How to talk with gopniks? Rules of conduct and communication with gopnik

Perhaps the most unpleasant situation on the street is when a group of young and strong guys surrounds and asks extremely friendly to give the phone and money. The paradox of the jewelry gop-stop is that in most cases the victim gives everything herself, without threats from the “boys”, without beating and very quiet. How to talk with gopniks, if you have already fallen into such an unpleasant situation? Is it possible to oppose something to these people and preserve not only their property, but also self-esteem? At first glance, the tips are quite contradictory, but even in them you can isolate a reasonable strategy that is suitable for application. To begin with, it’s worth understanding what kind of phenomenon you have to fight with and how to distinguish the Gopnik from the commonplace robbers or hooligans.

how to talk with gopniks

Who are the gopniks?

Do not call the gopniks all who encroach on your property. By and large, this is not just aggressive youth, but the so-called right guys. Gopniks have their own specific code of rules and unwritten laws and do not respect lawlessness, this is what makes it possible to get out of the situation. The rules are not violated by those who do not want to lose credibility in the eyes of the "boys", therefore, you need to put the gopnik in a position where he can no longer encroach on your property and physical health without the risk of being known as a lawless person.

How to talk with gopniks, if there is no chance to avoid conversation at all? In this, the tips circulated on the Web are absolutely in solidarity: the main parameter that should be observed is self-confidence . A demonstrative belief that you are in your own right will solve the problem in about half the cases. In this case, it is advisable to resist and not slide into direct aggression, which will only lead to a fight. However, if you really believe that you will prevail in a brawl, no one can forbid you to force to defend your integrity.

Complicated Gop Stop Rules

In most cases, the gopniks try to do without direct violence, in this case the law enforcement agencies will have fewer reasons for discontent, and the reputation will not be affected. An ideal gop-stop is a neat but thoughtful pressure on the victim to give away all available material values. Physical damage of varying severity aggravates the article, according to which, in case of capture, it will be possible to attract "boys", so they try to stay within the framework of such an article as extortion.

Theoretically, this is a kind of subculture - Gopniks differ from ordinary people in appearance, behavior, life values ​​and a special vocabulary. Here are just other subcultures trying not to come into conflict with law enforcement by the method of the absence of illegal actions, rather than successful tacking and the principle of "not caught - not a thief."

subculture gopnik

It should be noted that the gopniks usually go to another district of the city to hunt for other people's property, so there is less risk of meeting acquaintances, potential witnesses who will recall both their name and surname, and even how a possible person involved in the criminal case studied at school. “Do not spoil where you live” is a fairly simple and widespread rule that not only the Gopniks, but also other criminal elements, try to adhere to.

If your neighbors are gopniks, this is not a cause for concern. Of course, such a neighborhood is inconvenient and sometimes noisy, but the average Kolyan in a tracksuit can be a pretty good guy who, in which case, will "fit" in with your person against visiting "boys". Good-neighborly relations are not alien to the gopniks, on the contrary, many of them tremulously appreciate their good attitude. There are cases when a group of gopniks helped push a stalled car or in some other way rescued those in trouble. Of course, it is worth considering that isolated cases cannot be considered the rule, another company may be far from being so peaceful.

How to talk with gopnik on concepts?

Common advice that comes across the Web: try to pass for your own, use the same vocabulary, they will not touch their own. Alas, mimicry lovers will have to disappoint: only the boys who decided to play the gopniks and scare the gullible passerby will be deceived. These "boys" who have been spinning in criminal circles for many days will quickly recognize your disguise, and the situation can seriously deteriorate - not every intelligent person will be able to "run hair dry" so as to pass for a gopnik. But learning a thieves' language can be useful. Firstly, this is entertaining in itself, and secondly, if you meet with the gopniks, this will help to avoid misunderstanding. On the other hand, most of the expressions from the boys' dictionary are clear to us intuitively: it is unlikely that a good person will be called a “rat” or some other unpleasant word.

What are the mysterious "concepts" according to which the gopniks choose a victim? Part of the answer lies in the very name of the victim - endured. This is a person who suffers the wrong attitude, therefore, allows you to treat yourself like that. From here the universal instruction follows, how to talk with the gopniks: first of all, it is necessary to stop conforming to the appearance of the ideal victim. This will solve approximately fifty percent of the problems. So, the two main points are self-confidence and a categorical rejection of the victim’s position.

boys gopnik

The right guys appreciate respect for them, the phrase "he does not respect us, is rude to us" can be a signal for an attack and justification for any aggression against the victim. Indeed, how not to kick someone who has not shown due respect? From a psychological point of view, it’s even easier not to lose control of the situation - as soon as you suffer emotions and fear sweeps over, you can consider the battle lost. Controlling intonation and expression helps you stay calm.

