How to teach a chihuahua to the toilet: tips

Each person who decides to acquire a pet should be fully aware of the degree of responsibility that falls on his shoulders. Sometimes it takes a lot of effort to find mutual understanding with the animal, to achieve a positive result in its training. Unable to properly handle dogs, it is difficult to train a puppy to even go to the toilet in a specially designated place, and there is no need to talk about the execution of any commands. But do not despair, let alone let the dog continue to relieve itself wherever it wants. Let's look at how you can train a dog in a tray, diaper or paddock, and take the Chihuahua breed as an example.

how to teach a chihuahua to toilet

How to teach a chihuahua puppy to the toilet at home

If you decide to buy a puppy in a kennel or from a conscientious person who has been breeding dogs for several years, we strongly recommend that you find out if the pet is accustomed to the tray. Perhaps the dog used to walk on need to the newspaper. In this case, you need to take a certain place in the apartment where you can spread, for example, old magazines. Then observe the behavior of the puppy, and as soon as you see that he began to spin in one place, sniff out something, then immediately bring him to the newspaper. After all things are done, do not forget to praise the baby.

However, one should not hope for a miracle and expect that the next time the puppy himself goes to the same place. Be patient. If you find that the dog met the need in the middle of the room, do not rush to scold her. She is already experiencing enormous stress from being in a new environment. Excessive manifestation of emotions can lead to the fact that the pet will grow up a cowardly, incredulously mistrustful dog.

how to teach a chihuahua to the toilet


As soon as the puppy enters trust in you, will feel love for himself, he will certainly begin to walk to the right place. And now, you already know how to teach a chihuahua to the toilet at home, you have achieved the first results. In order to bring the apartment to its former aesthetic state and remove all the newspapers from the floor, you need to go to the pet store, where a wide range of special trays are presented. For girls, ordinary, but with a high board will do. A boy can buy a tray with a wood-like column.

how to teach a chihuahua to go to the toilet

Arriving home, put the tray where the puppy is used to going to the toilet, and lay paper on its bottom, which can soon be abandoned.

And there are special trays with a removable coating that simulates grass.

how to teach a chihuahua to the toilet at home


As a rule, most puppies are bought from completely strangers who are not experienced breeders. These dogs have to be taught from scratch, which takes a lot of time and effort. If in the previous case the dog quickly understands what the new owner requires of her, then here you have to smash your head before you understand how to teach a chihuahua to the toilet.

The most common method is to use a special diaper, which absorbs moisture perfectly like a baby diaper. They are sold at every pet store. Lay it in a place where the animal can safely go about their business. As soon as you notice that the puppy begins to spin and rest sniff uneasily, immediately take it to the diaper. After he goes to the toilet, be sure to praise.

how to teach a chihuahua puppy to the toilet

If there is no one to follow the puppy

And if there is nobody to look after the puppy, how to teach a chihuahua to go to the toilet in a specially designated place? Simply! The diaper is perfect even if the owner is often away from home. To do this, you need to take care of acquiring an aviary, which is a small metal fence that does not take up much space and folds up if necessary. Install it where the tray will later stand. One half is reserved for the rest of the dog, where you can place a comfortable bed, toys and bowls with food and water, and the diaper is laid on the second. Despite the fact that the dog is still quite small, she will not go to the toilet where her food or sunbed is, but will do all the work on the diaper. Now you know how to train a Chihuahua puppy in the toilet at home, spending a minimum of time and effort.

how to teach a chihuahua puppy to the toilet at home

The dog is already quite large, but walks on need wherever

Often, even people who know how to teach a chihuahua to use a toilet encounter a problem when a grown-up puppy who has been walking on their own for a long time, begins to defecate wherever he wants. Such strange behavior has a logical explanation. As a rule, males who are in the final stages of puberty do this. Thus they mark the territory. Females can also inconvenience their owners when they begin to estrus. You just need to wait out the period, refraining from screaming and punishing, but at the same time pets should not be indulged. Gently, but persistently recommend that you do all the dirty work in a specially designated place.

How to train a chihuahua to the toilet on the street

People who have free time or live in the private sector do not need to train dogs to walk at home. It is better to think about how to teach a chihuahua to the toilet on the street.

It is important to know that young puppies who are not yet three months old are strictly forbidden to take for walks. At the age of two months, the dog must be taken to the veterinarian who will conduct the first vaccination, after which a 14-day quarantine period sets in. This is followed by revaccination (re-vaccination) and another quarantine, during which puppies are not recommended to contact with other animals. Once all the procedures have been completed, the Chihuahua can begin to be led outside, but only on a leash so that larger dogs or even cats do not bite your pet.

how to teach a chihuahua to the toilet on the street

At the first stage, you have to walk the puppy at least 5-7 times a day, so he is not yet used to enduring. As a rule, puppies go to the toilet after sleep, active games or eating. If you could accustom an animal to a diaper, then you can take it with you to the street. The smell with which it is saturated will help the Chihuahua quickly navigate and relieve the need. Gradually increase the interval between walks, and reduce the diaper, tearing small parts from it. Soon, your puppy will do his own thing. At the age of six months, only three walks a day will be enough for him, and by the year two.

Special sites

Often there are times when an experiment with a diaper on the street does not give the desired result. Again, do not rush to scold the baby, and even more so apply physical force to the puppy. He just does not fully understand what the owner requires of him. Let's figure out how to teach a chihuahua to the toilet in this case.

It's pretty simple. In almost every city there are specialized sites where dog lovers walk and train their pets. The specific smell in the place where the rest of the animals go to the toilet will help the chihuahua figure out why you brought it here.

If the dog begins to be capricious, ask for arms or go home, do not indulge it. Until the puppy does all the work, do not return with him to the apartment, where he will immediately inherit. Over time, he will understand why outdoor walks are really needed. If you are the owner of the dog, you need to know that he will have to walk with him much longer than with bitches.


The maintenance of small breeds of dogs obliges the owner to be extremely attentive to his pet. Chihuahuas do not tolerate extreme heat, cold and damp. If weather conditions leave much to be desired, we recommend that you refrain from walking. Do not risk the health of the dog, which may receive sunstroke or become ill as a result of hypothermia. Better she goes to the tray or to the diaper.

Large pet stores offer a wide selection of clothing for animals of any size. You can find both rubber boots and raincoats, as well as winter shoes, a fur coat that will allow you to walk in any weather.

how to teach a chihuahua puppy to the toilet at home


As you can see, there is practically nothing difficult, and even more impossible, to quickly train a puppy to the toilet both at home and on the street. The most important thing is your love, care and patience, on which the chihuahua will quickly understand where and when it is necessary to cope with natural needs.


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