Neuropsychology of childhood. Center for Pediatric Neuropsychology

In our life, where there is so much labor and fatigue, children are a fun, bright, pleasant and joyful light. We rejoice when they achieve certain successes in life, and are sad when they are affected by any troubles and bad weather. The development of mental functions is an important component of the entire formation of a child’s personality. The pathologies of this development are dealt with by several branches of science at once, in particular, children's neuropsychology.

The history of neuropsychology as a related science

Neuropsychology is an important area in psychology. It arose at the intersection of several disciplines, such as medicine, neurology, neurosurgery and psychology. The subject of this science is the study of the characteristics of the dynamics of mental processes and the personal sphere, which are manifested in local lesions of the brain.

A. R. Luria, who developed the theory of systemic dynamic localization of higher mental functions, can be safely called the founder of neuropsychology. This theory is the basis of an adjacent science that studies mental processes in different conditions.

What does childhood neuropsychology do?

childhood neuropsychology

It is known that any mental activity is carried out thanks to the work of all areas of the brain. And knowledge of what parts of the brain work when a person performs one or another activity is central to the neuropsychological approach.

Pediatric neuropsychology is engaged in the study of the formation and development of the child’s mental sphere in the process of its development. Unfortunately, recently the number of children with problems in mental development has been growing. The causes that caused such problems may be a defeat of the central nervous system of the child in the perinatal period, pathology of childbirth, the development of pathologies of the nervous system in the first three months of life, and so on. To date, childhood neuropsychology offers a set of measures aimed at early identification of the causes of abnormal development and timely adoption of measures.

What pathology of mental functions does this science deal with?

pediatric neuropsychology

Usually, with the defeat of HMF, such mental and cognitive processes as speech, perception, thinking, active attention, and types of mnemonic activity are disturbed. Sometimes the changes relate to the personality of the child, his emotions suffer. Brain disturbances in the motor and sensory spheres can be especially pronounced. Recently, many researchers have been paying more and more attention to such an industry as pediatric neuropsychology, which studies the development of children's mental functions under normal and pathological conditions, that is, in comparison.

How are psychology and medicine related in this branch of knowledge?

As already mentioned, neuropsychology was formed on the basis of theoretical data of psychology and medicine. Medical knowledge allows psychological science to understand and study the various mechanisms and causes of mental disorders. Therefore, in the development of various neuropsychological rehabilitation programs aimed at improving the well-being of the patient, both psychologists and doctors participate.

Periods of age development of children

Mikadze childhood neuropsychology

It is believed that from 0 to 3 years, the development of the child is very intensive.

It all starts with the infant period, when the baby can only eat, sleep and enjoy at the sight of an adult. Then he turns into an independent curious kid who has in his arsenal a sufficient number of skills. This time is very happy for him and memorable for his parents. However, the first words, steps, poem, drawing, crafts from plasticine will become possible only with the timely development of memory, attention, thinking, speech and so on.

At the age of 3 to 7 years, a world of people opens up for a child, substantive communication goes to the secondary plan. The kid imitates adults in everything, all his actions and actions are motivated and have a goal. Interest in the environment is growing, forms of active interaction with peers are developing, personality traits are being laid, moral and moral qualities are being formed, qualities such as respect, cooperation, and the ability to defend one's opinion are being acquired.

Reasons why parents go to the center of pediatric neuropsychology

Center for Pediatric Neuropsychology

For help, a neuropsychologist and other specialists working in the field of pediatric neuropsychology are contacted by parents whose children experience learning difficulties and have problems in behavior. More often they began to deal with the problems of childhood stuttering, ticks, emotionally unstable behavior, no less parents worry about fears and increased anxiety in children.

A pediatric neuropsychologist develops individual programs for working with problem children, conducts psycho-correctional classes with a delay in mental development, helps parents determine at what age it is better to send a child to school, and determines the level of his development.

Reasons for seeking help from a neuropsychologist are:

  • hyperactivity, restlessness or excessive lethargy of the child;
  • various motor disorders (underdevelopment of motility, increase or decrease in tone, motor awkwardness);
  • underdevelopment of mental and cognitive processes, such as memory, perception, attention, thinking;
  • difficulties in learning writing, counting, and also if the child cannot read.

Methods of assistance to neuropsychologists

center for pediatric neuropsychology reviews

The Center for Pediatric Neuropsychology, where parents often turn for help, is the main diagnostic base for a child with developmental problems, because a procedure for psychodiagnostics is necessarily prescribed. This is important to identify the characteristics of the mental sphere of the child. Then psychocorrectional measures can be prescribed.

Methods of psychodiagnostics include studying the state of mnemonic abilities, active attention, thinking, the emotional-volitional sphere, etc. Psycho-correctional classes contribute to the full or partial restoration of damaged mental functions necessary for full development and successful learning, due to the remaining safe functions. In this case, a neuropsychologist draws up a work program relevant to a particular child.

Classes are held both in group and in individual form. It should be noted that such a help should be provided by a neuropsychologist (or a specialist who is well versed in such an industry as childhood neuropsychology). Informative in terms of corrective exercises is the manual by Yu. V. Mikadze "Neuropsychology of childhood." To consolidate the result, it is very important for parents to work with their children at home.

Center for Pediatric Neuropsychology: parent reviews

Research Center for Pediatric Neuropsychology

Each parent, raising his child, believes and hopes to grow a full-fledged harmonious personality. Our life is full of difficulties and trials, which not only a child, but an adult can sometimes not cope with. Uncertainty in one's strengths, resentment, fears, rejection by society, a sheet, weak cognitive abilities, communication problems are frequent companions of modern children. Fortunately, with the advent of various neuropsychological centers, this problem is being solved today.

Thus, the Research Center for Pediatric Neuropsychology, founded in 1999, provides assistance to children with mental development problems at a very high level. This center is unique and is one of a kind in Moscow, as the high professionalism of the specialists working there guarantees the high quality of the assistance provided. It should be noted that the reviews about him are only positive.


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