Customs of Uzbekistan: basic rules for import and export

In recent years, the flow of tourists from Russia to the Republic of Uzbekistan has been growing rapidly. However, many of them will be disappointed at the border. The customs of Uzbekistan has its own characteristics and rather strict rules, which should be known to every person who wants to spend a vacation in this amazing country. This article will discuss the basic rules for the import and export of goods and their customs clearance. The materials will be useful to people who intend to visit this state for tourism purposes or on a business visit.

Uzbek customs inspection

Features of customs inspection at border crossings

Inspection of personal belongings cannot be carried out without good reason. Usually they resort to this measure if a citizen complies with the orientation sent by law enforcement agencies, or if prohibited or suspicious objects were found during a surface inspection of a car or baggage.

The decision to conduct a personal search is authorized to be made only by the head of the checkpoint or an official who officially replaces him.

The procedure for conducting a personal search at the border

If an order was received from the head of the customs office to conduct a personal search of a citizen, then in accordance with the protocol, the inspector must, before proceeding with the search, offer to voluntarily hand over the prohibited items and substances. And if they are available, then it is recommended to voluntarily surrender them (this can mitigate responsibility).

Inspection can only be carried out in the presence of several witnesses. Both invited witnesses and the inspector himself must be one with the potential sex offender. At the same time, the inspector and witnesses cannot touch the suspect. Only a visiting doctor can afford this.

Features of crossing the state border of Uzbekistan

If traveling by train, then a few hours before the checkpoint, the conductor will distribute special forms of declarations to all passengers. This document is allowed to be completed in Uzbek, English or Russian. This process should be treated as carefully as possible and not made mistakes. The amount of currency transported, valuables and their estimated price in the market are entered in the appropriate columns.

Filling out a customs declaration

Registration Requirements

The declaration is executed in two copies. One remains with the customs authorities, the other is returned to the passenger. It is advisable to keep this document, as it will have to come back to this issue when crossing the border in the opposite direction. Approximately the same procedure is maintained when passing the customs of Uzbekistan by car. Customs clearance of large batches of goods requires much greater expenditures of energy and energy.

At present, the president has established an exemplary order in the customs authorities of the republic. But quite recently, things were completely different: corruption, extortion ... And yet, when passing through border and customs control, it is recommended to be very careful and be extremely careful.

Cash import

Features of the import of foreign currency

The customs of Russia and Uzbekistan in this matter are similar in many respects. Any foreign cash in unlimited quantities can also be brought into this country. Very rarely, a traveler carries with him more than two thousand dollars in equivalent. But money that does not exceed the specified amount is not subject to declaration. This should be remembered when crossing border controls. Uzbekistan Customs may accept cash for storage and savings. In this case, it is necessary to draw up the relevant documents. The details of such operations can be obtained from customs officials.

Both for residents and non-residents of the country, the legislative authorities and customs of Uzbekistan also set limits on the export of cash abroad. This value is five thousand dollars.

In general, the import of currency into Uzbekistan is not limited, and with appropriate declaration and payment of customs duties, it is allowed to import any amount of money.

The information provided is current. The procedure for the import of funds into the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the export of currency beyond its borders is regulated by the relevant law of January 1, 2018.

Features of the import and export of national currency

Things are somewhat different with the export and import of cash issued by the National Bank of Uzbekistan and intended for circulation within the state. The amount is limited to five minimum wages. If this indicator is exceeded, the transported funds are subject to declaration and an obligation to pay customs duty arises.

In this case, it is allowed to export no more than fifty minimum wages. This requirement is apparently dictated by national security considerations. Moreover, it should be repealed that this requirement applies to all categories of citizens (both residents of Uzbekistan and foreigners) and to all methods of crossing the border (by train, by plane, by ship, on foot, by car). Customs of Uzbekistan carefully monitors compliance with this requirement.

What can be imported into the country

Features of the import of consumer goods and goods for personal use

The law of January 1, 2018 concerns not only the procedure for transporting funds, but also establishes the new customs rules of Uzbekistan as a whole, brings the legislation of the republic in this area in accordance with generally accepted international standards.

In the international airports of the country, the “double corridor” system, familiar to the population of our country, has been launched. Thus, passengers arriving at the airport can choose a control method. The “red” corridor is deliberately chosen by the passenger if he is transporting goods subject to mandatory declaration. The passage of the "green" corridor is much faster. However, the customs officer of Uzbekistan has the right to demand the inspection of the contents of baggage. As a rule, airport employees can easily distinguish a carefree tourist from an intruder. And if goods prohibited for import or not declared are found in the bag of such a passenger, serious problems with the law cannot be avoided.

customs inspector

Duty for the transport of goods for personal use

When transporting personal items, you must be extremely vigilant. The fact is that the amount of goods not subject to duty depends on the method and place of crossing the state border.

