How to start a game with a parameter in a Windows environment

The entertainment industry has long put computing at its service. It is unlikely that in the distant 40s the creators of the first computer could imagine that people would play games using colossal computing power. Now everyone can start a game on a computer and immerse themselves in the virtual world she created on the monitor screen. Despite this, players sometimes have the question "how to start the game with the console parameter". Today we’ll talk about what it is and what it is for.

Players with experience who made the glorious times of the DOS system (MS-DOS) are very familiar with the need to start a game with a parameter . At that time, when one could only dream of graphical interfaces subsequently implemented in the Windows operating system, games were launched either from a simple shell (Norton, Volkov), or even easier - from the command line. As a result, every self-respecting gamer (player) knew how to start a game with a parameter.

With the spread of Windows, the situation has fundamentally changed. The command line has been safely forgotten and replaced by graphics. Therefore, many users do not even know how to start the game with the parameter. All applications for Windows must be written in accordance with certain requirements: interaction with the hardware component of the computer is assigned to the operating system; the possibilities of “fine-tuning” the game program are usually hidden; launch and use are maximally simplified thanks to the icon system. But until a gamer knows how to start a game with a parameter, he cannot consider himself a true connoisseur of games. This opportunity may not be used for a long time, but, nevertheless, sometimes it becomes necessary.

Many will be surprised, but often games give you the flexibility to customize some of your settings in an unofficial way. For example, sometimes the game does not start if the video card does not support the required version of DirectX. By launching the application icon, the user receives an error message. In this hopeless (at first glance) situation, you can help an inexperienced gamer by writing down the necessary parameters (keys) to run. As a result, the application runs even on older hardware. Parameters can be found on thematic forums on the Internet. Usually they are letters written in the command line immediately after the executable file. To make it more clear, consider the game "Crisis".

The famous game “Crisis” can be launched with the desired resolution by adding the commands + r_width XXX + r_height XXX (where XXX is the number of points). Having placed the cursor on the icon (shortcut), press the left mouse button and follow the “Properties” button. The line “Object” shows the path to the executable file (it may be different): "D: \ Games \ EA \ Crysis \ Bin32 \ Crysis.exe". After this line, the console commands are added: "D: \ Games \ EA \ Crysis \ Bin32 \ Crysis.exe" + r_width XXX + r_height XXX. They are different for each game, in this case they are entered with an additional “+” sign. Having made the changes, click “OK” and with this shortcut launch the application. This method is convenient if you often need to run the program with certain console commands.

There is another way that answers the question “how to start a game with a parameter”. It is convenient if you just need to check the keys. In the shell (Total Commander, FAR) we find the startup file of the game application, that is, follow the path D: \ Games \ EA \ Crysis \ Bin32 \ Crysis.exe. Place the cursor on the crisis.exe file and press the combination Ctrl + Enter. As a result, the file name appears on the command line below. Now here you can add any keys to start and turn on the game. Unlike adjusting the line in the shortcut, in this case, when you restart it with the parameters, you will need to enter the keys again.

The above "console" parameter is just one of many keys. Its peculiarity is that it is often used in various gaming applications. Usually it is written after the executable file through a hyphen, although this is not the rule.


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