Device for planting carrots. The simplest single-row seeder for carrots

Carrot is a vegetable that is grown everywhere in the middle lane. But to obtain a plentiful harvest, certain conditions are required. To increase productivity, it is not enough to regularly water and feed plants, it is important to carry out uniform sowing. This can be achieved using devices for planting carrots. From what you can make them and how to use them, read the article.

Historical reference

The birthplace of the vegetable is Afghanistan. In Europe, carrots have been known since about the 10th century. Varieties of carrots with orange coloring first appeared in Holland in the 17th century. Today there are 60 varieties, and each has its own root length, diameter, color, weight, and tops of vegetables.

Carrot Planting Device

In the distant past, people were engaged in growing carrots not for root crops, but because of fragrant leaves and seeds, which were used as seasoning for various dishes. At that time, they did not know about the benefits of carrots.

Planting carrots with a pinch

Vegetable planted in this way does not need thinning. It was used even when other landing options were not known. How to plant carrots? Seeds are sown in holes at a distance of 10 centimeters from one another. Beam shoots will appear on the surface of the soil. If the planting material is unsuitable, there is a chance that at least some seed will sprout.

How to plant carrots

It happens that the seeds will be of good quality and all will sprout. No thinning is needed. In any case, root crops will develop unevenly. The grown carrots are ripped out and enjoyed by them, and the rest continue to grow quietly. With this method of planting, when the carrots are not thinned out, the roots are not damaged. The only drawback is the presence of a large plot, since the bushes are spreading. But the area can be reduced if they are tied.

Tape landing

The methods for planting carrots are different. One of them greatly facilitates the work of gardeners. It consists in the fact that landing is carried out on tapes, which are sold in specialized stores. The seeds are already glued on them. How to plant carrots? The technology is very simple. Furrows are made on the beds, ribbons with seeds are pulled along them and sprinkled with soil.

You can make a device for planting carrot seeds yourself. To do this, take loose paper, you can toilet. Stripes of the desired width are cut, usually two centimeters. A starch paste is being prepared. He droplets, at a distance of 2.5 centimeters, is applied to the strip. On top of each droplet is the seed of a carrot.

Planting Carrot Seeds

To make the crop large, fertilizer with a mineral composition is added to the water for the preparation of the paste. One tablespoon of the supplement is sufficient per liter of water. To save time, wide paper is not cut into strips, and glue droplets are applied on both sides. Planting carrot seeds on a ribbon has the following advantages:

  • The sowing process is facilitated by the fact that all the preparatory work is carried out at home, and not in the field. Evenly spaced seeds on paper give the same seedlings.
  • Planting material in the soil is embedded at the same depth, since it is glued to one tape.
  • Seed consumption is reduced by 20 times compared with the usual method of sowing, and productivity increases.
  • The tape is a covering material for carrots, so it is protected from damage by a carrot fly.

Manual carrot seeder

To give when planting carrots, often use a device that is a simple design. This is a seeder with two wheels and a container, on the lower side of which a hole has been made. Through it, the seeds evenly enter the groove. The device for planting carrots has a front wheel, which is endowed with spikes to form grooves, and the rear is smooth. With its help, the bed is leveled and rammed a little after sowing seeds.

Planting carrots using cells

This method of sowing is very simple. To use it, you do not need to splurge. The device for planting carrots is made of two cellular cartons, designed to pack three dozen eggs. One is invested in another. The resulting structure is pressed to the soil to form holes. Carrot seeds are placed in each hole and sprinkled with soil. Thanks to this method, a certain distance between plantings is maintained, and thinning shoots is not required.

Planting a salt shaker

You can make a device for planting carrots using a conventional salt shaker or any container with a dispenser: pill boxes or sugar substitute. It is enough to press to planting material in the garden.

How to make a device for planting carrots

For uniform sowing, the seeds need to be mixed with sand, mix well and put all this in a salt shaker. When sowing, they will not stick together and get enough sleep. Seeds and sand must be dry.