“Without sucker, life is bad”

Tolerated and sucker - not exactly the same thing, but the result, as a rule, is the same. The difference between these two varieties of victims is that she endured, respectively, endures everything, and the sucker is a simple-minded man to stupidity. It is worth noting that the slogans of the gopniks are not the truth, but rather an excuse for their own actions, which is based on the accusation of the victim, because she is supposedly to blame for her misfortunes. This is often voiced by the police when it comes time to indict. Defenders of the rule of law find themselves in a difficult situation when it turns out that no one beat the victim, did not demand to give the money and the phone. An elegant, correct gop-stop is arranged in such a way that the victim gives up everything at a loss.

It is worth knowing that the gopniks never approach the first person on the street, they carefully choose the victim. In large groups there are even gunners who monitor citizens taking large amounts of money at ATMs, convey to accomplices how the object is dressed, which way it went, where it put the money. Outwardly insecure people fall into a zone of increased risk, especially if they go alone. Any rules of behavior with gopniks begin with the paragraph "do not be a victim." If you see that a suspicious subject is watching you, try to leave a potentially dangerous place as soon as possible and let him know that you saw him. A careful look is enough - you “copied” it, this is a potential risk for the whole group, suddenly you have time to call and call for help.

sorry i'm in a hurry

"Gop stop - we came around the corner"

The "boys" themselves highlight the main mistakes of their victims, do not ignore the information "from that side of the barricades", the words of the gopniks may seem insulting, but there is some truth in them. Some of the victims have the opportunity to see the danger from afar, if the gopniks just sit in a crowd and drink beer - usually they behave quite noisily, do not hide. If you are caught in just such a company, simply strolling past about your business, most likely, you really attract attention to yourself with an emphasized frightened or simple-minded look. Walking at dusk, highlighting your way with the latest iPhone model, is also not a good strategy.

If, as in a famous song, they came to you from around the corner, this means that you were chosen as a victim in advance and you did not notice this. Do not give initiative to aggressors, although not everyone has the talent to seize the initiative. If you have the gift of rhetoric, it will help to “blabber” opponents, but if not, then do not hesitate to escape. Many other potential victims are wandering around, the probability of your persecution is not as great as it seems.

We have to admit that sometimes it’s better to give everything that they require and leave. Of course, this is humiliating, annoying, and there is a risk that a convenient victim will now be met regularly and with open arms, turning into a “cash cow”. Some prefer a transition to open confrontation, if only pride does not suffer. We have to admit that this is a personal choice of each person, and only he is responsible for this choice.

rules for communicating with gopniks and hooligans

Self-righteousness as a weapon

Any conversation with gopnik begins with an attempt to attract your attention. For example, they may call with the phrase “there is a conversation” or even the banal “hear, come here”. If you don’t have the opportunity to turn your back on unnecessary communication, don’t obey and approach - many do it automatically, but according to the logic of the “boys”, you demonstrate submission. The first rule: those who need it will do it themselves. Thus, you shift the emphasis of submission from yourself to the interlocutor. The universal answer to any question of the gopnik: "I do not know you." That's right - he requires your attention, therefore, he must introduce himself, come up, literally report on the legality of his appeal. You are in your territory and in your own right.

After that, the aggressor will be forced to either fulfill your requirements or go out of control and be the first to show aggression, which among normal "boys" is not respected. It is important that if you are not able to seamlessly switch to his language and masterly "run the hair dryer", it is better not to try. A real gopnik will quickly figure out your attempt to “change suit” and use it against you. For example, it can be blamed for disrespect, in an attempt to deceive, thereby pulling control over itself, and again you have to get out. If the alleged victim behaves calmly and with dignity, the “boys” may suspect that they are not attacked. Indeed, doesn’t it matter, what if suddenly an intelligent-looking man has a gun in his pocket or does his dad have criminal authority? Now you can’t be sure of anything.

Moral and physical superiority

Of course, if the phrase “I don’t know you” worked and the conversation continues with mutual respect, the round can be considered won. Often such a conversation ends with a handshake and farewell, possibly a joint break. Gopniks feel a strong personality unmistakably and try not to crawl into the reasons for such confidence, because you can suddenly dig up such a thing that the "senior comrades" will hurt a lot.

