding and noise often tire, because there is no way to relax and wait for the departure of your plane. Everything is immensely expensive, and the abundance of temptations, the offered goods and services often makes you pretty much fork out. Getting into such a meat grinder, people not only go out there immensely tired and exhausted, but also without a penny of money.

Mutual claims by staff and visitors

Enough complaints are expressed by passengers to the employees of this complex. Among the troubles, as eloquently testified by the reviews about Domodedovo Airport, misunderstandings with baggage, its loss and illegal opening, boorish attitude of inspection service employees, disgusting passport control, theft of things, financial extortion, ticket confusion, terrible queues and lack of decent service are often mentioned.

Moscow Domodedovo Airport Reviews

But the staff, as the reviews about the Domodedovo airport prove, is in turn also dissatisfied with the behavior of passengers. Often employees complain that visitors do not consider them to be people, arrogant, allow themselves rudeness and egregious antics. And this, according to some, given the red tape, bureaucracy and exorbitant fines for the slightest offense for the company’s employees, makes their life unbearable.

Modern airport

However, despite the presence of negative opinions, the number of passengers of the complex every year only increases. The number of people wishing to get a job in this area is also not decreasing. In 2014, the final decision was made on the construction of the third runway and the reconstruction of the second, which greatly facilitates the maintenance of a huge stream of people wishing to make air travel through Domodedovo Airport. On the second floor of the complex, where convenient elevators and escalators lead, in addition to restaurants, cafes and shops, there is a bank branch and a migration service, a spa.

Domodedovo Airport Employee Reviews

Experienced medical specialists provide qualified assistance to terminal visitors with serious illnesses and minor ailments. For people in need, consultations are held with a view to reducing the risk of accidents, worsening the physical and mental state of passengers during flights. Employees of the children's entertainment center organize games, quizzes, contests. Here experienced and talented animators are engaged in small visitors. The complex also provides all the amenities for foreign tourists arriving to travel to Russia.


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