Artesian well - what is it? Design and operation of artesian wells

If the country house is not connected to the central water supply or the owners are not satisfied with the quality of the water, then it is worth considering the presence of a private well on the site.

Description of artesian well

artesian well what is it

If you will be equipping an artesian well, what is it, before starting work, you should definitely find out. Landscaped modern private houses are equipped with lawns, pools, fountains, as well as greenhouses. All this involves consuming a huge amount of water every day. However, the central water supply is not always able to provide all these benefits with the right amount of life-giving fluid. That is why artesian wells are quite often equipped. Sometimes you can hear another name for artesian wells - limestone aquifers, they are located at a depth of 40 to 200 meters. The central region of Russia today is quite well studied in matters of subsoil, as well as the depth of water in a certain area. That is why before starting work it is recommended to contact drilling specialists who, using maps, can determine the water line with an accuracy of 20 meters.

The advantages of having an artesian well in the area

artesian well

If you will be equipping an artesian well, what is it, it is important to know. It is necessary to familiarize yourself with the pros and features of such wells. Among the first, one can single out the opportunity to use uninterrupted water supply throughout the year. This is especially important for those people who have large subsidiary plots. After all, it implies the need for a certain amount of water all year. Among other things, the artesian well is an indispensable solution for a rural settlement, where the central water supply often freezes in the cold. If the aquifer is located no deeper than 60 meters, then the cost of arranging the well will not be too high.

Determining the location for artesian wells

arrangement of artesian wells

If an artesian well will be drilled, what is it, it is important to know before starting work. Such a well implies the need for an initial location determination. The ideal solution is drilling around the house. If the layout of the well is carried out even at the stage of construction of a residential building, then this issue will be quite simple to solve. When the work is planned to be carried out in an area where all the buildings and the main house are already there, then for the construction of the well it will be necessary to select a site whose size is 3 x 6 meters. It should be noted that it is necessary to ensure the arrival of heavy equipment, it is important to prepare a place for the installation of drilling equipment. In this case, no electrical wires should be located above the site. If an artesian well will be drilled, what is it, it is important to know even before the start of manipulations. Such a well provides for the equipment of a place for a sump; its dimensions should be equal to 1 x 1.5 meters. The waste water from the drilling process will merge there. The plot must be electrified. As for the access road, its width should be 3 meters and not less.

Drilling Specialist

artesian well operation

If an artesian well is drilled on the site, then after completion of work, access roads should be left free, they are necessary for possible repairs, in which the drilling machine will certainly have to be used .

Artesian well device

artesian well clearance

If we are talking about the classic design of the well, then it will include a trunk, the walls of which are strengthened by the casing. The latter should be made of galvanized or ferrous metal. As they deepen during drilling, the casing must increase; for this, a threaded joint or welding is used. The craftsmen lower the steel insert or the corresponding plastic element into the interior of the pipe. After that, the pump is lowered, which is equipped with an outlet hose. The insert must be ruined below the location of the pipe, this is due to the fact that it is required for isolation from exposure to water.

Features of the work

artesian water well depth

The arrangement of artesian wells provides protection against surface water. To do this, the gap formed by the pipes must be sealed. To do this, use a special compact clay. While all the external space that is located behind the casing must necessarily be cemented. If this rule is observed, then the well can be operated for half a century or more. At the same time, water will not have a metallic taste, among other things, all kinds of impurities will not get into it.

Positive features of plastic pipes for well construction

artesian well use

Quite often recently, plastic pipes for artesian wells have been used. This is because these products are not only environmentally friendly, but also quite durable. During the work, pipes made of low pressure polyethylene and polyvinyl chloride are used. These materials do not corrode and do not decompose. The weight of such pipes is much smaller, while the cost is lower if compared with stainless products. For the reason that the pipes are lightweight, the design can be used without danger of material breaking under its own weight. You can be sure that during the use of the well, tight threaded joints will not be broken.

Factors in favor of plastic pipes

If the depth of the artesian water well is more significant, then the whole process will be more expensive. However, you have the opportunity to save on pipes made of plastic. Although they have a lower cost, they do not deteriorate under the influence of aggressive media, as is typical for steel pipes. If there is a need to repair the well, it will be much easier to replace plastic products than metal ones. It is important to know that the use of plastic products without an external steel border is unacceptable.

Recommendations for efficient well operation

In order to ensure uninterrupted water supply, the artesian well should be properly operated. After commissioning, it is necessary to exclude prolonged inactivity of the well. This may affect performance. Thus, the well must be equipped with a lift, which is a pumping equipment. This is especially true for wells that have filters, as well as wells that take water from a sandy aquifer. If the well remains idle for a long time, the horizon may float. If the water has not been used for more than 1 month, then it is necessary to carry out a repeated trial and operational pumping, it is necessary to carry out such manipulations until the water becomes transparent. It is worth remembering that before starting work, a permit for an artesian well must be obtained. However, it is also important to use the well correctly. After drilling, the mouth should be hermetically and firmly closed. It is best to use a steel cover for this, which is strengthened by welding to the casing. If this rule is neglected, the well may be filled with debris and dirt. While the implementation of cleaning and restoration of the well, as a rule, is accompanied by high cash costs.

In some cases, recovery may not give a positive result. This will cause the well to fail. That is why if the well is sufficiently tightly closed, then its integrity must be checked from time to time, the owners of the territory themselves must do this.

What else you need to know about documentation

The use of an artesian well does not mean at all that the documentation may be lost. It should be stored permanently. If, after several years of use, the need arises for repair and conversion, the documents will need to be presented. If this is not done, then a large amount of additional work will be necessary. In some cases, it is not at all possible to determine the methodology of restoration or repair procedures without the presence of certain documents.

Work on the well during its operation

Before installing the water intake, the mouth must be opened by doing this in the presence of a representative of the organization that owns the well. After the depth is measured. All these data are recorded by the act. Depending on the results, decisions are made about pumping out or the absence of the possibility of such manipulations. The base plate of the pump must be mounted on a special concrete base, otherwise vibration from functioning equipment can cause sand to fill the well.


In the process of putting a well into operation, pumping equipment should be used with a minimum capacity, gradually increasing the required water withdrawal. The well should be used with a debit that does not exceed the volumes prescribed by the drilling organization. You can find out these indicators in the passport for the well. That is why it is worth treating the documentation with care, preserving it during the operation of the well.


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