How to transplant raspberries: procedure, features of watering and lighting, timing

Many summer residents grow raspberries in areas. Everyone loves and needs culture. But not everyone knows how to care for her. With prolonged cultivation, there is a need for transplantation. In our article we want to talk about how to transplant raspberries. Indeed, the future harvest often depends on this procedure.

Do I need a transplant

Many gardeners do not transplant at all, because they do not consider this procedure necessary or mandatory. In fact, it is very necessary, and there are many reasons for this:

Raspberry Harvest
  1. Raspberries, growing for a long time in the same place, significantly depletes the soil. Therefore, plants do not receive enough nutrients. This affects yield and berry size. And taste also suffers.
  2. In raspberries accumulate a huge number of all kinds of pests that parasitize on culture.
  3. Growing, bushes take up a lot of space, which causes a thickening of plantings. In this case, the plants are poorly ventilated, they create places with high humidity, due to which fungal diseases spread.
  4. Transplanting stimulates the growth of new branches that renew the culture.
  5. Bushes planted in straight rows look more attractive on the site.

Before you start talking about how to transplant raspberries, it is worth deciding how often this needs to be done. Experts say that it is necessary to plant bushes in a new place every five years. The exception is those cases when the culture does not lose productivity. Then the transplant can be postponed for a couple of years. However, this does not happen often.

When to transplant plants

Not all gardeners know when to plant raspberries. Experienced specialists believe that the procedure can be carried out throughout the entire warm period. The optimal time for transplanting is after the harvest and before the frost arrives.

However, people's opinions on the timing of landing differ. Some gardeners are inclined to think that a spring transplant is much better, since it avoids certain losses. The disturbed plants are stressed and therefore weakened. In this state, it will be difficult for the culture to winter. In winter, some branches may freeze, which will affect the harvest.

If we take into account all the opinions, we can draw some conclusions:

  1. Spring transplanting allows plants not only to take root, but also to get stronger before the onset of cold weather. On new bushes next year there will be a root shoot, which will notice frigid branches.
  2. Is it possible to transplant raspberries in the summer? It is possible if the weather is hot outside. Otherwise, it will be difficult for the bushes to take root. At first, raspberries will have to shade to reduce the rate of moisture evaporation.
  3. When to transplant raspberries in the fall? Planting should be carried out at the optimum time, otherwise the plants may not have time to take root, which leads to freezing in the winter.

It should be noted that the taste of berries and their beneficial properties do not depend on the timing of planting. In general, landing times can be selected depending on the presence of free time.

Landing time

When to transplant raspberries in the fall? The best time is from mid-September to mid-October. But the weather conditions of each region must be taken into account. Therefore, the terms of work can be postponed a little. The main thing is to observe the basic condition, which is that the landing must be carried out no later than 30 days before the onset of frost. A month is enough for rooting plants.

Raspberries planted in rows

If for some reason you did not manage to make a landing in time, then it is better to postpone it until spring. Unrooted plants may freeze. The exact date of the transplant is very difficult to determine. She is chosen for a number of signs:

  1. By variety.
  2. According to the weather.
  3. The climate of the region should be taken into account.
  4. The timing of falling leaves on the bushes.
  5. Replacing kidneys must be present on the root neck.

Early varieties are usually ready for transplanting in mid-September. As for the late varieties, they are planted in October.

When is it better to transplant raspberries

As we already mentioned, the choice of a month for a transplant depends on the region of your residence. Naturally, in the northern regions, landing should be carried out earlier than in the southern ones.

On average, in different areas of our country, landing times are as follows:

  1. In the middle lane, the procedure can be performed in the first month of autumn, but no later than the beginning of October.
  2. In the Volga region and the Moscow region, transplantation is carried out at the same time. In these parts, the procedure is also carried out in the spring. However, an autumn transplant is more desirable.
  3. In the Urals and Siberia, all work must be completed before September 12, taking into account weather conditions. For example, if in August it became colder and the winds blew, it is better to abandon the autumn landing.

In the southern regions of Russia, landing can be done until mid-November.

Seat selection

Knowing when to transplant raspberries, you need to start choosing a place. Only on a good site will the crop produce a bountiful harvest. Plants are very demanding on the fertility of the earth and the degree of illumination. In addition, it is necessary to choose the right planting material.

On the site for the culture should highlight a well-lit place, protected from cold winds. It is desirable that snow lingers on it, which will cover the bushes and prevent them from freezing.

During the spring flood, the site should not be flooded. The root system of the culture is very sensitive to moisture. She does not tolerate even short-term flooding. For raspberries, you can choose the southern or southwestern part of the infield.

The site for the crop should be removed from the tall fruit trees that shade the plantings. And this negatively affects the abundance of the crop.

Predecessors on the site

Raspberry feels good on the site after vegetable crops, except for tomatoes, potatoes, eggplant, pepper. Does not like the culture of the soil after currants and gooseberries.

Best of all, if the predecessors of raspberries were:

  1. Zucchini or cucumbers.
  2. Sideral herbs.
  3. Legumes.
  4. Onion and garlic.

But the bad predecessors are: tomatoes, strawberries, strawberries, potatoes. The fact is that these cultures have the same diseases with raspberries. For the same reason, raspberry bushes should not be planted in the place where the raspberry was located two to three years ago.

