Tomatoes "pink paradise": reviews, description, characteristics, yield

Today it is difficult to surprise anyone with the variety of varieties of vegetable crops and their amazing differences. First of all, this applies to tomatoes, which are grown both at home and in suburban and suburban areas. Today, not only domestic breeders, but also their Western counterparts are enjoying the development. These are the new pink paradise tomatoes, reviews of which have literally flooded the Internet. Today, seeds of this variety are sold in most specialized stores. However, just a few years ago, it was simply impossible to find on the shelves.

pink paradise tomatoes reviews

Such popularity is not surprising, because it’s enough to look at the characteristics of the pink paradise f1 tomato indicated on the package to understand that this plant definitely deserves attention. According to numerous comments, gardeners were pleasantly surprised by the yield of this variety, as well as many other parameters. Consider the features of a tomato with a beautiful name in more detail. Start with a description of the plant.


According to reviews, pink paradise tomatoes are not large. Fruits grow weighing about 130-150 g. The shape of the tomatoes is round and slightly flattened. It is easy to guess that the main distinguishing feature of this variety is the color of the fruit. Tomatoes are painted in a glossy pink tint. At the same time, there are no bright spots near the stalk.

Many noted in their reviews of pink paradise tomatoes that the fruits are covered with very delicate skin, but it is quite strong and does not crack during the growth or harvest of a rich crop. The pulp of this tomato variety is quite dense, tasty and juicy.

tomato pink paradise f1 reviews

Also in these fruits contains a large number of various vitamins and other beneficial components. Therefore, tomatoes can be used both for fresh consumption and in the preparation of various soups, sauces or pickles.

Owners of farms noted in their reviews about tomatoes "pink paradise" that this variety perfectly tolerates transportation. At the same time, the fruits retain a pleasant appearance and excellent taste data for a very long time (up to 3 weeks). Moreover, in 2011 this variety was recognized as the best.


This hybrid receives extremely positive reviews. The pink paradise tomato variety is considered one of the most unpretentious crops. Even an inexperienced gardener can grow the fruit of this plant without any problems without any effort. It is enough to apply the simplest agrotechnical techniques for the tomatoes to begin to bear fruit. However, they do not need to be tied up or fed with special additives.

In addition, according to reviews, the yield of pink paradise tomato is simply fantastic. At the same time, the plant is characterized by a very strong immunity to the most common diseases and pests. Moreover, not only adult plants are resistant, but also the seeds themselves. This means that for seedlings it is not necessary to prepare special soil and carry out preventive measures for cultivating the land before planting directly on a suburban area.

Also in the reviews and description of the tomato "pink paradise f1", many noted that the sprouts of this plant germinate very well. In the canning process, the jars do not burst, but the fruits themselves remain whole.

tomato variety pink paradise reviews

In addition, many other varieties of this plant are unstable to viruses and nematodes. If we talk about a new variety, then this problem bypassed his side.

If we talk about the specifics of cultivation, then, according to the State Register of the Russian Federation, “pink paradise” is recommended to be grown in closed ground. At the same time, tomatoes will grow equally well in any region of the country, which also can not but rejoice the inhabitants of areas where the cool climate prevails.


Since “pink paradise” is a tomato hybrid for greenhouses, collecting seeds by yourself will not work. Before each new summer season, they will need to be bought in a specialized store. Although today there are few gardeners who still grow this crop in the old fashioned way. Therefore, to call this shortcoming significant is very difficult.

tomato pink paradise reviews yield

The only minor minus is that the bushes of the plant must be cut periodically. Otherwise, they will reach too high a height. If all the nutrients go into growth, then the yield will be reduced. It is not difficult to carry out such events, therefore this disadvantage can also be hardly attributed to serious disadvantages of this variety.


Tomatoes are bred in the same way as the other varieties of this crop. First of all, it is necessary to prepare seedlings. This is usually done in the second decade of February or early March.

In this case, the seeds do not need to be disinfected, however, so that they germinate faster, they can be soaked in a special tool to stimulate growth for 12 hours. It is better to sow sprouted grains to a depth of about 1-1.5 cm in nutrient soil. After that, the pots can be covered with a film so that the seeds are warm. It is also necessary to ensure that the grains grow at a temperature not lower than +25 degrees.

tomato pink paradise f1 reviews description

As soon as the seedlings hatch, it is recommended that the container with it be exposed to bright daylight. Young plants are watered mainly from the spray gun. When the first leaves are formed on seedlings, it is necessary to make a pick.

After transplanting into larger pots, young shoots can be fed with any complex fertilizer.

Planting in the greenhouse is carried out from April to May, depending on weather conditions. It is recommended to plant tomatoes in open ground a little later, when the ground warms up enough.

In the process of planting tomatoes, it is necessary to leave at least 50 cm between the shoots so that adult plants do not interfere with each other. Some gardeners, after planting seedlings in a suburban area, tie it to the supports. However, it all depends on the situation.


After planting, tomatoes do not require special attention, however, it will not be superfluous to make top dressing several times a season. As it is recommended to use phosphorus-containing fertilizers.

Of course, tomatoes need to be regularly watered and ensure that the bushes grow in only one stem. To do this, they need to be stepsoned as necessary.

tomato pink paradise f1 characteristic

Although this variety is completely new, it is perfectly adapted to the weather conditions in Russia. Therefore, it is not surprising that the “pink paradise” so quickly gained immense popularity among domestic gardeners and gardeners. This is due to its excellent characteristics.

Tomato "pink paradise f1": reviews of gardeners

All gardeners who already had experience in growing this variety of vegetables agreed that this crop does not require special care and provides a stable crop of very tasty and juicy tomatoes.

Some experienced gardeners grow this tomato in three stems. In this case, the plants have to be tied up, but the yield in this case is significantly increased.

Also, everyone noted the long shelf life of the fruit. After picking green tomatoes, they ripen and for a long time remain the same fresh and strong.

The only drawback that can confuse a beginner gardener is the rather high cost of seeds of this tomato variety. However, given the crop yield, this minus can be ignored.

Disease resistance

As mentioned earlier, this variety is extremely rare. Tomatoes are resistant to nematodes, cladosporiosis, wilting, dark spots on the foliage and many other ailments, from which tomatoes often suffer.

greenhouse tomato hybrid pink paradise

Thanks to this, the plant does not need greenhouse processing. If tomatoes grow in open ground, it is recommended to treat with systemic fungicide. This procedure must be performed if rainy weather begins in the middle of summer.


This variety is an excellent choice for both experienced and advanced gardeners. This type of tomato will allow you to get a huge crop without much effort.


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