Working age means limited time

Working age is a period of human life. Over a period of time, an individual can carry out activities in one or more industrial sectors in accordance with state law. The population is physically developed, which has working skills, mental abilities and knowledge, form the basis of economic growth. Citizens of working age are a working resource of the country, with its help the volume of production processes is qualitative and quantitative.

Age features

A person can have good health. To start earning a living, each citizen must come of working age. This means that, by law, he can get a job in the organization to fulfill duties according to the job description.

The ability to perform certain actions, especially with physical activity, decreases over the years, as the body undergoes aging, and also because of:

  • diseases;
  • domestic and industrial injuries;
  • chronic, occupational diseases and poisoning.
Street work

Employer attitude

When an applicant for a position of working age arrives at the enterprise, the employer, in order to be hired for free, must find out his abilities, experience, and characteristics as an employee:

  • able to do any simple job;
  • a professional with certain skills in the specialty, experience in leadership positions;
  • for lightweight work.

The government normalizes age limits. This indicator is affected by the social status of the people and the economic condition of the country. The maximum shows the physiological limit of the older generation for work, it is limited by the law of pension provision. The minimum border depends on the development of young people, statistics on the general education of the population, and duration of study.

Youth in the classroom

Common Borders

In world practice, people of working age are people from 15 years old, regardless of gender. They can work, as long as there is enough physical strength. When appointing pensions, the authorities are guided by life expectancy; general statistics show 65 years. On the whole planet, ladies live longer than the stronger sex.

In Russia, residents begin to work from the age of 16. Since the retirement age has increased, the time limits for working capacity are calculated in a new way - for men under 65 years old, for women - up to 60.

This parameter in many states depends on their development. If the economy, prosperity of the population, and industrialization are at a high level, it is not surprising there to meet a person aged 76 years at the enterprise. In underdeveloped countries, at age 50, people look like old people.

Livestock Work


Citizens who are not able to perform work belong to the disabled category. The reasons are different:

  • poor health;
  • injuries
  • disability.

Disability is lost in whole or in part. Work functions disappear temporarily or permanently. A person may be disqualified by general parameters or professional. State social programs come to the rescue.

When is it allowed to conclude an employment contract?

From what age you can work, details the Labor Code of the Russian Federation in article 63. This is a kind of guide to personnel issues. The general provision indicates that, by law, an employer may enter into an employment contract after the completion of 16 years. The legal act also allows to use, as an exception, the basis of Federal Law No. 139 in part 2. It states that if a young person has received a general education, he can start work from the age of 15. But the bosses do not have the right to give him difficult tasks; they can only be used on light work. When parents or guardians provide written consent, the child can work from the age of 14, provided that he is not particularly stressed, he does not perform full-time duties.

Talented children

There is a special industry:

  • film industry;
  • theater venues;
  • concert stages;
  • circus arenas;
  • sport complexes.

Children there begin to work and earn money from an early age. To do this, draw up all permits with guardianship and trusteeship, parents, check the health and level of stress. The contracts indicate the duration of working days, conditions, permissible opportunities. Citizens are watching the professional growth of young stars.

State-level economists calculate the economic activity of the country's population. To do this, divide the number of able-bodied residents by the total number.

Transfer of taxes to the state treasury withheld from earnings makes it possible:

  • provide pensions for the elderly;
  • socially support the poor;
  • give free medicine to people with disabilities;
  • pay benefits for the care of seriously ill patients.

Manpower has never been enough to cover all the costs and charitable plans of the government; they can be increased by a natural increase in the number of citizens of working age.


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