Fatal Eggs (Fallout 4): Tips for Walking

Fallout 4 is one of the most outstanding role-playing games of the past year. Moreover, it became the long-awaited continuation of the legendary series of post-apocalyptic RPGs - in fact, the first part of this series gave birth to this genre. That is why so many gamers were looking forward to the result. And the result was quite pleasing to them, since the project turned out to be very high-quality, typical of the spirit of the genre and series, and also lost in the race for the best game of 2015, except perhaps to the third part of The Witcher. However, this article will not focus on the game itself, about which very, very much has already been said. Here you will learn about how to pass one of the most difficult side missions, which is called "Fatal Eggs". Fallout 4 has many dozens of side missions, a feature of which is the fact that you do not have to go through them. But every self-respecting gamer always tries to complete as many side quests as possible, as they tell their fascinating stories, allow you to enjoy the gameplay even longer, and also give you a chance to earn some money or find rare things for a character. But what is the difficulty of the Fatal Eggs quest? Fallout 4 is a game in which each quest is unique, and this one is made in the style of horror, so you should prepare for a frightening adventure.

Getting a quest

fatal eggs fallout 4

As with other side quests, first you need to get the Fatal Eggs quest. Fallout 4 provides you with two different acquisition options. As you know, you get story quests automatically and you won’t be able to miss them, but you need to follow the side quests more closely. After all, even this task, which will be discussed now, you can easily not complete until the very end of the game. The fact is that both methods of obtaining the quest are not so simple. Firstly, you can eavesdrop on a conversation that is randomly generated between non-player characters - in it you can hear about the Salem Witch Museum, which immediately activates this quest in your magazine with the task of finding this museum. Secondly, you can come across it during your travels around the game world. As soon as you see him, the task is activated automatically, and you can begin the quest "Fatal Eggs". Fallout 4 is a game in which you can not perform side tasks, even if they are already activated in your magazine - however, they will be counted as failed at the end of the game, which can affect the ending.

Visiting of museum

fallout 4 fatal eggs

Where do the fateful eggs begin in Fallout 4? Once near the museum, you need to try to get inside. Naturally, you won’t be able to do this through the door - it is closed from the inside. Go on a tour of the territory, and next to the hatch leading to the basement of the museum, you can find the corpse of Private Strelkov Hart. She was torn to pieces by some monster, and you definitely won’t be able to save her - but you can find a holographic record in her things - this is a quest item that will set you the next task in the Fallout 4 quest “Fatal Eggs”. Walking from this moment will become much more intimidating and reminiscent of horror, so be prepared.


fallout 4 fatal eggs walkthrough

So, the next step is to study the holographic recording. Such records are quite common in the world of Fallout 4. "Fatal Eggs" is a quest that will lead you through a terrifying story that begins with this message. It says that the Strelkov Hart squad was attacked by a strange monster and had to hide in this museum. However, there is another very important point in this entry - it says that the detachment had a suitcase with an extremely important load, so you better hurry up and go in search of what is hidden inside to successfully complete the Fallout 4 quest “Fatal the eggs. " Returning the briefcase is your first priority, but the quest text says otherwise. You have the goal of exploring the museum, so you should take up its implementation.

Museum tour

fallout 4 fatal eggs quest

What will happen next in the world of Fallout 4? The mission “Fatal Eggs” begins to develop according to the plot of the action-packed horror movie - you find yourself in the basement of the museum and move around it, while you are surrounded by various frightening noises, trembling walls and other effects that are characteristic of horror films. On the way you will find the torn bodies of the soldiers of the detachment - this will continue until you find yourself in the main hall of the museum, finally leaving the basement. You can look around, but as soon as you get closer to the exit, a cut-off scene will start in which the same monster, Deathclaw, will appear. He will immediately throw himself at your character, so you have to flee and hide. Your goal is the second floor of the museum, or rather, a wall breach. If you have a high rate of stealth, it will be easier for you to complete the task. Sneak in there and you will find yourself in a small room where the broken eggs of the Death Claw lie, as well as one whole - you need to pick it up. Also pay attention to the next body - this is the commander of the shooter unit, in which you will find another holographic message in things.


fallout 4 fatal eggs return

Well, now your task is to listen to the recording. It turns out that the eggs of the Death Claw were the very important cargo - they were ordered by a certain robot Wellingham. However, it turned out to be much more difficult to get them - the female of the Claw of Death pursued the kidnappers for a very long time, until they had to hide in a museum, where death overtook them. But now you are faced with a moral choice - one of the hallmarks of the Fallout 4 quest, Fatal Eggs. How to proceed? What to do next?

Quest completion

fallout 4 quest fatal eggs

So, it's time to make an important decision. You have several options that will lead to one of the two endings of the quest. You can either take the egg to the Death Claw nest where it was stolen, or finish what was started by a squad of mercenaries and deliver the egg to Wellingham. In any case, you need to get out of the museum, and already here you need to take the first step to making a decision. If your character is already strong enough, then you can try to kill the Death Claw. But you can avoid a fight and just quietly get out of the building, and then either head to the nest or to Wellingham. In the first case, you need to, being near the nest, very quickly put an egg there, so that the Claws of Death do not have time to attack you. If you do this, they will become neutral towards you and will not touch you. In the second case, you need to go to the Colonial Bar, located in Diamond City, and transfer the egg to Wellingham.


fallout 4 fatal eggs what to do

If you have chosen the first option, then you need to return the egg to the nest of the Death Claw. How to do it - described above, it's time to talk about the award. Naturally, no one will pay you anything - your character will gain experience for the successful completion of the quest, but you can also pick up the Death Claw Glove near the nest - one of the strongest and rarest melee weapons in the game.


However, not everyone is ready to act for reasons of mercy, so it is worth considering another option. Head to the Colonial Bar and find Wellingham there. Tell us what happened and give him the egg that you managed to carry. In return, you will receive 200-500 caps (the amount depends on how well you can convince), as well as a recipe for a dish called Death Claw Wellingham, which is a rather interesting dish that not only restores good health, but also makes it extremely quickly. So here it all depends on you - what choice you decide to make. Both awards are quite impressive, but the difficulty of the quest is quite high. Therefore, you should think before you make this important decision - what is more important for you, which subject is more necessary and will you be guided by moral considerations when choosing? At the same time, you should remember that your actions affect your partners, as well as how your game will end. In the world of Fallout 4, absolutely everything is interconnected.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E17481/

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