Proverbs about the language: the embodiment of folk wisdom

Proverbs and sayings - a bottomless storehouse of folk wisdom that has come down to us through the ages. They reflected the most diverse spheres of human life, and therefore each nation has its own. Although there are exceptions. Sometimes it turns out that in different countries the same subject or phenomenon is spoken the same way.

Russian proverbs about language are a source of well-aimed remarks about both the manner of communication and the ability not to chat when needed.

sayings and proverbs about the language

Proverbs about Russian

Language is not only a part of life and a means of communication, it is also the pride of any people. Without language, people's life itself is impossible. Of course, the first from the list of proverbs about language, sayings and winged expressions comes to mind the well-known "great and mighty Russian language." However, there are others besides this statement. For example, few people have heard the expression “Russian is the strength of the weak” or “you can’t make a boot without the Russian language”, in which there was a popular love for the native language and awareness of its huge role in human life, its help in work and its ability to console difficult moment. Especially in a foreign land, many are pleased, in distress, to hear their native speech.

proverbs about language

Proverbs about language, speech and talkativeness

Language is a unique means of communication given only to man. However, the gift of informed speech is associated with a number of difficulties for a person. One of the most famous Russian proverbs about language - "my language is my enemy" - illustrates this situation very clearly. Excessive talkativeness has never been considered a positive quality. Another proverb about the language says the same thing, “knowing a lot, but not buying enough,” urging a person to be able to keep his mouth shut, to think whether it is necessary to voice some idea, even if he knows something. Proverbs of similar content can be remembered quite a lot:

  • For bad words, the head will fly.
  • You can’t keep up with your tongue barefoot.
  • Grind the headless.
  • The tongue is talking, but the head does not know.
  • For a red word, neither mother nor father will spare.

There are also many proverbs, not only that you don’t need to speak in vain, but that sometimes, on the contrary, you should not be afraid and say or ask something. For example, the well-known proverb “bring the language to Kiev”, which is used when they want to say that even a person who does not know the exact road can still get to any place he needs simply by asking passers-by.

A separate category is made up of proverbs and sayings about the language, which speak of the lies and discrepancies of a person’s words with deeds. One of the most famous among them is "softly strode, but hard to sleep", it is used when a person says one thing, but he has something opposite on his mind. Indeed, such a situation often happens when at first glance everything is folding, but you begin to understand and understand that everything is not so simple. Other examples of such proverbs and sayings about the language:

  • And red and color, but foul.
  • Speech, but not clean on hand.
  • He speaks to the right and looks to the left.

Proverbs and their educational effect

You can not underestimate the role of proverbs in education. Using them sometimes completely unconsciously, parents convey to the children certain rules and experience endured by previous generations. And this experience is learned quite easily, and proverbs and sayings are stored in memory and pop up at the right time. In the same way, they are passed on to the next generation, and the fact that they still have not disappeared from speech confirms their vitality and a significant role in the transfer and preservation of knowledge accumulated by ancestors.

Russian proverbs about the language

Instead of a total

Summing up the peculiar results of reasoning about proverbs, we can say that they are a kind of "treasury", "accumulator" of knowledge of many generations of the people, including knowledge of their native language and native speech. That is why one should not brush aside the usual expressions, but remember them, turn to them from time to time, think about their contents, be interested in the history of their origin.


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