Keratitis in dogs: symptoms and treatment at home

Keratitis in dogs is an inflammatory process that occurs in the eye system, and it affects the cornea. Such a disease is quite widespread not only in yard dogs, but also in pets. Keratitis is uncomfortable, and in the absence of timely and competent treatment can cause serious complications. In the article, we will talk about the symptoms of keratitis in dogs, prevention and treatment methods.

Causes of the disease

causes of keratitis in dogs

Veterinarians identified factors that may contribute to the development of the disease. These include:

  • mechanical damage to the eye;
  • eye burns;
  • lack of vitamins in the body;
  • infectious hepatitis;
  • heredity;
  • enteritis;
  • plague;
  • disturbances in the endocrine system;
  • weak immunity;
  • tendency to allergies;
  • diabetes;
  • inflammatory process of the ocular system;
  • contact with foreign particles.

Keratitis in dogs can be not only inflammatory, but also invasive (depending on the type of disease). Viruses, pathogenic fungi, adenoviruses, bacteria, telazi (filamentous parasites), and actinomycetes can provoke the disease.


types of keratitis in dogs

For keratitis of the eye in a dog, specific symptoms are characteristic (regardless of the type and course of the disease):

  1. Tearing becomes more profuse than before.
  2. The dog begins to react sharply to bright light, the sun becomes especially unpleasant.
  3. The eye cornea becomes cloudy.
  4. Swelling appears around the eyes.
  5. Purulent discharge begins from the dog's eyes.
  6. The appearance of conjunctivitis and hyperemia of the sclera is possible.
  7. White, gray, and yellow spots appear in the area of ​​the ocular cornea.
  8. Blinking is very common, as the dog feels uncomfortable.
  9. Redness appears in the area of ​​the eye protein and on the mucous membranes - evidence of inflammation and irritation.
  10. The ocular membrane becomes rough.
  11. Dark smudges appear in the inner corners of the eyes.

Even a layman can diagnose keratitis in dogs, and quite quickly. Corneal clouding begins a couple of hours after the onset of the disease. The animal’s behavior changes dramatically, the dog becomes restless, lethargic, depressed, nervous, constantly rubbing his eyes with his paws and hiding from the light in dark corners.

What is the disease dangerous?

why keratitis is dangerous for a dog

If you do not start timely treatment of keratitis in dogs, then the disease will lead to unpleasant consequences, the safest of which is the ingrowth of inflamed vessels in the cornea, after which it becomes tuberous.

More dangerous complications from untreated keratitis are glaucoma, perforation of the ocular cornea, cataracts, partial loss of vision, blindness. If the pet has noticed the first signs of the disease, it is necessary to take him for examination to the veterinary clinic as soon as possible for diagnosis and treatment.

Specialists identified several types of keratitis, which differ in some symptoms, the nature of the occurrence. When examining a dog, the veterinarian will determine the type of disease and prescribe the actual treatment.

Superficial purulent look

The cause of this type of keratitis most often becomes mechanical damage to the mucous membranes of the eye and cornea. For example, a pebble, sand hit the dog’s eye, or it is scratched by a tree branch.

Symptoms are manifested in acute photophobia, profuse tearing and purulent discharge begins.

Parenchymal type

keratitis in dogs

Keratitis of this species is microbial in nature. The cause of the disease are wounds in the eye surface, toxoplasmosis, plague.

With the occurrence of such keratitis from the eyes of the dog, tears begin to liberate profusely, the surface of the cornea is covered with dots and spots characteristic of the disease, and it itself becomes edematous. Often parenchymal keratitis accompanies conjunctivitis or iris.


This form of keratitis in dogs is the rarest, the reasons for its appearance are not fully understood.

Characteristic signs for this type are the appearance on the cornea of ​​muddy spots of pearlescent color. With such a disease, the dog feels normal, does not respond to light, there is no tearing (like other excretions). Vision in a dog with this form of keratitis is fully preserved.

Conflictful look

which breeds are more prone to keratitis

This form of the disease develops due to toxic poisoning or against the background of an allergic reaction. Experts say that shepherd dogs and collies are more prone to such keratitis.