According to the mentioned Law, individuals can bring personal items worth no more than two thousand dollars into the territory of the state through checkpoints at international airports without paying customs duties.

Other rules apply to those people who cross the land border between Tajikistan and Uzbekistan by car or truck. Customs in this case will charge a baggage fee of more than three hundred dollars. For foreign citizens and residents of Uzbekistan crossing the border by river boat or train, this amount is one thousand dollars.

A limit is also set on the export of consumer goods from Uzbekistan to other countries. When exporting goods worth more than three thousand dollars abroad, the customs of the Republic of Uzbekistan requires the submission of a declaration and payment of the export duty.

Groups of goods subject to special import conditions

In accordance with the Law, signed by the President of Uzbekistan and entered into force on 01.01.2018, when crossing the state border for some groups of goods, not quantitative restrictions are established, but quantitative ones.

So, it is not allowed to carry in personal baggage more than two liters of alcoholic beverages of any strength, more than five kilograms of bread, three kilograms of rice and other cereals more than two kilograms, more than ten packs of cigarettes and other tobacco products, more than three containers with perfume and toilet water, more than sixty-five grams of jewelry.

The export of such products is also strictly regulated: bread - up to five kilograms, rice and other cereals - not more than three kilograms, sugar - not more than two kilograms, meat and meat products and semi-finished products - not more than two kilograms, sunflower oil or any other vegetable oil - up to two kilograms, fruits and vegetables (both dried and fresh) - not more than forty kilograms.

It should be noted that similar rules apply in neighboring states. For example, the customs of Tajikistan and Uzbekistan are working clearly and harmoniously. And with transit movement, travelers do not have unpleasant surprises.

Baggage Screening

What is forbidden to import into the territory of Uzbekistan?

Like any other country, this republic is trying to prevent the import of prohibited items into its territory. The customs of Uzbekistan, or Yangiliklari, as locals call it, is well equipped and has highly qualified personnel to suppress any attempts to import and export prohibited items.

The group of goods prohibited for import into Uzbekistan includes narcotic and psychotropic substances and preparations, printing products, manuscripts, images and photographs, audio recordings on various media (vinyl records, disks, floppy disks, magnetic tapes), which call for undermining the constitutional order, disturbance of public order, propagate violence and hatred on religious grounds. The customs and national security bodies of Uzbekistan prevent the import of various pornographic products into the country. Oddly enough, it is also forbidden to import unmanned aerial vehicles into the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

What goods are forbidden to be exported from the territory of Uzbekistan?

You can run into big trouble if you try to export prohibited goods from the country. The list of these products is presented on the official page of the customs. Any person who leaves the country is simply obliged to familiarize themselves with this document.

To my great surprise, it is forbidden to take out silk production waste, as well as silkworm cocoons, outside the customs territory of Uzbekistan. In order to prevent poaching, it is forbidden to export deer, deer, and saiga horn skins (all these animals are listed in the Red Book).

Under the ban on export, alcohol, jewelry made of pearls and precious stones, furs and leather, weapons and ammunition fall.

Features of the transport of medicines

Features of the import of drugs by individuals

According to numerous reviews, the customs of Uzbekistan carefully controls the drugs imported into the territory of the country. And we are talking not only about large deliveries from abroad, but also about individual first-aid kits of travelers.

The procedure for transporting drugs for personal use is strictly regulated. It is allowed to import up to ten names of various drugs. For each item, you can not carry more than five packages. Separately regulated by the rules of import of medical equipment. In accordance with the current customs legislation of Uzbekistan, an individual for personal use cannot import more than five units of such equipment (tonometers, glucose measuring instruments, thermometers).

Requirements for the content of one package of medicines

Regardless of how and on which transport the state border crosses, the requirements for the contents (qualitative and quantitative) of packages with medicines remain unchanged. In accordance with the instructions of the customs of Uzbekistan, the import of more than one hundred tablets or capsules in one package is unacceptable. If a citizen intends to smuggle across the border the powder that is used to prepare medicinal solutions, then its mass should not exceed 500 grams. One package of ampoules for intravenous or intramuscular injection cannot contain more than ten units.

In this case, all drugs can be transported only in packages from the manufacturer. Attempts to bring medicines without packaging, or in other packaging, can cause big problems with law enforcement agencies of the Republic of Uzbekistan.


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