Questions for the quiz with answers - cognitive relaxation guaranteed

Any event will become interesting and fascinating if a quiz is included in it. This is such a game where participants are asked questions from different areas of knowledge, the answers to which are evaluated by the jury. Winners usually receive awards: valuable prizes, souvenirs, certificates, diplomas or comic gifts. Usually, the organizers prepare questions for the quiz with answers in advance. But often the organizers instruct the teams themselves to ask questions to their rivals. A selection of tasks is most often devoted to a single topic.

Geography Quiz

Most often, participants are offered tasks like charades, in which the names of cities, rivers, lakes, islands are hidden:

1. Name the island, which itself reports on its size. (I + small = Yamal)

2. This is my protection from the rain, and even from the sun I will hide there. If you read this word from the end, you will definitely find a mountain lake! (Canopy - Sevan)

3. This is not a riddle - a charade: you need to take a note to help, add “n” to it, now it’s a river, believe it or not! (To + n = Don)

It is not easy to select such questions for the quiz, with the answers to which the participants will have to torment!

quiz questions with answers

Logic Tasks

It is very important to select such interesting questions for the quiz so that participants can apply not only their knowledge, but also reason. It can even be a rather long story or a sketch. But at the very end a question will be asked. An example of such a riddle is the following fairy tale story, which can be told or beaten with a performance.

“One bored prince strolled at night in his garden. And there he met a beautiful girl. She was also extremely intelligent, modest and kind. The prince fell in love with the beauty right away! For a week, they met every night in the garden. And then the girl said that it was their last night. After all, tomorrow the evil sorcerer will complete his crime.

“He turned me into one of the roses that bloom in your garden.” And yesterday he told me that if tomorrow morning you can guess which of the roses is me, then I will return my former appearance forever. If you make a mistake, then I will forever remain a rose ... Farewell, my beloved! I have to go, look, the dew has already fallen ... See you tomorrow!

And the girl disappeared into the dark. The next morning, the prince went out into the garden with excitement and began to examine his roses. He was very afraid to make a mistake. But suddenly he exclaimed joyfully: "Here she is, my chosen one!" And bravely pointed to one of the flowers. At that very moment, a girl appeared instead of a rose - the guy was not mistaken. And now the question is: what helped the young man guess which flower of the hundreds growing in the garden the unhappy girl was turned into? ”

The answer to this riddle is this: the girl, saying goodbye, pointed out to the young man the fact that the dew had already fallen. And when the prince was solving a difficult problem, he noticed that only on one of the roses there was no dew.

quiz questions for schoolchildren

Competition for the best animal expert

Quiz questions for schoolchildren about animals can be so interesting that not all adults will immediately find the answers to them. Therefore, it will be appropriate to place clues on a special stand. For example, you can ask questions such as:

  1. What kind of animal lives in the water in the summer, and hides in the ground for the winter? (Water rat)
  2. Which animal paws grow palms outward? (At the mole)
  3. What kind of animal is it that without its "favorite corns" on its legs and tongue it will not be able to live? (Camel)
    quiz question answer for children

Competition for the "badges" of the senior group of kindergarten

An interesting question-answer quiz for children of preschool age can be held. It is only necessary to carefully approach the selection of material for the competition. Too complicated questions can lead to children getting bored and not achieving the goal. And in such events, the main thing is to arouse interest in the process of cognition. Therefore, you should alternate simple questions with complex ones. And among the guys there must be “knowledge” who know the answer to a difficult question. Usually in such a game form they manage to convey new information to the kids - in the game they remember it much faster and more willingly.

Competitions for children with puzzles

It is appropriate to colorfully format the questions for the quiz with answers in the form of puzzles. For example, here you can duplicate such a riddle with a picture by placing both the task and the result on the same plate:

If we take an elephant

We’ll take “C” from him,

And then add the river -

Here we have all the fun!

All faces are cheerful around -

The capital has left the elephant !!! (Lon + Don = London).

interesting quiz questions

Competition "Who knows better fairy tales" for senior preschoolers

For six-year-olds, such events can be based on the knowledge of fairy tales. The contest will be very interesting if it is led by a negative character, for example, Koschey the Immortal or Baba Yaga. Of course, these characters should be a little comical so that the guys do not get scared.

The host will report that he encrypted the names of fairy tales, replacing the words with opposite ones in meaning - these will be the questions for the quiz. The guys will cope with the answers easily, you can issue any tokens to summarize at the end of the event.

  1. Chernomask without three giants (Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs).
  2. The maid of laughter (Tsarevna Nesmeyana).
  3. Awake ugly (Sleeping Beauty).

And here you can use the picture stand as tips. After the next riddle is solved, the plot picture can be removed from the stand.

quiz for preschoolers

Fun quiz

Sometimes the questions in an exciting game are far from scientific knowledge. They can be based on interesting features of the Russian language: the presence in it of homonyms, homographs, homophones. This happens in cases where words with different meanings have the same look, the same pronunciation or spelling. The quiz of funny questions in this case will turn to some extent into a competition of experts in the Russian language.

Questions for knowledge of homonyms may be something like this:

  1. Name the word, which in one sense is a young branch, and in another it means unauthorized departure. (the escape)
  2. In one case, this is a small shop, and in the other, a bench. What's this word? (shop)
    quiz funny questions
  3. A beautiful animal is one meaning of the word, a monk is the second. What is that word? (llama)

The funniest questions for the quiz will be based on homophones - identical words in pronunciation. An example of such a riddle: “The driver is driving along a country road. And just turns around the corner - he sees a camel in front of him! What is the driver’s name? ” The answer is only the name. Indeed, the name itself sounded in the riddle itself - an attentive participant will immediately pay attention to it.

You can use these questions: "Why is a duck swimming, why is a swan swimming?" The answers also rely on the same pronunciation, but the different meanings of the questions: “why” - “from what”; "Why" - "why." Therefore, the answers will be: "A duck swims in the water, and a swan swims from the shore."

funny quiz questions

A ridiculous riddle about apples growing on oak is known to many today, it is based on the attentiveness of the participants. “There are 67 large branches on the oak, each of them has 8 young branches. On each branch 6 apples hang. How many apples are growing on a tree? ”

It is not necessary to include in the quiz questions related to only one topic, if the conditions of the event do not require it. Let a variety of riddles sound in the competition: smart and funny, funny and witty, complex and making you smash your head well - this will make the quiz more interesting and fascinating.


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