Landing with a bottle with a spout

Carrots have small seeds. They will be evenly spaced on the bed if sowing is carried out using a device for planting carrots. To do this, you can take a bottle of oil with a dispenser.

If you don’t have one at home, any plastic bottle will fit on the lid of which a hole is made and a tube for cocktails is inserted into it. The design is tightly fixed with tape. To ensure uniform sowing, the bottle is shaken slightly. Thinning, of course, will need to be done, but insignificant.

Syringe planter for carrots

This is a ready-made device for planting small seeds, just apply it correctly. Planting material is poured into the flask.

Carrot Seed Attachment

By pressing the piston, as during an injection, the seeds are poured onto the garden bed. To get uniform seedlings, you need to try to plant the seeds in the soil at the same depth.

Planting carrots using paste

With this method, the sowing of seeds will be uniform, and the plants do not need to be thinned out. The device for planting carrots can be made independently. For this, a paste is prepared from a liter of boiling water and a spoonful of flour. The ingredients are mixed until a homogeneous mass without lumps. You can add a little complex fertilizer to the water.

Carrot seeds are added to the cooled and swollen mass, everything is thoroughly mixed. The prepared mixture is placed in a plastic bottle and closed with a cap with a hole made in it. When planting, the mass is squeezed out into grooves, sprinkled with soil and watered.

With this method, the seeds do not stick together, are evenly distributed over the bed, and the seedlings will not be thick. At the same time, the paste is an excellent breeding ground for seeds, so they will germinate faster. The main thing is that the paste is not thick, otherwise it will be difficult to squeeze it out of the bottle.

Manual device for planting carrots

The simplest single row seeder is a compact unit with low productivity, therefore it is used in the household for sowing small areas. During operation, the drill is pushed forward along the bed. The movement of the wheels drives a shaft with small recesses, which rotates around its axis. A portion of the seeds from the hopper falls into them. Excess seeds from the recesses are brushed off, one seed remaining in each. In the process of further movement, the seeds fall into the groove.

Manual seeder for carrots

Hand seeder has advantages. The recesses on the shaft can be made with different diameters and arranged in any order, which will allow sowing seeds of different sizes. The size and number of cells can always be reduced with wax.

DIY seeder

How to make a device for planting carrots? In order to make a four-row unit, you need to prepare all the material: aluminum tubes, a small piece of galvanized iron, wheels, a bar, an axle. Handles are made from an aluminum tube and bins are prepared in which seeds will be filled. They are made in the form of funnels of iron and are mounted on the axis. The gaps between them should be left the same. The pipe and the sump are separated by a hole, the size of which is one millimeter. Carrot seeds will fall into it. So that they get enough sleep in the grooves, a guide is installed on the shaft.

The benefits of carrots

This vegetable in its composition contains a huge amount of beneficial substances that have a positive effect on the body.

  • Carrots are rich in vitamin A. It is enough to use two vegetables to meet the daily needs of the body. Vitamin is better absorbed if grated carrots and mixed with vegetable oil. This vitamin is good for the eyes. Eating carrots regularly solves many of the problems associated with vision.

Methods for planting carrots

  • Boiled vegetables are good for people with high blood sugar.
  • Carrots bring invaluable benefits to vessels and heart. The use of fresh root vegetables helps lower cholesterol. Due to the high potassium content, blood circulation in the brain is normalized. The risk of a disease such as stroke is reduced.
  • The vegetable is useful for hypertension, varicose veins, atherosclerosis.
  • Carrots are an excellent prophylactic against cancer.
  • Eating vegetables improves carbohydrate metabolism, solves problems with constipation, cleanses the intestines, liver and kidneys, removes toxins and toxins,
  • Carrots are an excellent diuretic and choleretic agent. Thanks to the root crop, sand comes out of the kidneys.
  • Vegetable has a healing effect. To do this, just attach it to a sore spot.


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