A characteristic sign of conflicthen keratitis is the appearance on the ocular cornea of ​​gray-white vesicles of large size. If untreated, these vesicles will merge and then burst, which will cause redness of the cornea. Also, for this species, tuberosity and thickening of the third century are characteristic.

Dog ulcerative keratitis

The cause of this disease is ulcerative lesion of the cornea, the surface of which becomes cloudy, that is, as if clouded.

If treatment is not started in time, then large ulcerative lesions of the corneal surface may develop.

Preventive measures

keratitis prophylaxis

Any disease is easier to prevent than to cure. This also applies to dogs that, feeling uncomfortable, cannot tell their master about it. To prevent keratitis in a pet, you need to follow simple rules:

  1. Vaccinations against herpes and adenoviruses should be carried out regularly.
  2. Try to protect the eyes of the pet from all kinds of injuries.
  3. If the dog has any eye disease, such as conjunctivitis, then you can not leave it to chance, you need to contact the veterinarian and start treatment.
  4. The dog's nutrition should be balanced and complete, in order to prevent the occurrence of vitamin deficiency. Dry professional feed already contains vitamins necessary for the animal. If you feed the dog with natural food, then you will need to buy vitamins separately, do not forget to give them to the pet.
  5. The animal needs proper care, which involves not only combing the hair, but also cutting it around the eyes so that it does not fall on the cornea and does not injure it.
  6. The eyes of the dog should be washed daily with cotton swabs dipped in tea, chamomile broth or a solution of boric acid.

By following these simple rules, you can avoid the onset of the disease. If you still could not protect your pet, then do not panic. Keratitis in dogs, a photo of the manifestations of which are in the article, is easily treatable, you just need to follow the recommendations of the veterinarian.


how to treat keratitis in dogs

It is necessary to take measures to combat the disease as soon as possible, because only the early stages are easy to cure. As for advanced keratitis, it can develop into an acute form, where short remissions will often alternate with prolonged relapses.

The methods of treatment depend on the reasons why keratitis developed, as well as its type. Upon examination, the veterinarian will determine the type of disease, first of all, eliminate the cause that led to the development of keratitis. Only after that it will be possible to begin proper treatment, since without eliminating the cause one cannot hope for a positive result of therapy.

When treating the disease, it is necessary to rinse the dog’s lacrimal sacs daily with antiseptics, which include boric acid, Rivanol and Furatsilin.

The course of individual therapy will be determined only by the doctor, starting from the type of disease. With superficial keratitis, it will be necessary to bury the animal’s eyes with “Levomycetin” or “Sodium sulfacid”, injections of “Hydrocortisone” with “Novocaine” are also prescribed.

With purulent forms of keratitis, antibiotics are prescribed, which are prescribed in the form of intramuscular injections. The veterinarian will also prescribe an ointment - erythromycin or oletetrin.

If keratitis is caused by an allergic reaction, the first thing you need to do is eliminate the allergen. Next, the dog will be prescribed antihistamines. Both during and after treatment, it will be necessary to completely review the diet of the animal. A hypoallergenic diet should be followed.

With other types of the disease, animals are also prescribed broad-spectrum antibiotics, eye drops, ointments, a course of injection of vitamins, antiseptics for washing the eyes, antiviral drugs and corticosteroids.

With advanced keratitis, the dog may require tissue therapy immediately after braking the inflammation process. If you do not go to the veterinarian for a long time and do not start treatment, then scars will appear on the surface of the eye cornea, for the resorption of which a yellow mercury ointment is required . In especially severe cases, surgery is required - a superficial keratectomy.

How long does keratitis in dogs last? It completely depends on the type of disease, the causes and the response rate of the host. The faster you turn to a specialist and begin treatment, the sooner the pet will recover. The fight against the disease can last from a week to several months!

It is worth noting that only the veterinarian prescribes the drugs, dosage and duration of the course. This is determined by the type of keratitis, neglect, the breed of the dog, its weight.


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