Children's gymnastics

Perhaps there are no people who would not be aware of the full benefits of morning exercises for children. However, not all families bring up the desire to play sports in children from childhood, and if children already have such a desire, then they absolutely do not encourage it. Only in children's institutions is children's gymnastics considered the most important component of the motor regime and, accordingly, is especially appreciated.

Daily morning exercises play a huge role in the organization of children, the formation of motor qualities, the ability to plan their activities, and simply in their mental development. That is why children's gymnastics is an indispensable part of the daily regime of toddlers in kindergartens.

The main tasks of morning gymnastics :

  • bringing babies to a cheerful state;
  • disinhibition of their nervous system after sleep;
  • saving the time of transition from dreams to wakefulness.

The systematic conduct of children's gymnastics (naturally, under the guidance of adults) gradually accustoms the child to physical exercises and associates them with positive emotions, pleasant muscle sensations that cause only cheerfulness.

Daily physical exercises contribute to the development in children of a habit of systematic morning exercises and the manifestation of volitional efforts.

Children's gymnastics is perfectly combined with water procedures, as a result, the general condition of babies, the functional capabilities of their organisms are noticeably improved, and immunity to infectious diseases and colds is also developed. Physical exercises, coupled with water procedures, gradually involve babies in an active state, promote metabolism, increase blood circulation and deepen breathing.

Thanks to morning exercises, preschoolers create a cheerful and even mood, as well as an organized start. After charging, children are more balanced, and their faces are joyful and satisfied.

Gymnastics after sleeping in kindergarten creates a more positive emotional atmosphere, if all its movements are accompanied by cheerful rhymes, songs and, of course, music. It can be described as an important multilateral fitness and health process that preserves and enhances the cheerful state of babies throughout the day.

In order for morning gymnastics to be most beneficial, it is important to follow some basic rules, in particular, you must clearly adhere to the following parts:

  • introductory;
  • main;
  • final.

To begin with, the classroom should be well ventilated. Children are not recommended to eat before charging. Next, children should wear tracksuits and start warming up with general exercises.

You can start the prologue with walking (this will affect all muscle groups), then enable walking in different ways: on the heels, on toes, and the outside of the foot. While walking, it will be advisable to diversify the movement of babies in space: using the movement of two columns, in different directions, in a zigzag pattern, a snake, diagonally, etc.

The physiological load in this case will be equivalent to the distances traveled, and an increase in psychological load will entail the concentration of children.

Children's gymnastics also implies a short run: at a slow and medium pace. It is desirable to alternate it with walking or with dance-rhythmic movements: gallop, circling, jumping, etc. After this, you can begin to perform exercises that are selected individually by the teachers, depending on the age of the children.

The most important thing is that these exercises should be given vigorously, interestingly and lively, so that the kids always have an interest in their implementation. And it’s best to finish the main part of the gymnastics with a quick run.

The final part involves reducing the physiological load, that is, kids are better off offering sedentary games, walking, special breathing exercises with slow, long exhalations, or some kind of game exercises.

As you can see, the gymnastics of awakening in kindergarten is a useful and fun action aimed at kids learning about the world around them. Children learn to act in it, to love it, in addition to this, they just get a huge charge of vivacity and good mood for the whole day.


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