How to weave a bracelet from gum without a machine tool: different ways

Weaving gum bracelets came to us from America and became popular all over the world. This happened due to the availability of materials, a variety of patterns and the simplicity of the product. You can use a special machine for weaving, which is usually included in the kit. But if one is not present or broken, then do not despair. There are many ways how to weave bracelets of their elastic bands without a machine. Some of them can be found in this article.

how to weave a bracelet from gum without a machine tool

How to weave an elastic band without a machine tool: fishtail

This technique is the simplest weaving. In order to weave a bracelet with its help, you can use a slingshot, a fork or just use your fingers.


  • Approximately 50 rubber bands for weaving in one color.
  • Clip for connection.
  • Fingers.

how to weave a bracelet of rubber without a machine tool on a fork

For a better understanding of the technique, gum in one color is taken. In the future, you can create various color transitions. But while mastering the technique you can easily get confused.

Do the following in stages:

  1. Take 3 gum and throw on the middle and index fingers in the form of a figure eight.
  2. Put on the next two rings without twisting them.
  3. The lower gum is removed from the fingers in turn, grabbing the edges, it forms a loop.
  4. To put on the fourth ring, also without twisting it. All the time you need to take the bottom elastic and stretch through the fingers.

Further, all actions are repeated until a bracelet of the desired length is obtained. At the end of weaving, the ends are fixed with a clip. To do this, they cling to the last ring of the bracelet. And on the other hand - for the second in a row. The first gum, which was made by eight, is cut and cleaned. Now the bracelet can be worn.

Slingshot bracelet

If a special slingshot is included in the set of elastic bands, then it can be woven using the same techniques as on the fingers.

how to weave a bracelet of rubber without a machine on your fingers


  • 25 gum yellow and 25 pink. You can use other shades.
  • Slingshot for weaving.
  • Clip.

How to weave a bracelet from rubber bands without a machine in stages:

  1. Put the yellow gum on the slingshot and twist the figure eight.
  2. A yellow ring is thrown over the fingers, then a yellow elastic band.
  3. They grab the bottom gum with their fingers or a hook, which is included in the set, and lift it up. Repeat the procedure on the other hand.
  4. Again they throw a ring of contrasting color and do the same actions.
  5. Weave a bracelet to the desired length.
  6. Connect the ends of the bracelet, as described above.

Fork weaving

Using this cutlery, you can make beautiful bracelets. The pattern of such products is characterized by a small and intricate pattern.

It is necessary to take:

  • Multi-colored elastic bands.
  • Four-prong fork.
  • Hook or toothpick.

A step-by-step description of how to weave a bracelet from rubber bands without a machine on a fork:

  1. The first ring must be twisted in the form of the number 8 and put on the middle teeth of the fork.
  2. The next twisted eight is thrown over the edges of the device.
  3. Fold the ring in half and put on the middle of the fork.
  4. The lower gum from the extreme teeth is thrown onto the middle of an impromptu machine. You can use a hook or a toothpick.
  5. They put on another little ring folded in half and again toss it to the center of the fork, but already the extreme gum of the middle teeth of the fork.
  6. Alternating throws, a bracelet of the right size is made.
  7. In order to finish the job, you need to throw the extreme gum in the center, and the middle - on the clasp.

The result is a bracelet with a droplet pattern.

How to weave a bracelet without a machine on a fork: "cells"

Rubber bracelets are rich in patterns and sizes. It all depends on the wishes of the person who weaves them. If you want to make a wide bracelet without a special machine, you can use two forks. To do this, you must fasten the forks together using adhesive tape to make a row of 8 teeth.

how to weave a bracelet of rubber without a machine tool on a fork

Phased bracelet weaving:

  1. It is necessary to fold the elastic bands with eights and put them in pairs on a fork.
  2. Put the ring on the 2nd and 3rd prongs, 4th and 5th, 6th and 7th without twisting.
  3. The bottom row of elastic bands is shifted up.
  4. Put them in pairs on the 1st and 2nd prong and so on.
  5. Again, the bottom row of rubber bands is sent up.
  6. Weave a product of the right size.
  7. The final row should be performed according to another scheme. Gum is put on all the teeth at the same time, twisting in front of each. Side rings are thrown into the middle, and the bottom row is up. And on the last two loops they put on a fastener. The "cell" bracelet is made.

The easiest finger bracelet

The easiest technique for making fashion jewelry is chain weaving.


  • Gum in two different colors.
  • Fingers.
  • Clip.

A step-by-step description of how to weave a bracelet from rubber bands without a machine on your fingers:

  1. Put an elastic band on the index and middle finger and twist it with an eight.
  2. Put a ring of contrasting color on it.
  3. Remove the bottom gum.
  4. Weave the decoration to the desired length.
  5. Remove the last rubber band and thread the ends of the bracelet into the clasp.

With this easy method, you get a pretty chain-shaped jewelry.

There are many different methods on how to weave a gum bracelet without a machine tool. In this case, one or two forks, a slingshot, or fingers held together will do. It all depends on the desired pattern, as well as ownership of the technique. And you can learn several weaving techniques and decorate yourself and your loved ones with bright bracelets.


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