The cat is black. Breeds: names and features

In our article we will talk about who the black cat is, what breed it can be. Let's start with accepts. Then consider the features of the rocks.

Superstitions and signs about black cats

A black cat is a mysterious creature. This color for many centuries haunted all the mystics. He was also the subject of various superstitions.

Despite the fact that all species have their own history, a black cat, whose breeds can be different, remains a special topic. Previously, they were suspicious. The appearance of a black cat, especially on Friday the thirteenth, was regarded as a very bad sign. Note that this opinion has been preserved to this day.

black cat

Black color cats

This color is simply impressive. And the contrast between the shade of hair and eye color makes these cats even more spectacular. Note that black cats are not a separate species. There are many breeds with this color. By the way, the visual perception of the animal depends not only on its color, but also on the structure of the body, eye color, hair length and much more.

bombay cat Price

So, for example, a black Bombay cat, the price of which is quite high, creates a completely different impression than a long-haired forest Norwegian cat. And the British Shorthair with plush hair of the same color will not seem insidious, but rather charming. Although the contrast between wool and eye color seems mysterious, and sometimes even frightening.

Bombay cat

Note that the color does not determine the belonging of the animal to one or another species. Therefore, both a purebred and a thoroughbred cat can be black. Most animals with a uniform black color have a recessive gene. It is to him that these animals owe such a coloring.

Currently, there is only one breed with an exceptional black color (others are unacceptable) - this is a Bombay cat. The price for one representative from the pedigree ranges from 400 to 1,500 dollars. Of course, such a kitten is not affordable for everyone. The coat is short.

Black cat: breeds

black cat breeds

There are also other breeds that, by standard, can be black. Let's look at them. Regardless of the species, each black cat is beautiful in its own way. The breeds can be called the following:

  • exotic shorthair cat;
  • Cornish Rex representatives of the breed have short curly hair, and the body of such cats is long; they are quite sociable;
  • american shorthair cat; representatives of the breed are medium in size, the head is large enough; cats are distinguished by endurance and love for jumping;
  • Norwegian Forest; the breed is large, the hair of the representatives is long;
  • British Shorthair; representatives of the breed have a dense, muscular body, the hair is short, plush;
  • Siberian cat - Russian breed; the body of the representatives is muscular, the hair is three-layered;
  • other.

In general, there are about 22 breeds of cats that can have such a dark color. Let's get to know some more in more detail.

the name of the breed of black cats

Persian cat

This is another name for the black cat breed. A distinctive feature is a long fluffy coat. Country of Origin - Iran. Representatives of the breed are particularly loyal to their owners. Persian cats are believed to be the most domestic cats. Attention these animals ask quietly, just staring at the owners. In size, such cats are large, their body is short, squat, the skull is convex, the ears are small, rounded at the tips. The tail is thick, short. The eyes are wide open, round, large.


This is a cat without a tail or with a very short tail. Their body is elongated, the muscles are quite developed. The tail narrows towards the end. The head is wedge-shaped, wide. The eyes are large, in the shape of a walnut. The cat is well intellectually developed, loves to walk, communicate with animals. For people, representatives of the breed are excellent companions.

Maine Coon

Representatives of the breed are very gentle, loving in nature. In size, they are real giants. The head is large, the cheekbones are high. The tail is long, wide at the base, tapering towards the tip. Their coat is beautiful, long and flowing. On the ears there are brushes that distinguish representatives of the breed from others.

Don Sphinx

They are medium sized cats. The head is sphenoid, cheekbones well developed, flat forehead. The ears are large, rounded at the tips. The skin is completely devoid of hair or covered with a fluff. Representatives of the breed are calm, lazy.

Little conclusion

Now you know what a black cat is. The breeds may be different. A cat of this color will become not only a favorite of all family members, but also a decoration of the house. We hope that the black cat breeds described by us are of interest to you, and the information received about them will help determine the choice of a future pet. Good luck.


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