Glass magnesite (LSU): reviews

Glass- magnesium sheets (LSU, glass- magnesite , magnetite) - the material is quite new, but has already managed to establish itself well in the building materials market .  

LSU reviews have various. The positive qualities of this material include high strength and ease of use. Magnesium glass sheets can rightfully be considered a replacement for drywall. The advantage of magnetite over GCR lies in a number of factors. LSU (consumer reviews are mostly positive) are characterized by high strength and flexibility, fairly light weight, resistant to low temperatures and chemicals.

Among all other advantages, special refractoriness can be distinguished - this material withstands a temperature of 1200 degrees. LSU, the characteristics of which will be discussed in more detail below, are produced with a thickness of 4-12 mm and a sheet size of 2500x1200, 2440x1220mm.

Physical and mechanical characteristics

Color - white, cream.

The density of the material is 950-1000 kg / m³.

Moisture swelling - <0.3.

Bending strength - 10-22 MPa, depending on the thickness.

Impact strength - 5-7 kJ / m².

Sound insulation - 29-47dB.

Frost resistance - ≥ 50F.

Refractoriness - class A fireproof.

Safety: no harmful substances in the composition.

Operation - a service life of more than 50 years.

Glass-magnesite sheets are used for the installation of interior partitions, suspended ceilings, and decoration of columns. LSU (reviews of finishers confirm this), unlike drywall, do not need additional processing. After mounting the plates, you can immediately proceed to the decorative surface finish, whether it be wallpaper, paint or ceramic tile.

Glass-magnesium sheets are divided into three classes: "Premium", Standard "," Economy ". Magnetite of the Premium and Standard classes differs significantly in its technical qualities from sheets of the Economy class.

LSU of a higher class can be used for both internal and external works with subsequent finishing. Such a material has great refractoriness. Glass-magnesium sheets are popular in the decoration of pools, baths and saunas.

Economy class glass magnesite is used only in the interior department in rooms with minimal humidity and insignificant temperature differences. When wet, salt may be released.

LSU reviews are also negative. This is due to the fact that glass magnesite is a new and not very common material. Taking advantage of this, unscrupulous suppliers often supplied materials of inadequate quality, which served as a distrust of this material.

How to distinguish high-quality glass magnesite from a fake? To begin with, it should be noted that large suppliers always work only with high-quality materials, as they value their reputation. Quality sheets have a beige or yellowish tint. The edges of glass magnesite of poor quality are fragile and crumble. If possible, you can dip a piece of material into the water. If the color of the water has not changed, the material is of high quality.

Installation of glass magnesite

Installation of LSU practically does not differ from the installation of gypsum plasterboard. Sheets are mounted on a metal or wooden structure using self-tapping screws used for moisture-proof drywall. It is recommended that the sheets be mounted so that the fiber arrangement is vertical. This method of attachment will give the structure additional strength. Between sheets it is necessary to leave a gap. Its thickness should be equal to about half the thickness of the sheet.

When installing arches, additional work, as in the case of drywall, will not be needed. The material is easily bent to the desired radius of curvature. When finishing the columns with this material, it would be more expedient to mount the sheets on glue. At the final stage of installation, the gaps and places of fastening with putty are closed.


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