How to grow a crystal from copper sulfate at home

This article will describe in detail how to grow a crystal from copper sulfate at home. This material can be useful both to schoolchildren when preparing a task on the subject of chemistry, and to all those interested in this science.

interesting crystal

Why exactly copper sulfate?

This substance belongs to the class of salts, which means its solution can easily be converted into a solid through the crystallization process. Stone growth from it, as a rule, occurs much faster than when using materials such as table salt or sugar. In addition, crystals from copper sulfate are obtained in a beautiful blue color. With proper cultivation, they acquire the correct multifaceted form, so it is very interesting and pleasant to observe the result of their own experience.

Another argument in favor of choosing this particular material may be its availability. You can buy a jar of copper sulphate in any store specializing in the sale of accessories for gardeners and gardeners.

What do you need to know before starting an experiment?

In this chapter, some theoretical knowledge will be given that will help you later grow a crystal from copper sulfate at home. First of all, you need to understand what processes must occur in order for the experience to succeed.

From chemistry lessons, schoolchildren know that many liquid and gaseous substances are able to acquire a solid consistency. This usually occurs during crystallization. But what if the task is to get a solid substance from sugar, salt or copper sulfate, which are already such? Science says that this is possible. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to start the recrystallization process. That is, the result of the experiment can be considered successful if small stones, having dissolved in a liquid, are immediately converted into the same hard clots.


The main condition under which such a process can be carried out is the presence of a supersaturated solution.

jar of solution

This means that growing crystals at home from copper sulfate requires the manufacture of such a mixture. A liquid can be called oversaturated with any substance if there is so much dissolved material in it that part of it cannot completely mix with it and settles at the bottom of the tank. Therefore, to understand how to grow a crystal from copper sulfate, you must first learn how to make a supersaturated solution.

Hygiene Requirements

First of all, it is worth taking care of the necessary sterility in which the experiment should take place. Ideally, the hair of an amateur chemist should be covered with a hat, and rubber gloves should be worn on hands. Copper sulfate, if handled carefully and wisely, does not pose any danger to the human body.

chemist work suit

All the above precautions are needed primarily in order to protect the solution from dust and small particles of foreign materials. This is extremely undesirable, since other crystals can begin to grow on similar grains of sand accidentally in the liquid, which will slow down the development of the main stone.

Oversaturated solution recipe

To prepare it, you will need a pot, water, a jar of copper sulphate, a container in which the bulk of the experiment will be carried out (a vessel with transparent walls is best for this, since you will need to observe the crystal growth daily). Also, a sheet of paper, a match and a thread will come in handy for accomplishing this task (it is best if it is not fleecy, but, for example, silk or made of similar material).

So, we proceed to the first stage of manufacturing a crystal from copper sulfate at home. The pot of water must be placed on a slow fire. When the liquid has already warmed up enough, but before it has time to boil, it is necessary to pour several tablespoons of copper sulphate into it. Stir the water until the blue substance is completely dissolved.

Repeating this stage multiple times

When this happens, add a couple more tablespoons of copper sulfate. The liquid must again be thoroughly mixed.

Do not be afraid if this time not all crystals of the substance were able to dissolve, and some of them formed a precipitate at the bottom of the pan. The appearance of such an excess just indicates that you have achieved the desired result - namely, you have received a supersaturated solution. If this did not happen, then add a few more tablespoons of vitriol to the water and stir again. These steps will have to be repeated until sediment appears at the bottom of the pan.

Making bait

Crystalline crystals of copper sulfate of small size, which serve as the basis for the further growth of stones from this substance, are sometimes called such fishing term.

For their manufacture, you need to take three small particles. When choosing crystals, one must take into account the criterion for the correctness of their shape. The more perfect the selected pieces will be, the more correct and better will be the clot obtained as a result of your experience.

Three particles are placed at the bottom of a transparent vessel and filled with a supersaturated solution of vitriol.

After that, the container is covered with a sheet of paper and placed in a place with the most stable temperature conditions. As a rule, experts recommend placing it on a windowsill.

place for experiments

This place in the apartment is considered the most secluded, and therefore nothing can prevent the implementation of the experience. After all the necessary steps have been taken, all further steps for growing a crystal from copper sulfate at home can be postponed for 2 days. During this time, the particles placed in the liquid should grow several times and reach the size of the match head.

Choosing the best bidder

Of these ingots, it is necessary to select the one that has the most regular shape. This is the so-called β€œbait”. Next, you need to make again a supersaturated solution of copper sulfate. How to make it is described in previous chapters. It should be filtered through cheesecloth and poured again into a transparent container. The crystal chosen as a β€œbait” must be tied to a thread, the other end of which must be fixed on a match.

crystal growing

Take a sheet of paper and make a hole in its middle that size so that the manufactured stone of copper sulfate can freely pass through it. Thread the thread through this hole so that the crystal is on one side of the sheet and the match is on the other. Then cover the jar with this paper. The match in this case, of course, should lie on top, and the crystal should float in the liquid.

Patience and patience again

The problem of how to make a crystal of copper sulfate is almost solved. Now you just need to put the vessel back in a secluded place and wait.

It is necessary to ensure that the crystal is, if possible, located in the center of the can and does not come into contact with the walls. This can be achieved by moving a piece of paper and adjusting the length of the thread with a match as the crystal grows.

Different ways

We bring to your attention several more workshops. Crystals from copper sulfate can be grown in a slightly different way.

The second way is to place the vessel with the "bait" in a heat-insulating container or wrap the jar in a blanket or other warm thing. So you can achieve a slower cooling of the supersaturated solution. This option is more complex than described previously, but as a result of its use, pebbles of a very regular shape are obtained. The next way to grow a crystal from copper sulfate is the easiest.

vitriol crystal

No need to make a "bait". A thread is placed in a container with a supersaturated solution. In this case, it is best to choose the one that is made of the most fleecy material. Its end is tied to a faceted pencil, which is placed on top of the can on its walls. A crystal will form on the thread itself.

Depending on the temperature conditions, the growing experience can last from one week to several months.


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