British black cat: description, specifications, features and reviews

Cats are popular pets. They are found all over the world, and the number of breeds has long exceeded 500. The British fold cat is widely known on the American continent and in Europe. These are beautiful graceful animals with ash, chocolate and black coat color.

Breed history

The British lop-eared breed is one of the oldest. In the form in which we currently know, it was bred in the 19th century, when the Persians were crossed with an English domestic cat. The roots of this breed go deep into antiquity, to the period of the reign of Emperor Claudius.

Together with the legionnaires, cats went to Britain on ships, which successfully went ashore and began to explore new places. It was these representatives, the descendants of the Roman breed, who became the progenitors of the British fold cat.

british black cat
For a long time this breed was widely known in Europe, and was introduced to Russia relatively recently. The black color of British cats appeared due to the fact that the British believe that it is such a suit of a pet that brings happiness and luck to the house.


The head of a British cat or cat should be wide and round, with a regular shape. Ears set wide apart, medium sized, slightly downcast. The tips are rounded, and the outer part is densely covered with wool. The nose of these animals is small, short and wide. British black cats have large, round eyes with a golden hue. On the muzzle they are placed quite far from the nose, which gives the head an even more impressive appearance.

The body of British cats and cats is strong, muscular, with well-developed wide bones. The legs are short and strong, the tail is thick, has an average length and tapers towards the end. Full adulthood and the final formation of the body occurs in 4-5 years of life, despite the fact that kittens grow and get very fast. Their weight at this age reaches 6-8 kg in males, 1.5-2 kg less in females.

Black color british cats


The British black cat should have an even coat color. No blotches, transitions or shades are allowed. The undercoat should also match the color and not differ from the main color. The breed has about 30 varieties of color.

The coat can be long, in this case it is thick and requires much more attention and care from the owners. Special shampoos and brushes for combing are used. A black British shorthair cat or animal of any other suit also belongs to the pure breed.


For lovers to play, stroke and cuddle their pet, the British breed is hardly suitable. These cats and cats are famous for their love to show off, but do not like to be touched. They quickly get used to the new room and will be affectionate and playful with those who love them and care for them. At the same time, they will hide from guests and new people and avoid contact in every possible way.

british fold cat black

A British black cat or cat will never be bored alone. They are self-sufficient and have a great time with themselves. Therefore, this breed is well suited for busy people and businessmen who spend a minimum of time at home.


The British black cat is one of the most unpretentious breeds among this species. First of all, what you need to pay attention to is wool. To brush out the undercoat, special brushes and trimmers are purchased. The process is carried out weekly, if necessary 2-3 times in 7-10 days. Especially during molting.

Also, during the annual renewal of wool, cats and cats actively lick themselves, and lumps of hair gather in their stomach. In order to avoid intestinal obstruction, it is necessary to give special pastes, tablets or food, which naturally dissolve the hair in the body of the pet.

british cats in black

The sharpest and longest claws of a British cat can do the most harm to furniture. To protect household utensils, it is necessary to install several โ€œscratchesโ€ in the house. It can be special columns with a thick rope wound, which can be purchased at the pet store, or beautiful logs from felled trees. It is also necessary to regularly trim the claws and treat them with prophylactic agents, since this breed is susceptible to fungal diseases.


The British fold cat (black or any other suit) inherited good health and immunity from its ancestors. But there are several diseases that can occur in this breed. First of all, professional breeders and specialists recommend monitoring the condition of the heart of a pet.

Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy manifests itself in adult representatives and is not subject to treatment, therefore, in order to prevent such an ailment, it is necessary to conduct an ultrasound scan of the heart regularly, at least 1 time per year. Begin this procedure from an early age of a cat or cat.

black and white british cats

Also, a British black cat is susceptible to dental diseases. Therefore, the oral cavity must be monitored constantly. If periodontal disease is not noticed on time, then subsequently the pet may lose up to 30-35% of the teeth. Regular cleaning, stone removal, and veterinarian testing will help prevent this.

In order for the British to always feel good, it is necessary to properly care for them, select a special diet and regularly visit specialized clinics for examination. It is preferable that a cat or cat be watched throughout the life by one doctor who will be aware of all the ailments and characteristics of your pet.


British cats and cats are not picky in their diet and will eat almost everything that they will be offered. Therefore, it is necessary to make the right diet and feed your pet with natural and high-quality food, so that he is healthy, beautiful and active. Many people mistakenly believe that for cats there is nothing better than fish. Such a diet will not bring the necessary nutrients and vitamins to the animalโ€™s body.

In pet stores there are a large number of types of feed, both dry and wet. Some companies are developing a special balanced diet designed only for this breed. Preferences must be given to more expensive products, they contain a greater amount of natural meat, fresh vegetables and useful substances.

black british shorthair cat

If you are a supporter of natural products, you need to cook daily servings yourself. A cat or cat should receive the necessary proteins from meat, natural fiber from vegetables and herbs with food, and you can sometimes add eggs and dairy products. Periodically, the pet needs to buy vitamins, which after examination can be recommended by the veterinarian. Also, the house should always have fresh water in the public domain.

How to choose a kitten

Ash, black, black and white British cats or any other suit stand out for their attractive appearance. To acquire a healthy kitten, you must first ensure the good qualities of the parents. This is checked with a passport and family tree. Experts recommend taking babies only in trusted nurseries.

First of all, in addition to the passport and pedigree, the kitten should have all the signs of the breed. Next, you need to pay attention to the activity and playfulness of the baby. If lethargy occurs, then there is a chance of infection or illness. The condition of the ears and eyes should also be normal.


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