Soil preparation

How to transplant raspberries to a new place? First of all, it is worth starting with the preparation of the site. Culture is very demanding on soil fertility. The ideal option is planting bushes on loamy and sandy loamy soils with a neutral level of acidity. If you have chosen a site with acidic soil, then you must first add dolomite flour or lime to it.

Soil preparation

A month before planting, the soil should be dug up and fertilized. As fertilizer, you can use a mixture of: rotted manure (25 kg), double superphosphate (70 g), potassium sulfate (60 g). If the site is peaty soil. Then you need to make river sand (two or three buckets per square meter). For raspberries, nitrogen fertilizers should not be used, since they have a negative effect on plants, especially in winter.

It’s easy to figure out how to transplant raspberries. To do this, prepare pits or grooves. Their width and depth can reach 45 cm. The topsoil must be folded separately, since it is most fertilized. In the process of planting, the roots of the cuttings are covered with it.

Planting material

How to transplant raspberries in the fall to a new place? First of all, you need to prepare a good planting material. It is best to choose bushes with medium shoots. Stems that are too thin can freeze, and excessively thick stems give a poor harvest.

Raspberry seedling

You can transplant old bushes by dividing, but you need to take healthy and strong specimens. Raspberries are dug with a shovel around, trying not to violate the integrity of the roots. The bush is taken out together with a lump of earth, and then cut with a garden knife into separate parts.

Sometimes, in the absence of bushes, a root shoot that emerges from the accessory buds on the root system is transplanted to a new location. They grow up to 70 centimeters from the mother bush. During the preparation of planting material, you must:

Pruning raspberries before planting
  1. Look through the stems in time to detect damage.
  2. Remove rotten parts of the root system with a knife.
  3. The roots must be treated with a clay solution (it is prepared from clay, heteroauxin and water).

Landing method

If you do not know how to transplant raspberries, pay attention to the trench method. Its essence is as follows:

  1. On the site they dig trenches with a depth of 45 cm and a width of 55 centimeters. Their length may be different. It all depends on the size of your raspberry.
  2. Root siblings or divided bushes are lowered into each trench, leaving a distance between them of about 40 centimeters. The distance between the rows is 1.5 meters.
  3. At the bottom of the trench, it is recommended to pour ash and a fertile layer of soil. Ash can be used only on alkaline soil.
  4. The roots of plants must be dipped in a clay mash. Next, the bushes are lowered into the trench and covered with soil from above. The soil around raspberries needs to be slightly compacted.
  5. Plantings from above must be watered.

Some gardeners believe that beds should be placed from north to south. Perhaps this approach makes sense, because in the daytime the sun will illuminate the berries as much as possible.

Pit landing

More gardeners use the patching method for planting raspberries. But it is usually used for planting remont raspberries. In this case, the bushes are planted according to the following algorithm:

Planting raspberries
  1. Pits are prepared three weeks before planting. They are dug up to a depth of 40 centimeters and a width of up to 55 centimeters.
  2. Between the bushes make a distance of about 80 centimeters, and between the rows - 1.5 meters.
  3. A fertile soil layer is poured at the bottom.
  4. Saplings are lowered into the hole, spreading their roots.
  5. From above they are covered with earth.
  6. We compact the soil near the bushes.

Before the onset of cold weather, raspberries are regularly watered and mulched to protect the roots from frost. To improve survival, it is recommended to water the root zone with Kornevin. The first moistening with such a solution should be carried out two weeks after planting.

After landing care

In order for the bushes to take root after the autumn planting, they need to ensure proper care. At first, you need to regularly water raspberries and loosen the soil. In addition, experts certainly recommend mulching the soil. Most often, peat or sawdust is used for this, which is poured with a layer of at least 10 centimeters. Such a simple agricultural method allows you to save moisture in the soil in autumn. And in winter, sawdust or peat will protect the plants from freezing.

Experienced gardeners recommend moisture-watering before frosts. On average, a bucket of water is enough for each plant. In the northern regions, gardeners prefer to cover the bushes for the winter with special insulating material.


Some experts recommend immediately after planting to make a garter bushes. For example, in the trench method, plants are tied in the form of trellis. In this case, the bushes are planted at a distance of 70 centimeters, placing two seedlings in the hole. And between the rows they leave a distance of 1.8 meters, so that the raspberries are well shined by the sun. Pillars are hammered from each edge of the row, and then a cord is pulled between them at a height of one meter.

Tied raspberries

You can use galvanized wire. If the rows are long enough, then you need to install a few more supports. Shoots are tied to a cord or wire at a distance of 10 cm from each other. Next year, it will be possible to pull a few more rows of wire at a height of 1.5 meters and 0.3 meters. The lower tier is needed for garter shoots for the winter, to bend them to the ground. And the upper one is needed for the garter of the highest plants. This technique provides good lighting culture and a convenient approach to the bushes. Proper planting and care allow you to get a good harvest next year.


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