Benzokosa "Lynx BTR-52": reviews, specifications and features

Of course, hay in our time can be purchased already dried and collected in bales. But people holding any farm animals: rabbits, goats, cows, etc., often still have to harvest it themselves. Such owners of household plots, of course, should definitely purchase a powerful brushcutter. It is not out of place a similar tool in the economy of an ordinary summer resident. Indeed, it is very difficult to struggle with weeds in the yard or along the edges of the garden with a simple scythe.

There are many models of r rimmers on sale today. For example, many owners of suburban areas and household plots purchase the Lynx BTR-52 petrol scythes. Reviews from consumers, this tool has earned a very good.

benzokosa lynx btr 52 reviews

Who produces

These braids are brought to market by Nikkey International Corporation. This manufacturer produces both garden equipment, and snow removal and construction. Lynx gas mowers from this company are going to Belarus. The central office of the corporation is located in Scotland, in Edinburgh.

All products supplied by Nikkey to the market, according to consumers, are quite high quality. In any case, competing with Chinese models, judging by the reviews, the Lynx BTR-52 gas mower can be very easy to make.

What is a model?

Of course, “Lynx BTR-52” earned excellent reviews from the owners of homestead households of the petrol scythe, primarily due to its excellent technical characteristics :

  • high power - 2300 W / 3.1 l. from.;

  • a sufficiently large volume of the fuel tank of 1 liter.

The weight of the Lynx brushcutter, especially in comparison with electric models, is quite solid - about 9 kg. But the owners of gardens and gardens do not consider this to be too serious a flaw. First, the Lynx BTR-52 weighs no more than many other models on the market today. And secondly, this brushcutter is equipped, as noted by the owners of such equipment, with a fairly comfortable knapsack suspension. Even a woman can easily do work in the garden or field with this model.

Reviews about the lawnmower and trimmer "Lynx BTR-052" in terms of functionality

Many consumers attribute the advantages of the Lynx BTR-52 petrol brush to the fact that it is a universal tool. You can perform work with it using both fishing line and knife. The abbreviation BTR in the name of the model stands for gas trimmer.

benzokosa lynx btr 52 performance reviews

In work, this scythe is considered by the owners of suburban areas to be very convenient. Owners usually don’t have any difficulties when mowing with Lynx BTR-52 when using a fishing line or using a knife. The convenience of this brushcutter is explained primarily by its high power. An ordinary electric trimmer in comparison with this model seems to be nothing more than a children's toy.

Consumer opinion: is the braid good at work?

The fishing line complete with this scythe comes very thick. And therefore, when using the latter, the model takes even fairly thick grass well. Judging by the reviews, working with the BTR-52 Lynx scythe with fishing line is quite convenient. But most often the owners of suburban areas prefer to install a knife on it all the same. In not very high-quality petrol trimmers with soft grass, this tool does not cope and is suitable only for rough or shrubbery. In principle, that is why the owners of such equipment often have to use fishing line.

The model "Lynx BTR-52" lacks such a drawback. Her knife takes soft grass as well as coarse. Therefore, too often to change the knife on the fishing line for the owners of this tool is not necessary. And this, in turn, of course, saves time.

Weeds of braids of this brand with installed knives cut very easily. The same goes for shrubs. These consumers, of course, also belong to the great advantages of the model.

reviews lynx btr 52

What else, according to consumers, the braid has advantages

In addition to high power and versatility , the advantages of the Lynx BTR-52 model are considered by the owners of suburban areas:

  1. Simplicity of design. Collect the braid after the purchase is not difficult.

  2. The presence of a comfortable handle bike type. Along with a knapsack suspension, it makes working with this model as convenient as possible. Among other things, the handle of the BTR-52 Lynx scythe, which has good reviews and is therefore also equipped with a special gasket that dampens vibration.

reviews about the lawnmower and trimmer trot btr 052

Also, the advantage of this gas trimmer is the owners of household plots that it is very easy to start.

"Lynx BTR-52": negative reviews

Thus, this model has many advantages. But, like any other scythes, she, of course, has certain disadvantages. For example, some consumers believe that this model consumes too much fuel. Also, the petrol trimmer "Lynx" requires the use of high-quality and rather expensive oil.

Another small drawback of the Lynx BTR-62 model is that consumers consider high consumption of fishing line. The spool of this model, according to some owners of suburban areas, unfortunately, is structurally generally quite weak. Sometimes the fishing line in this chainsaw simply gets stuck inside.

motokosa lynx btr 52 price reviews

What you should know about

The big advantage of this tool, in comparison with many other modern models, according to consumers, is that its knife is not afraid of “meeting” with a tree. This fact is noted by many owners of the Lynx BTR-52 gasoline brushcutter. There are only good reviews (based on test results in practice) about them from the owners of suburban areas in this regard. According to consumers, in this case the Lynx begins to behave almost like a chainsaw. That is, it simply cuts into wood. The knife of this tool enters the wood very easily.

This feature of this trimmer consumers, of course, consider it a plus. However, when working with this tool, you need to keep in mind one important detail. The knife at the Trotter BTR-52 gasoline trimmer, like the chainsaw, works in one direction. That is, when mowing, he makes only one working move. Back braid returns idle. When working on the field, this feature does not cause any inconvenience to the owner of the trimmer. However, if the scythe enters the tree on the return run, it will bounce off of it. So mowing complex areas, for example with hemp, using this tool is still more careful.

And, of course, like any other petrol scythe, Lynx BTR-52 should not be used in areas with wall-mounted fittings, pipes, etc. Knives of this model, of course, are not designed for metal cutting. If it touches the fittings or pipe, it may break. And then the owner of the braid will have to buy a new one. Finding accessories for the Lynx 52 model will be easy. But anyway, breaking a knife will cause undesirable expenses.

trimmer petrol lynx btr 52


This braid is delivered to consumers in two boxes. In one of them is a bar, in the other - everything else. Complete with the BTR-52 Trotter, there is also a set of tools. So to assemble this model immediately after the purchase will be easy. The only tool that may be needed additionally is a screwdriver. Actually, the fasteners themselves also come with a mower.

Model price

Not too high cost - this is also what deserved good motokosa “Lynx BTR-52” reviews. The price of this model, depending on the supplier, ranges from 4800-5300 r. For such a powerful benzotrimmer, this, of course, is very small. Even some Chinese braids of the same power are more expensive.


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