Confirmation of a residence permit in the Russian Federation

Legal stay in Russia is associated with the confirmation of a residence permit (common abbreviation - residence permit) - the status of a foreigner, indicating his purpose to live in Russian territory. Both immigrants and refugees apply for a residence permit. Thanks to this document, residence becomes legal. Also, a person from another country receives the right to cross the borders of the Russian Federation.

Key aspects

To obtain a residence permit, you must first confirm the residence itself in Russia. The presence of this document is a mandatory criterion for all citizens of other countries. The period of relevance of this act is 1 year. After that follows its extension. The application must be submitted within two months. If this procedure is not carried out in a timely manner, a certain punishment sets in. It manifests itself in fines or invalidation of a document.

Points of law

To apply for a residence permit in the Russian Federation, proof of residence is a necessary norm for foreign citizens. And the algorithm for their location in Russia is controlled by federal law No. 115. His 8th article states that such persons are required to regularly inform the FMS about their location. For this purpose, the necessary documentation is transferred to the nearest migration organization.

If based on 9 parts of Article No. 6 of the same law, then foreigners and stateless persons applying for a residence permit are required to confirm each year their individual right to residence on a temporary basis.

According to government decree No. 21, issued on January 17, 2007, this procedure implies the submission of a special notice in a regulated time frame - 2 months from the date of registration of the residence permit (this is argued by the same part and article FZ 115).

Required set

Documents required to obtain a residence permit

Since the confirmation of a residence permit is necessarily an annual procedure, the alien must be aware of changes in Russian laws relating to it. This is a mandatory practice that avoids many problems, including deportation.

After a year from the date of obtaining a residence permit, a foreign citizen needs to send a notification on the confirmation of a residence permit to a special body - the FMS (Federal Migration Service). The mandatory form of this act is written, and the language is Russian.

Additionally, you need such a set of documents to confirm a residence permit:

  1. Copy of the passport.
  2. Certificate of official earnings.
  3. Designated notice form.
  4. Documentation for a child or children.

This form is required to be filled very carefully and carefully. If there are errors and incorrect data, the probability of a negative reaction of the FMS is high. The entire documentation complex can be personally transferred to any department of the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Another sending option is by mail. A residence permit confirmation form with all required fields and fields can be found in the institution.

Residence permit confirmation form

Registration period

All citizens of other countries staying on Russian territory are required to register at the place of their stay or residence within a certain period of time - a week. Registration later than this is punishable by fines.

If the first attempt to obtain a residence permit confirmation ends with a refusal, a subsequent appeal is possible only after a year. The report begins at the time of application.

Value of earnings

The chances of a foreigner to react positively to his appeals increase significantly if he has a legitimate income that meets the cost of living. Without this criterion, specialists do not even consider the application received.

You can confirm the income using the following documents:

  1. Income statements.
  2. A certified duplicate of a tax deed (declaration).
  3. Other document attesting to the parameters of annual profit and its source.

Confirmation of a residence permit can take place if the income is at least equal to the subsistence level (or better, at least slightly, but exceeds it). So experts are convinced that the person is solvent and does not need material assistance from the state. The subsistence minimum parameter in Russia is determined by the region of residence.

Children's question

Child with a residence permit

If foreign citizens in our country have children, then they also have a requirement - confirmation of a residence permit in Russia. For this purpose, parents or guardians must already have a residence permit. They need to contact the nearest branch of the FMS. The child may be issued a residence permit in tandem with the parent or in person. The specifics of both options are shown below.

With parent

In this situation, you need such a set of documentation:

  1. Application form for granting a child a residence permit. It properly fills all the fields.
  2. Duplicate passport of the applicant person.
  3. Proof of identity of the child.
  4. Duplicate of his birth certificate.
  5. Certificate of income of the applicant.
  6. An alternative to paragraph 5 is the documentation confirming the disability of a given citizen.
  7. A medical certificate proving that the child does not have HIV disease.
  8. A certificate from a state hospital or clinic indicating that the child has no infectious diseases and drug addiction.
  9. An act giving the child the right to use the premises in the Russian Federation.
  10. Two pictures of the baby.
  11. The receipt for the repayment of state duty, which reaches 3500 rubles.

Receiving separately from the parent

In this situation, the set of documents has slight differences. The same points are followed. Only the parent submits a written application for a child with a residence permit. Submission is carried out only in the local FMS.

