Strawberry Mice Schindler: description and photo

Strawberries - everyone’s favorite berry. Currently, many varieties of this culture are bred. One of them is Strawberry Mice Schindler. Why this berry is attractive, read the article.

Variety Overview

Strawberries, or Strawberries Mice Schindler, whose photo is presented for review, is a proven variety. German specialists in the field of selection at the beginning of the last century by crossing varieties Johann Muller and Lucid perfect got a new variety of garden strawberries.

Strawberry Mice Schindler

As a result, a variety with a medium-late ripening period was developed, which has excellent drought resistance and frost resistance, which quickly acclimates to the new environment and growing conditions.

Grade description

Strawberry Mice Schindler, the description of which is presented in this article, has low bushes. Peduncles are relatively low. They are located slightly above the leaves. The plant is characterized by the presence of a large number of mustaches.

Small strawberry leaves, the structure is dense, the surface is smooth. The leaves are distinguished by their color: the upper leaf plate is dark green, has a slight sheen, and the bottom has a slightly silver tint. The surface of the plate is ribbed. On some bushes, the mustache remontance is manifested. There are few leaves on the stems; they grow with a slight slope down.

Mitsa Schindler Strawberry

The plant is characterized by unisexual flowering. For pollination to be successful, late-ripening pollinators must be planted next to the strawberries. To do this, you can use the repairing strawberry variety Corona, which is characterized by a late fruiting period, until late autumn.

Fruit Description

Berry fruits are medium in size, their shape is round or slightly flattened. Berries are painted in a dark cherry shade. The shiny surface of the fruit has a uniform color. The flesh is light raspberry, tender, has a pleasant sweet taste, dense texture and excellent muscat aroma. The quality of berries characterizes strawberries as the best dessert variety, from which children are especially delighted.

Strawberry Mice Schindler Description

The very first crop consists of fruits weighing from 18 to 20 grams. However, in the following years, their average weight will be about 5-6 grams.

Landing requirements

Before planting strawberries, it is necessary to carefully examine the seed material. It is important to make sure that the plants are completely healthy, they do not have dried roots, and their leaves are not affected by diseases. In any case, the planting bushes should be treated with a special solution called Fitosporin.

Strawberries Mice Schindler should be planted in a well-lit area, which is sufficiently moistened. Berries grown in the sun have a more pleasant taste. However, excess moisture is detrimental to the plant. The soil for garden strawberries should be fertile, light, and also breathable.

Landing, as a rule, is made in the spring or autumn. According to standards, 50x20 or 60x15 centimeters of nutrition is enough for one plant. If you follow this pattern when planting strawberries Mice Schindler, then in the end you will get the maximum yield from each unit of area.

Strawberry variety Mice Schindler

Bushes are prepared in advance, and their planting in the ground occurs in the evening or in cloudy weather. The size of the hole in depth should correspond to the root system of the plant that will be placed in it. When planting in planting pits, a little humus mixed with wood ash should be added. After placing the plants in the ground, it is necessary to water them abundantly with warm water. Stimulants of growth and rooting should be added to it. In addition, we must not forget about mulching the soil around strawberry bushes. To do this, you can use sawdust, straw or small wood chips.

Strawberry Care

Strawberry Mice Schindler is not the most demanding environmental and growing variety. Its productivity will be high if standard care is carried out. What is included in it?

  • Regular watering. Since the culture is hygroscopic, it must be plentiful. But for this you should use warm water in the amount of 12 liters per square meter of area. Watering is carried out in the morning or in the evening.
  • Fertilizing in the soil. For these purposes, nettle infusion, bird droppings, mullein, and also rotted litter manure are suitable. Better yet, use special fertilizers designed for berry crops. Fertilizers should be applied in the main phases of the development of strawberries.

Mice Schindler Strawberry photo

During flowering, ammonium nitrate is of great benefit to plants, the application of which is combined with watering. For this, a solution is prepared: 10 g of the substance in a bucket of water.

The next top dressing is carried out during the formation of the fruit. For this, a mullein solution is used. Proportion 1:15 must be observed.

  • Weeding and loosening of soil. These two interrelated procedures must be carried out regularly, because productivity indicators depend on their implementation. The soil is loosened in order to protect the beds from the appearance of soil crust, which may form after irrigation or rain drops. These agrotechnical measures prevent the active growth of weeds and improve soil throughput.
  • Mulching is the coating of the topsoil in the near-stem circles of plants with suitable formulations of various origins: mineral and organic. The layer of mulch should not exceed five to six centimeters. Thanks to this procedure, there is no need to weed, the soil retains moisture, does not dry out and does not erode. As mulch, you can use sawdust, straw, sand.

Mice schindler strawberry reviews

  • Harvest should be harvested as the berries ripen. If this is not done regularly, the fruit will rot or be damaged by insects.

Winter preparations

Mice Schindler - winter-hardy strawberries. This variety can withstand fairly low temperatures. However, when cultivating it in the northern regions of the country, as well as in the case when the winter turned out to be snowy, sometimes freezing of plants is observed. In this regard, in the autumn season, strawberries should be covered. If this is done too early, the strawberries will bloom again, and the formed berries will not have time to ripen. It can happen this way: under a layer of warming, the berries will simply be barred and begin to rot. Therefore, for the winter you need to cover the strawberries then there will be no warming, and the thermometer will drop below zero degrees.


Mitsa Schindler's strawberries have several of the following benefits:

  • It is resistant to low temperatures and drought.
  • It has strong immunity.
  • It is rarely affected by powdery mildew.
  • It is almost not affected by strawberry mites and gray rot.
  • Strawberries have a unique taste and nutmeg aroma.

Strawberry Mice Schindler grade description

Diseases and Pests

This variety of strawberries is not resistant to spotting. Preventive measures must be taken to prevent the disease. To do this, regularly spray the plantings. We must not forget that the variety is demanding on watering. Growing strawberries on an industrial scale, it is more advisable to install a drip irrigation system. However, remember that excess moisture can affect strawberry growth for the worse.


Many gardeners leave reviews about strawberries of this variety. Typically, they contain the following information:

  • The variety is medium-yielding, but the taste of berries makes up for this small drawback. Most often grown for personal consumption, and not on an industrial scale.
  • Ripe strawberries are very juicy and fragrant, smells of mulberry and wild strawberries. It tastes like raspberries, which differs from the classic garden strawberries. It leaves an interesting and bright finish.
  • Mice Schindler - strawberries, reviews about which are most often positive, can only be consumed fresh. Fresh berries are not suitable for freezing, they are not used for preservation and preparation of juices.


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