Dean Kunz: biography, personal life, creativity, photo

Dean Kunz is one of the most popular horror novel authors. To date, he has published over 60 books, 12 of which have become national bestsellers in America. Each new thriller brings Dean a fairly large amount - about one million dollars. Today, the best books by Dean Kunz are translated into 38 languages, and their total circulation exceeds 200 million copies. Note that seven of his novels at one time led the list of bestsellers published in the New York Times. Films and series are made based on the works of this writer. We have prepared for you a selection of Dean Kunz’s books, information about his childhood and literary activities!

Writer Dean Kunz

Kunz biography

Dean was born in July 1945 in a poor family. All his childhood was overshadowed by the behavior of the alcoholic father, who, by the way, was repeatedly tried. Over his entire life, Ray Kuntz has changed over 40 jobs; nowhere did he stay for long. The only place where he was always welcomed was the bar. Here he got drunk, coming home, fell into a rage for any, even the most insignificant, occasion. For this reason, the life of little Dean and his mother was a nightmare.

The boy's parents considered books a waste of money and time. Dean himself drew well, then sold his comics. He finished the next picture, redrawed it with colored pencils on thick album sheets, and then glued it together, turning it into a book. These books were readily bought by relatives of Dean Kunz, who came to visit. When the boy turned 12, he managed to win an essay contest on the topic "What America Means to Me." As a reward, the boy received 25 dollars! After he became a student, he got married very quickly, most likely, he just wanted to leave the house, which he associated with not the most pleasant things, as soon as possible.

Dean Kunz: biography

Forced literary career

The wife of Kunta was a girl named Gerda. She told him that she would support the family for 5 years only so that he could become famous. The girl assured: if Dean does not begin a literary career now, then later is unlikely to start writing. That is how, under the compulsion of his wife, Dean Kunz began to write books. Only two decades passed, and Dean began to be called nothing more than a "titan of horror." It should be said that Kunz is very responsible in writing his books. He studies various textbooks, is improving in chemistry and biology, psychiatry and the sociology of crime. He studies maps and guides of those cities in which his heroes live. When Dean Kuntz understood that the information received was not enough, he went to consult with specialists. In the 5 years that Gerda took him, Dean published about three dozen different stories, novels and short stories, and gained unprecedented popularity.

Dean Kun: books

Today, Dean and Gerda live with a dog named Trixie in a magnificent palace in the style of the Italian Renaissance. It is worth saying that this house appeared only because the former dwelling could not contain the author’s books and all the reference books.

We have prepared for you a review of Dean Kunz’s books that will surely interest you!

Guardian Angels

People’s actions can be moral and immoral, and knowledge cannot be classified in this way. For a scientist, for any educated person, all knowledge is morally neutral.

What is Dean Kunz's Guardian Angels book about? For example, that forbidden genetic experiments allow you to create real monsters. Or that a person is accustomed to consider himself the crown of evolution, while this is fundamentally wrong. The main character of the book is Travis, a middle-aged man who has suffered many difficulties. Once Travis meets a dog whose intelligence is not only not inferior to the human, but in some ways even surpasses it! Dean Kunz in “Angels” talks about how a person, together with a faithful friend, a dog, learns to enjoy every day of his life, reveals in himself long-forgotten feelings - compassion and the ability to show love. However, along with a new friend, Travis has huge problems. The thing is that the dog escaped from the research center - paired with the evil killer monster!


Children need strict rules, whether they themselves understand it or not. Discipline is an expression of love and care. The main difficulty is not to impose rules and discipline by harsh, crude methods.

Unusually quiet streets of a small town. The young woman and the teenage girl look around startled, but keep going forward. What happened here? Why is the city as if extinct? It is only known that half of the inhabitants were killed - with incredible cruelty, and the other half of the inhabitants simply disappeared without a trace! What happened at Snowfield? Maybe a gang of maniacs was operating here? Or maybe the inhabitants of the town were squandered by an unknown disease? Perhaps the cause of death is poison gas? Or maybe the whole thing lies in some mysterious force that feels hatred for people? You won’t know until you read this book, where Kuntz discusses whether the human mind can defeat the dark forces.

Dean Kunz "Phantoms"


One of the greatest sorrows of human life is that people do not find happiness in their own lives, but are happy only with the troubles of others.

The birth of the main character of this work - Laura Shane - is accompanied by mysterious (and even mystical!) Events. In the fate of the baby, whose mother died during childbirth, two unknown are interested. Who are they? Aliens from the past! Why are they here? One time traveler will become Laura's lover. The second will try to kill the girl.

