How to get land for war veterans?

Are land plots laid for war veterans? How can they be obtained if there is such an opportunity? Understanding all this is not as difficult as it seems. In Russia, some categories of the population claim free land. Or queuing up on preferential terms. How does this process go when it comes to veterans? Can they claim land from the state in Russia? Or is it just a promise? What queuing features should be considered?

Modern change

The first and rather important point is the conditions for obtaining land. The fact is that earlier in Russia, citizens who are veterans could receive a plot for their needs with preemptive right (that is, first in line) for free. There was another right - to receive housing. But in 2005, everything changed.

Now land for war veterans is not provided for free. Except as an exception. There are some categories of veterans for whom the possibility of obtaining land without depositing money into the state treasury is still fixed. For everyone else, there are no benefits. This means that queuing will take place under general conditions.

land plots to war veterans

Priority Rights

Nevertheless, this is far from all the changes that affected the issue under study. The allocation of land to war veterans on a free basis has been canceled. But at the same time, this category of citizens still left one small bonus. Which one?

Veterans (all) have privileges upon joining cooperatives and cottage / gardening communities. Small but a bonus. This should be remembered. Although in practice, such benefits are not so often used. Land deserves much more attention.

Who are the rights?

What about those who apply for land that does not require redemption? Land is allocated everywhere, the restriction applies only to Moscow and St. Petersburg. In these areas it is not issued. Free land for war veterans is provided, but by no means to all.

Who is eligible in the Russian Federation for such a benefit? Free land will be provided to the following categories of citizens:

  • Heroes of the Soviet Union;
  • Heroes of Russia;
  • Knights of the Order of Glory.

All others participate in auctions or foreclosures. The only thing you can hope for is that the veterans will first be allocated land. And nothing more. As modern practice shows, it makes little sense to wait. Therefore, you should purchase plots on a common basis. That is, to redeem them.

land acquisition for war veterans

We get the grounds

Land plots to war veterans, as has already been said, are laid free of charge only in some cases. The rest will have to buy land. The region has the right to discounts for veterans, but no more.

First of all, you need to get information about the site that interested the citizen. This can be done in the administration of the region. Once the information is received, it is recommended that you obtain a reason for the ransom.

What is it about? The provision of land to war veterans with the right to buy them must be justified. Just like a piece of land to buy will not work. You can, for example, rent it. Once the basis for the use of land is received, you can proceed with further actions.


What's next? Now you should do paperwork. This is the main problem that can bring a lot of inconvenience. How to get a land plot to a war veteran who is not on the list of those who are entitled to free land? After acquiring the rights of use, it is necessary to conduct a land survey and obtain a general and cadastral land plan .

provision of land to war veterans

Special services deal with this issue. You should also apply for geodetic work. Veterans are usually provided with benefits of the listed organizations.

Collection of documents

The next stage is the collection of the bulk of documents. The allocation of land to war veterans without this step cannot be made. After all, then the entire redemption procedure is violated.

What documents are needed? The list is impressive, with some papers there may be problems. But most often they demand from citizens:

  • identity card (passport);
  • war veteran certificate (required);
  • pension certificate (optional);
  • land surveying plan;
  • cadastral passport to the land;
  • ground document for the acquisition of the site.

Process facilitation

In addition, the process of redemption of land can be somewhat facilitated. The fact is that land plots are provided to war veterans more quickly if the need for a family is proved. Then you will additionally have to provide an additional list of documents.

how to get a land plot to a war veteran

Which ones? They currently include:

  • extract from the house book;
  • certificate from BTI;
  • certificate of registration as needy (obtained from the city administration);
  • certificate of family composition;
  • Form 2-PIT (optional);
  • marriage and birth certificates of children (if you live together);
  • cadastral passport of current housing.

This can be done. With all of the above documents, it is required to contact certain authorities. After that, it will be possible to redeem the land.

Contact the administration

As soon as all documents with copies and originals are collected, you need to write an application for the redemption of the land. This is not so difficult. It is enough to fill out a certain form in which a citizen writes about the desire to acquire one or another land. The entire previously named list of documents is attached to the appeal.

Are there benefits here? Land plots for war veterans are provided in this case without bonuses. Unless such citizens are offered to buy land without an auction.

free land for war veterans

Then within 30 days the application from the veteran and his family will be considered. At the end of the process, a person will be given a decision by the administration. If the answer is yes, you will have to pay the full cost of the land at the cadastral price. In this case, a sales contract is concluded in duplicate. Only then the land is made into ownership. A receipt of payment is recommended to be shown in the administration of the village.


Now it’s clear how land is allocated to war veterans. The right of redemption is far from what veterans are waiting for. But such a decision was made only in 2005. After the ransom, one should not rejoice. There was one more important point - registration of land in ownership.

For this we need:

  • identification;
  • a document indicating the status of a veteran;
  • cadastral passport of a land plot;
  • contract of sale;
  • check for payment of the cost of the site.

With this list, you must come to the MFC or Rosreestr, then write an application for registration of land ownership. Within 30 days, this process will be implemented. It is enough to pick up the corresponding certificate on the day that the employees of this or that organization will call. This will require only an identification card.

privileges land plots to war veterans

To receive for free

Some veterans of the fighting laid the land on a free basis. In this case, you have to queue. Some waiting time - and you can apply for registration of the property.

Actually, waiting in line is quite problematic. After all, everyone wants to get the land. Some buy land - this is the fastest and easiest, albeit costly way. Nevertheless, money is not always there, sometimes it is not enough for purchase. Then you have to stand in line. The land plot is provided to the war veteran in the same way as during the redemption. That is, a citizen provides a similar list of documents that he relates to the city administration. Only you have to present a certificate not just a veteran, but a Hero of the Soviet Union or any other beneficiary, which was mentioned earlier. And you do not need to look for documents-grounds for obtaining land.

At the end of the consideration of the application, the citizen will be informed of the successful queuing. Then it remains only to wait. When the time comes, a citizen will be given a certificate in the same city administration confirming the issuance of the plot. You can go with him to Rosreestr to complete the process of registering land in the property. There is nothing difficult about this.

Before change

But this is not all the features that will have to be considered. How to be the one who has long stood in line? The land plot to a war veteran who tried to obtain land until 2005 inclusively reserves all rights that are valid until new changes are introduced. What is it about? The right to free land, along with the Heroes of Russia, remains with them. So you can just wait.

The algorithm of actions for such categories of veterans remains the same: obtaining a certificate confirming the receipt of the site, registration with the Rosreestr, issuing a certificate of ownership.

allotment of land to war veterans


But this is not all the features that should be considered. Land plots for war veterans in Russia are now far from free. It is important to remember that the state has committed itself, according to which it pays half of the costs of maintaining any housing. So, after the completion of the construction of his house, a veteran citizen will have to pay only 50% of the cost of utilities.

Thus, a land plot is obtained. Veterans of hostilities are provided with land on a variety of conditions: either with the right to purchase, or on a free basis. It is enough to follow the already known algorithm of actions.

Can they refuse a free site? Only those who stood in line after 2005. The remaining veterans are entitled to free land. It is worth preparing for the fact that you will have to wait a long time for your turn. Faster only to buy a plot.

Another benefit that was not mentioned is the exemption from property tax. Veterans will not have to pay annually for existing land. As for any other property. This right is enshrined in law, and no one can take it away.


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