In this matter, it is necessary to confirm the citizenship of the child. Therefore, an identity card is provided. If he does not have citizenship, a certificate should be presented from the authorized organization of the country whose subject is the applicant himself. This act proves that the child is not recognized as a citizen of this state.

When issuing a document in a foreign language, it is urgently translated into Russian. This procedure is performed by a state translator and puts his signature, the authenticity of which is certified by a notary.

Filling out a registration application

All documents must be completed in Russian. Letters from the Latin alphabet are allowed. Blurring, typos and abbreviations are excluded in the confirmation of residence permit. It is also forbidden to shorten words and ignore lines and sections.

This form is supplemented by a certified duplicate of your passport. If, at the time of sending the appeal, the candidate is outside Russia for more than six months, a negative verdict awaits him. In addition to the refusal, the document is also canceled.

Subtleties of filling

The designated form is sheet A4. Its left area is for the applicant. The right one is tear-off. The applicant fills in his part on both sides, sequentially entering the following data:

  1. The name of the FMS branch to which the documentation is sent.
  2. Own F.I.O.
  3. Repeat step 1.
  4. Address of your residence, including zip code.
  5. Work data for the last annual period: date of registration of the labor agreement and dismissal, position, designation and contact details of the employer.
  6. Information about trips abroad of Russia: to which country the trip was conducted, the date of departure from the Russian Federation and entry.
  7. Parameters and sources of profit for the last annual interval.
  8. Passport details.
  9. Information of a temporary residence permit.
  10. Information residence permit.
  11. Name of documents proving earnings.

At the end of the document, the citizen paints and decrypts his signature. The right part is filled in by mail or in the FMS. It is certified by a seal and transmitted to the applicant.

Mail Actions

Mail Actions

Foreign persons with a residence permit are legally entitled to use the services of mail to send the corresponding appeal. All points of notification for a residence permit confirmation are filled in only one copy. Attached is a duplicate of the internal passport and a residence permit document. The kit is handed over to an authorized mail officer. He verifies the authenticity of the executed act. In the absence of claims, the package is sent to the FMS in the format of a registered letter with an inventory.

The sender receives:

  1. A tear-off section of the form, in which there is a note by the mail officer about sending and receiving a package of documents.
  2. The original of the receipt proving the repayment of the duty (its parameter is 150 rubles).
  3. Receipt of payment for sending letters. This service has a cost established at the tariffs of a particular post office.
  4. A copy of the executed inventory with a postal print.

All holders of a residence permit are entitled to this method of dispatch. RVP owners are only allowed to personally contact the FMS. For them, this is the only way to obtain a residence permit confirmation.

Actions in the FMS

Actions in the FMS

In this organization, applicants for a residence permit go through a similar documentation procedure. This is followed by verification by an authorized employee of the information provided. He puts a mark on the receipt of documentation.

The applicant receives a voucher. This is the final stage in the notification process. Also, foreign persons have legal grounds to entrust the indicated procedure to their authorized person. To do this, you must first properly draw up a notarized power of attorney.

False registration

It is understood as a document provided on the basis of fictitious or false data. If fraud is discovered and proved, then the registration is recognized as fake and material effects are applied to the violator in the range of 100 - 500 thousand rubles. Also, this citizen is prohibited from conducting certain activities in the Russian Federation.


Penalties for the lack of confirmation of a residence permit 1

According to Russian laws, persons who enter Russia and reside illegally in it are recognized as administrative criminals. This is especially true for persons without citizenship. As a rule, they drag out with confirmation of their stay in the Russian Federation.

Administrative impact is expressed in fines of 2000 - 7000 rubles. In case of complication of guilt, a citizen can be deported from the country by judicial verdict, the residence permit is canceled.

Deportation of citizens from Russia

Other aspects

Confirmation of a residence permit in the Russian Federation has certain quantitative restrictions. This norm is controlled by the Russian government. The need for such a limit is due to too many applicants for residence permits.

In 2019, all foreign persons wishing to live in Russia for a long period receive ratings on a special scale. Based on the data received, the FMS makes a decision. In the absence of complaints and high praise, the citizen receives the coveted document. A sample confirmation of a residence permit is presented in the article.

Sample residence permit confirmation

Almost one hundred percent chance of a positive reaction from the FMS are:

  1. Able-bodied citizens whose age ranges from 21 to 45 years.
  2. Persons confirming knowledge of the Russian language.
  3. Persons graduating from a Russian university.

As well as people whose close relatives are persons with Russian citizenship.


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