Beach "Left Bank", Moscow: description, features and reviews

On hot summer days, it is vital for every person to somehow cool. A great way to do this is by swimming. Of course, it is best to go on vacation somewhere to the sea and enjoy clean and gentle water there. You can go out of town, for example to your country house or village, and joyfully splash around there in a local pond.

But what to do to those residents of the city of Moscow who do not have the opportunity to escape from the capital in the summer and comprehend all the delights of water entertainment? Fortunately, they were also lucky, because in the capital there are several places where swimming in the summer is officially allowed. One of them is Levoberezhniy beach (Moscow), located near the Rechnoy Vokzal metro station.

Bathing in Moscow in the summer: is it possible?

Surely, many residents of such a large metropolis as Moscow often ask themselves whether it is possible to swim in local waters at all. Still, we live in a big city with a huge number of cars and a rather polluted environment.

beach left-bank moscow

However, not everything is so bad in the capital of Russia, and you can find a place in it where you can safely swim for your health in the summer months. Rospotrebnadzor inspects all the water bodies of Moscow annually . This study and a variety of other aspects also become the criteria on the basis of which a list of beaches is compiled, on which you can not only sunbathe, but also swim.

Before the start of the swimming season in Moscow, which usually starts on June 1, the list of permitted beaches is published in various media, so every resident of the metropolis can freely find out about them.

What are the requirements for bathing places?

What should be on the beach to be recognized as suitable for swimming? Firstly, it is quality water in the place where it is located. The pond should be suitable for swimming and comply with all microbiological and sanitary-chemical standards. This is precisely what Rospotrebnadzor establishes through laboratory research. The sand available on the beach, play areas allocated specifically for children, and sports fields are also checked .

In order for the beach area to meet all the necessary requirements, all last year's sand should be removed from it. The pond must be cleaned of extraneous debris, and its pest control is also carried out. The entire beach area should be cleaned, toilets cleaned.

beach left bank moscow reviews

Be sure to conduct a survey of divers working in the Moscow city search and rescue service. They conduct an initial survey of the water, then clean the ponds and, finally, re-examination when the swimming season is already open.

In places of mass bathing, there should be no whirlpools, fast currents and outflows of groundwater to the surface. On the shore there should be signs with the inscription "Place for swimming", and in the water the border of a place suitable for swimming is indicated by orange buoys. They should be located at a distance of up to 25 meters from those places where the depth is 1.3 meters or more, and the intervals between them should be 25-30 meters.

Every 50 meters of the beach, racks with lifebuoys and cords are installed. From the water's edge they should be removed no more than 5 meters. Of course, rescue booths and medical facilities should be present.

Allowed bathing places in the capital

By the beginning of the swimming season in 2016, the Russian Ministry of Emergencies for the city of Moscow declared only 12 water bodies suitable for swimming, but as many as 47 beaches were named beaches where you can relax without bathing. It was noted that in 2015 there were as many places for swimming, so we can count on the fact that in 2017 there will be no less, or maybe even more.

beach left-bank moscow how to get there

The list of places of rest where it is possible to cool in a local pond includes:

  • Levoberezhniy beach (Moscow);
  • three beaches in Serebryany Bor;
  • beach complex "Beach Club";
  • large garden pond;
  • three places in Zelenograd: School Lake, a large city pond and Lake Black;
  • Lake White;
  • Meshchersky;
  • Troparevo.

Beach in the north of Moscow

Organized vacation spots in which you can safely swim in the summer are located in different parts of Moscow, and even in Zelenograd. In the very north of the city is the beach "Left Bank", reviews of which claim that this place is perfect for family and youth recreation both on a hot day and at any time of the year.

In general, this beach appeared here back in the 50s of the last century, so the indigenous inhabitants of the area have come here for many years to swim. When the swimming season is not yet open, people come here to cook kebabs, sit with friends and just enjoy nature by the water and take a walk in a pleasant place.

left-bank beach moscow how to get

The Levoberezhny beach in Moscow (Russia) is quite well-equipped. For those who come here by car, there is free parking, designed, however, for a small number of places. There is also a bicycle parking area equipped with special places. So, no matter what Neither guests arrived by their own transport, they can always leave it nearby. However, on a hot day, finding a free parking space for a car is very difficult for those who decide to visit the Levoberezhniy beach (Moscow). Not only residents of the nearest rivers know how to get here Ions, so there are a lot of people who want to visit this place in the summer.

The beach is located in a small bay. Due to the fact that various vessels that often run along the Moscow canal do not pass through it , the water here is quite clean and even warms almost to the bottom. However, approximately in the middle of the bay there are cold keys, which are better not to fall into, otherwise it may reduce legs.

Since the beach was formed due to the career that was used to build the canal, the sand on it is local and quite large. Sometimes stones can get caught, so barefoot should be walked very carefully. The bottom is also sandy, the entrance to the water is neat and gentle. The beach also has a special place designed for bathing children.

Beach improvement

Since in 2015, Levoberezhniy Beach (Moscow) was under the jurisdiction of the State Museum and Museum Complex “Northern Tushino” in Moscow, large-scale reconstruction and landscaping work has begun here.

beach left bank reviews

What is on the beach for vacationers

Today, guests of this place are waiting for benches for relaxation, nice arbors, all kinds of bridges and ladders, neat paths. For citizens who are interested in sports, a whole sports zone has been created, on which there are various simulators and a special fenced area where you can play volleyball. For children, there is a whole game town with various slides, swings and a sandbox.

Rescuers and a medical service work on the beach, there are special changing cabins, a shower and a toilet. Those guests who are hungry during their stay here can grab a bite to eat at the café.

How to find the beach "Left Bank"

Having learned about such a wonderful place, many residents of the city who for some reason did not suspect of its existence will definitely want to visit the “Left Bank” beach (Moscow). How to get to it? This question will surely occupy their thoughts, therefore it is necessary to give an answer to it as soon as possible.

left-bank beach in Moscow Russia

There is a beach in the city on the left bank of the Moscow Canal, not far from the place where the Moscow Ring Road intersects with the Leningrad Highway. The easiest way to get here is from the Rechnoy Vokzal metro station. To do this, take the bus number 138, 958 or 270, or the minibus 138m or 701m. You need to get off at the Internat stop, from which you have to walk about 600 meters.

From the metro Planernaya to go longer. You will need a bus number 173 or a minibus 176m, which will bring citizens to the stop "Pribrezhny passage, house 7". From it will have to go about a kilometer. The Khovrino railway station is also nearby. From here you can also get to the beach if you take a bus that goes towards the reservoir.

Impressions of beach guests

Too many residents of the capital go to rest on the beach "Left Bank" (Moscow). Reviews about this place are more positive. People like the way everything is ennobled here. Free toilets and the availability of cafes are very pleasing to vacationers. However, some lack sun umbrellas and sun loungers that are missing here.

beach left-bank moscow

It is disappointing to many that there are a lot of people here on the hottest days. But this is understandable, because everyone wants to swim. It is also embarrassing that power lines pass very close by. Most likely, this place is not very popular with those who want to relax in silence. After all, the cafe plays music quite loudly, so you won’t forget about extraneous sounds on the beach.


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