How to measure the temperature of a newborn? Find out!

When a baby is born, his body is very sensitive to temperature changes, and this lasts up to three months. She tends to constantly change, reacting even to changing weather on the street. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the newborn. If it seemed to you that the baby was hot, use a thermometer.

how to measure the temperature of a newborn

Let's figure it out

Many young mothers, having given birth to their firstborn, do not know how to measure the temperature of a newborn. Let's figure it out. In modern pharmacies, many devices for measuring body temperature , designed specifically for babies, are sold. These are ordinary mercury thermometers, and electronic batteries, and even in the form of pacifiers for very young children. Most parents choose, of course, conventional electronic thermometers. They are convenient to use and absolutely safe for children. Thus, measurements can be carried out in several ways: in the baby’s mouth, in the rectum, under the arm. Using an electronic thermometer is easy. If you have chosen the method of measurement under the arm, then you need to undress the baby. This is necessary so that the thermometer comes in contact with the skin of the child, and not with his clothes. Next, place it in the armpit of the baby and, holding the handle, wait until a sound sounds, indicating that the result is obtained.

what is the temperature in newborns

Normal temperature

And how do you know what temperature in newborns is considered the norm? When the child was born and is still in the maternity hospital, pediatricians measure indicators twice a day: early in the morning (at about 6 o’clock) and in the evening before going to bed. Having seen the value of 37 ° C on the thermometer, mothers start asking a bunch of questions, or even raise a panic. However, good doctors reassure young mothers, arguing that this is the usual temperature in a newborn, the norm of which is 37.3 ° C. It must be borne in mind that each child has individual characteristics of the body. Therefore, the normal temperature may vary for different babies. It is best and most accurate to measure it when the child is at rest. After the baby has eaten or bathed, the indicators can be higher, and this scares the parents, but is considered the norm. Why so? Up to six months, the optimal temperature for the newborn in the armpits is + 37 ... + 37.3 ° C. But after six months, the norm is +37 ° C. In the mouth of a little man, it can be 0.3–0.5 degrees more and reach almost 38 ° C, and in the rectum it is higher by 0.5-1 ° C.

How to measure the temperature of a newborn?

Consider another reasonably clear option. To measure the temperature in the mouth, gently place the tip of the thermometer in the baby’s mouth under the tongue. The ideal option is if the baby will breathe with his nose, not his mouth. It is also necessary to pull out the thermometer after the sound signal sounds. Make sure that the baby does not spin, otherwise it may damage the mucous membrane of the mouth.

Another option (heavier in execution)

the temperature in the newborn is normal

The next measurement method scares some moms and dads. And they often ask their treating pediatricians how to measure the temperature in the rectum for a newborn. This method gives more accurate results. Before doing this procedure, grease the tip of the thermometer with petroleum jelly or special baby oil. Turn the newborn on its side, be sure to ensure that the baby is calm, otherwise you will get the wrong results. Very carefully insert the thermometer into the anus 1.5–2 cm and hold it until a beep is heard.

optimal temperature for the newborn

If the child is crying and dodging, in no case try to force him. As soon as the baby falls asleep, try again. In order not to torment the child with such manipulations, you can measure the temperature on the bend of the knee or elbow. This is done exactly the same as in the armpit. If the result is above 38 ° C, immediately call a doctor or ambulance. Be sure to give an antipyretic safe for babies. At high temperatures, very young children may begin to cramp, so you do not need to bring down the heat by rubbing it with vinegar, cool water or alcohol, it is better to wait until the ambulance arrives. Qualified doctors will listen to the baby’s bronchi and lungs for wheezing, take all necessary measures to help your child. If necessary, they will certainly offer you hospitalization for a more accurate examination. Do not neglect the advice of doctors, the health of your child depends on this.

Little conclusion

In extreme cases (if necessary), contact your pediatrician, he will tell you exactly how to measure the temperature of the newborn in the most correct way. Take care of your children, dress warmer in cold weather, but do not bother much, do not create drafts at home in order to avoid colds.


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