What awaits you under the cover of this book by Dean Kunz? In reviews, readers note several possible realities, the author raises the question of Nazism.


Wolves do not kill wolves. Vipers do not bite vipers. And only in human society should a brother beware of a brother.

In Jimmy Tok's life, everything was quite normal, at least until his dying grandfather turned life into a continuous expectation of trouble with his only predictions. A sword of Damocles (and not one) hung over the whole Jimmy family. With his beloved wife, now he is connected not by wedding rings, but by real handcuffs that a clown maniac put on their hands! This book will tell you about the deadly confrontation between the circus family and Jimmy Tok. The latter is now walking along the thin wire of being ... What awaits him at the end of the dizzying route - salvation or death?

Dean Kunz "Prediction"


On the way, he started a cruel and slightly funny game with himself: he began to compose in his mind a list of reasons why he would like to live in this world. Although he had been traveling for about an hour and a half, he had only four things in his head: Guinness beer, good Mexican cuisine, Goldie Hawn and the fear of death.

The small resort town of Moonlight Cove. Calm measured life. Everything changes overnight: dozens of city residents are brutally killed. An FBI agent is sent to the crime scene undercover, because it’s obvious that something strange is happening in Moonlight Cove. For example, the townspeople began to eat without measure, monsters walk quietly on the streets. A girl comes to the town, who intends to figure out what happened to her sister - she supposedly committed suicide. Among the heroes of the book is a girl who is 11 years old. She is convinced that her parents somehow turned into aliens, and therefore escapes from home. Another resident of the city whom you will meet is a war veteran. He watches everything that happens around him through a telescope. Who is to blame for the fact that people are deprived of all emotions? Why did they only have a sense of fear? What kind of cybersecurity walk the streets? The answers to these questions will give Dean Kunz!

"Cold Fire"

It is always unpleasant to discover that in like-minded people you have a person whom you consider a fool.

Why should you read The Cold Fire by Dean Kunz? The best combination of carefully worked out characters, an intrigue that does not let go to the last pages, a huge amount of mysticism and science fiction, flavored with horrors - this is what awaits you under the cover of this work! The plot focuses on the strange behavior of a former school teacher. It's hard to believe, but Jim Eirenhart became a hostage to the Higher Mind.

"Cold Fire"

The writer introduces us to a journalist who is extremely unhappy with her position in the newspaper where she works. Holly wants to get the Pulitzer Prize. Suddenly, she witnesses a very strange incident - during a road accident, a boy who was in danger of dying under the wheels of a truck is saved by a man with incredibly blue eyes. All Holly’s attempts to find out at least something about the stranger fail. It is possible to find out only his name and the place where he lives. And the girl also learned about several similar cases: an unknown man with piercing blue eyes unexpectedly appears in those places where someone needs help. Holly dreams of a strong shoulder. And she sees strange dreams ... How will the meeting of these heroes end? You can find out in Dean Kunz’s book.

"Bad place"

Perhaps we have been learning to know ourselves all our lives. And, perhaps, we can never comprehend to the end.

If you are interested in phenomena such as vampirism, biotechnology, hermaphrodites, you should pay attention to this work. The main characters are the spouses Bobby and Julia Dakota. In addition to love for each other, they are united by a common cause - they are private detectives. Bobby and Julia were faced with a truly fantastic affair: they need to catch a maniac with the ability to teleport as quickly as possible. In addition, it is known that this maniac is a bisexual ghoul, he is able to radiate destructive bio-energy. His main goal is to find a brother and get even with him for the fact that he killed their mother - a strong witch. On its way, a cruel criminal sows only chaos, death and destruction. The main characters will have to make a titanic effort, lose loved ones to figure out the killer and destroy him!

"Bad place"


If it seems to you that you are losing your mind, then you are absolutely normal - crazy people never doubt their sanity.

Critics note - this book is markedly different from the rest of the works that have come from the pen of Kunz - in terms of plot construction. Events begin to unfold after a fire during which a fifteen-year-old girl named Laura Havenswood burns alive. Laura rushes about in fire, she is terrified and desperate, she curses her mother - she is convinced that she set the house on fire. Year after year goes on, but the soul of an unhappy teenager cannot find peace. Laura is obsessed with revenge. To do this, she has to relocate to her peers - fifteen-year-old girls, fill their hearts with fury and anger, manic hatred for their mothers. This string of murders, which has been going on for decades, must be stopped ...


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