Fallout New Vegas: partners and their description

Fallout New Vegas is the continuation of the popular role-playing game from Bethesda. This time, the development of the project was entrusted to another studio and did not fail: the game turned out even better than the third part and gathered a lot of positive reviews. Like any other role-playing game, this engine in “New Vegas” has a large number of modifications. This article addresses an important component of Fallout New Vegas - partners, their habitats and quests.

The most important role of partners

Each self-respecting role-playing game has at least minimal interaction with the environment and characters. In “Fallout”, starting with the very first part, this role is played by partners. The most diverse personalities are encountered by players in the wasteland who are ready to keep company with them in travel and battles. There are several indisputable advantages in this. Firstly, in Fallout New Vegas partners help in difficult battles. This is especially true when playing any non-combat character. Secondly, with the help of partners, you can carry more items and collect almost everything you find, and then sell it to merchants. Well, in the end, you get the company for the duration of the trip. At any time, the player can refuse the services of a partner and take a new one. Almost every character that you can take with you on a trip has several side quests, a story and even several options for developing relationships.

An open game engine allows you to create mods for Fallout New Vegas that add new partners. This is a great opportunity for those who have already explored every corner of the game, return to the Fallout once again, try to complete new quests and travel with other partners. Let's list all the main characters from the original game without any third-party modifications.

fallout new vegas teammates

Where to find a partner in Fallout New Vegas?

In the main storyline there are only 8 teammates that you can meet in certain places. Among them are 4 people, two robots (one of which is a dog), a ghoul and a super mutant. So the player has a lot of choices. Let's start in order about each character.

Arkade Gennon is a research scientist you can find in Old Mormon Fort. At the first meeting, the character will give you a personal quest, after which he will express a desire to join you.

Boone is one of the most interesting teammates in the game. He is also associated with a curious quest, which is recommended for passing. After that, you can simply abandon his company and go on. Buna can be found in the city of Novak almost at the very beginning of the game.

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Veronica is a trader from the fraternity of steel. Taking it with you, you will open two interesting quests. Before that, you don’t have to complete tasks to hire Veronica. You can find it in the location "188 - Commercial Port".

Cass is another of the initial companions. You can find her at the outpost in Mojave. You will get to its location on one of the initial quests, so you definitely will not miss Cass. Taking it, you can complete several side quests that are directly related to the storyline of the game. In Fallout New Vegas, partners are rarely as important and key characters.


The first robot is a dog, which can be found in Freeside. The animal is not completely a robot, but only with some parts of the body and a mechanical brain. He does not have an additional job for hire, so you can feed the creature and take it with you.

fallout new vegas mates quests

ED-E is a modified flying drone. The least popular of all partners. You can find him at a military base. He has no additional tasks.

Ghoul and super mutant

Raul is the ghoul you will meet on Mount Black. One of the most useful partners, as it has increased repair points and combat skills. The player will release the character from prison, after which he will become your companion and will help in the battle in gratitude for the release.

Lily from Jacobstown is a shadow super mutant who will join your squad after fulfilling a small personal request. The task is quite unusual and interesting, so you should not paint it in detail.

In Fallout New Vegas, partners will no longer come across to you, because here they are no longer there. However, you can meet new colleagues in conquering wasteland in modifications. The developers have prepared 7 more partners in 3 different story options. In addition, you can install a bunch of add-ons that add new satellites. Some modifications are so elaborate that each new character has his own story and quests for hire, which reveal the image and personality.

where to find a partner in fallout new vegas

Is it worth it to go in Fallout New Vegas partner quests?

If you are going to completely immerse yourself in the game world and history, it is recommended that you complete all the tasks from your companions. Thus, you will not only receive experience and rewards, but also learn more about partners, their past, character and much more. In addition, you can get acquainted with each of the presented satellites and choose the one suitable for your trip through the wasteland.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E17483/

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