But aggression should be shown only if you are really confident in your physical superiority. In a fight, the gopniks do not comply with sporting rules, and there is a risk of trite getting a brick on the head from behind. At the same time, they will accuse you of assault. If you cannot translate slogans of Gopniks into the normal language, then you can easily recognize the intonation easily. At the slightest threat of physical violence, one should directly and calmly outline the prospects for this area of ​​events. For example, to clarify that you will certainly record beatings and no later than an hour later the whole company will be interrogated by an investigator in the police station on duty. "Guys" categorically do not like to communicate with law enforcement agencies. In addition, this promise automatically removes the “terpils” marking from you - you are not going to endure and be silent, so you should not be contacted.

Gopnik rules of conduct

Ignore Long-Range

What to do if you are not a sportsman at all, and you don’t radiate moral self-confidence? A timid character in itself is not a flaw, it is just a feature of the psyche. However, non-conflict does not make you a victim, just in this case it is better to pick up other protective mechanisms. What to do if unpleasant slang expressions are already flying in your direction, from which you want to drag your head into the shoulders?

Do not show fear and hunted hawks to look towards the gopniks. Even if you want to rush off at all costs, just try to step up and absent-mindedly drop "sorry, I'm in a hurry." This is quite neutral, but you don’t need to stop and watch if your phrase made the right impression. You are in a hurry, so it’s better to really evacuate from a potentially dangerous place as quickly as possible. Any public transport, large shopping center, any organization is suitable. The likelihood that they will chase after you or will lie in wait around the corner until the end of the century is negligible.

If it’s not Gopnik, but chaos

Unfortunately, sometimes you have to meet not with the gopniks, who have at least some rules, but with ordinary bandits or hooligans, whose name is chaosless. They do not follow any rules, they won’t be able to “talk”, although at the same time they use the language of the gopniks and may even try to disguise themselves as them. Most likely, the lawless people are actually the right “guys” who quarreled with their environment precisely because they do not follow the rules and do not respect the authorities. You can fall out of the circle of communication as a result of an unsuccessful attempt to seize power in the group.

In this case, this is not a subculture; the gopniks themselves do not respect lawless people. Surprisingly, there are cases when civilians were protected from punks by gopniks. It is possible that this is a simple coincidence, but again, allowing outrage on its territory, allowing strangers to "pinch" their personal ones, it was shameful for the boys. The main way to determine that you are not boys, but lawless people, is open aggression without trying to outweigh the blame on the victim. If you can call for help or flee, it is better to do it right away, without waiting for the fight to begin. It has to be taken into account that not everyone is able to physically resist bandits.

Even if you are a master of sports in martial arts, it is better to avoid a fight. This fits perfectly into the philosophy of karate and any style of martial arts, and will also minimize material and physical losses on your part.

Gop stop

Ways to Avoid Danger

This is not to say that the proposed rules for communicating with gopniks and hooligans are one hundred percent universal and effective, but they can significantly reduce the degree of risk.

Do not defiantly “shine” with a thick wallet or an expensive phone, even if you want to impress a girl. Moving through the streets, especially in a relatively disadvantaged area, it is better to carefully look around, and not go into yourself. Then there is a chance to notice a suspicious group in advance, change the route, cross the other side of the road, or at least wait for fellow travelers. Attacks on single passers-by occur more often than attacks on groups of several people.

Do not be afraid that you will not understand the gopniks - the language is not as complex as it seems. In addition, cinema and literature provide an opportunity to make an approximate opinion about the lexicon. Few people don’t know the meaning of the phrase “who are you crushing a loaf of?”, And the gopniks try to make the request to share money or give a phone call as clear as possible for the victim.

If fights cannot be avoided and the aggressors clearly set out to inflict physical injuries of varying severity on you, then try to protect your back so that no one can sneak up behind you. Specialists in street fights advise attacking the leader, in most cases the rest just run away, but it is worth remembering that each case is individual.

Proper flight or tactical retreat should be carried out towards any crowded or at least lighted object. It’s good if there is a bank branch nearby, even at night. Do not hesitate to loudly inform the hooligans that they are being shot by an external surveillance camera of the bank, suddenly they forgot about the habit of serious institutions to install video cameras.

If in the process of self-defense you seriously injured someone or ruined someone else's property, for example, broke the glass of an expensive foreign car, there is a risk of being guilty. It's a shame to realize that our legislation is imperfect, but that is why many experts recommend not waiting for the police to arrive, especially if you are sure that you have remained unrecognized and no one remembered you. The chance to prove your innocence, unfortunately, is pretty small.


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