The best teen books

We are what we read. And let the teachers and parents complain that the child rarely picks up books, in fact this is not so. Children today read a lot and with interest, but not boring textbooks and manuals, but modern teenage books, whose characters are so similar to them.

teen fantasy is the best

Time-tested classic

According to the largest bookstores, despite the abundance of new products, young people prefer to read trusted, one might say, classic works in the genre of adventure, fantasy and science fiction. Leadership is held by works written by famous modern writers:

  • The Lord of the Rings by J. Tolkien. These are some of the best teen fantasy books that have ever been written. The novel was published in various formats, including in the form of comics.
  • “Connecticut Yankees at the Court of King Arthur” by Mark Twain. Despite the fact that this writer lived a long time and his works have already become classic, the classic does not age, this is its charm. Time travel, right to the round table of King Arthur, sparkling humor of the protagonist - a simple American, who through evil fate fell into medieval Europe - all this makes the reading interesting and fascinating.
  • "Twilight" by Stephanie Myers. The Vampire Saga. The novel was filmed, but if you compare the text of the book and the film, then between them you can notice a huge difference. That is, the plot is the basis of the film, but the essence is completely different. In general, to understand, it is worth reading, and the book is written very interestingly and is read literally in one go.
  • “The Chronicles of Narnia” Clive S. Lewis. The story of how four teenagers discovered a wonderful fairy-tale world in a wardrobe. Although the novel was screened more than once, the book always turned out to be better. Still, cinema in such cases is significantly inferior to the book.

As you can see, fantasy novels are most popular, but the reader’s interest is not limited to this genre only. No less interesting are the best modern teenage books in the genre of science fiction, adventure and realism.

Harry Potter J. Rowling

The story of the little wizard Harry Potter, who from childhood was in the center of the struggle between good and evil. At first, he does not know anything about the fact that he has a special gift, thanks to which he will become a great wizard. But the time comes when he is invited to study at the Hogwarts school of magicians. He goes there and learns that he has a great fate - to fight the greatest wizard - Voldemort. In the fight against evil, Harry is helped by his best friends.

In total, seven books were published, each of which is a separate novel. A series of novels about the young wizard Harry Potter - these are the best teenage books.

best teen fantasy

Teen fantasy

Amazing worlds and quite probable, and therefore an alarming future, are written by the best books of teenage fiction,. Their list is huge. The following is a description of two novels that are considered the most popular.

The novel "1984" by George Orwell

The novel "1984" is interesting for both teens and adults. This book is one of the best works of foreign fiction. The work describes England after a nuclear bombing. The country is ruled by an elder brother and a party. All events of the past and present are rewritten in accordance with the assignment of the party. All actions of people and thoughts should not violate accepted laws and norms. The control from the Big Brother is carried out with the help of television screens and street patrols. For cruel thoughts, the authorities severely punish them by sending thought-criminals to room 101.

teenage fiction

The hero of the novel Winston works in the Ministry of Truth. His job is to remake past events in a way that is convenient to the party. Winston knows that thought crimes are severely punished, but he could not resist. On one of the flea markets, he purchased a diary and a fountain pen to secretly write down his thoughts. Then he met the girl Julia, but the party forbade love and normal human relations. Lovers had to hide, but happiness did not last long. After much torture, they were sent to room 101, where they renounced their own thoughts and feelings for each other. Although the heroes remained physically alive, they are mentally dead.

"Inhabited Island"

teenage science fiction books best

Space explorer Maxim accidentally finds himself on a distant unknown planet and enters the country of Unknown Fathers. The horizon of the planet Saraksh has a concave shape, which is why all residents believe that they live inside the ball, and not on it. They are sure that they are the only ones in the Universe, and they do not believe in the extraterrestrial origin of Maxim. There are towers broadcasting waves throughout the country. These waves make all people, with the exception of some, susceptible to propaganda. Those who are not affected by these waves are called geeks. They do not perceive propaganda, but during amplification of radiation that occurs twice a day, they experience a severe headache. Against such rule the country of the fathers is a fierce struggle. They are detected during amplification of radiation and then shot on the spot.

In fact, it turns out that the government consists of "geeks" who seized power, and they also experience severe bouts of headache, but only far from prying eyes. Maxim, imbued with sympathy for the movement to overthrow the rule of the Country of the Fathers, helps underground members destroy the Center. But it turns out that this was impossible. The wanderer against whom there was a struggle and whom Maxim tried to kill turned out to be an earthling Rudolf Sikorski. Sikorski orders Maxim to return to Earth, but he remains on the planet Saraksh.

Rafael Sabatini, novels about Captain Blood

the best teen books

“Odyssey of Captain Blood”, “The Chronicles of Captain Blood”, “Luck of Captain Blood” are novels about pirates, about sea adventures and fights, about how an honest person can become a corsair even against his will. It turned out that while fulfilling the duty of a doctor, Peter Blood violated the laws of the kingdom, for which he was sent to a colony in the South Sea for settlement. There he was sold into slavery and fell into the service of the governor of the island. Watching how the local governors and the military behave, the hero came to the conclusion that, with rare exceptions, they are all rare villains. Soon he had a chance to escape, and he took advantage of it. So he became a pirate, but unusual. He had a specific code of honor, which ultimately helped Blood to end the pirate craft and regain his good name.

The Golden Temple by Yukio Missima

top best teen books

The history of the apprenticeship of the young Buddhist monk Mizoguchi, who, desiring to leave his name in history, set fire to the Golden Temple, famous throughout Japan. As a child, Mizoguchi was ridiculed by peers. Due to stuttering, he experienced a sense of inferiority and therefore avoided communication. At the Rizai Academy, where he went to study, he met Tsurukawa, who did not laugh at him. They struck up a friendship. After graduating from the academy, Mizoguchi enters preparatory courses, where she meets Kashiwagi, who has a strong influence on him, pushing for petty sacrilege and crime. All the while, Mizoguchi was preoccupied with thoughts of the Golden Temple, and it soon occurred to him to burn him.

Adventure novels worth reading

Below is a list that includes very interesting and fascinating works of adventure literature:

  • Gulliver's Journey by Jonathan Swift. Despite the large number of adaptations of the novel, not one of them matches what is written. The main character travels to a variety of countries in which there are very strange creatures unlike ordinary people, and in his last journey Gulliver enters the country of intelligent horses. Reading will be long, but incredibly exciting.
  • "The Adventures of Robinson Crusoe" by Daniel Defoe. Today this work is no less beloved and popular than two hundred years ago. The novel, in fact, is based on real events, so all the characters look very realistic.
  • The Jungle Book by Rudyard Kipling. The story of a boy raised by the inhabitants of the Indian jungle. Of all the television versions of the novel, not one of them is fully consistent with the text of the book.
  • "Mine King Solomon" Ryder Haggard. The heroes of the novel go to distant and dangerous Africa in search of ancient treasures, find them, but are forced to leave them.

The choice of a book is a matter of taste. But above are teenage books (a list of the best works), which are popular all over the world and will surely appeal to a young reader.

Best books about teenage love

The following is also a list of the most famous teenage love novels:

  • Jenny Khan "PS I still love you."
  • Lauren Oliver. "Before I fall."
  • Gail Foreman “If I stay.”
  • Federico Mochchia. "Three meters above the sky".
  • John Green "Finding Alaska."

The heroes of these novels are ordinary modern teens. They have the same problems, and they are also trying to find themselves in this complex adult world for them. Find friendship, love and understanding among peers. The top best teenage books also include novels and novels that describe the real life of adolescents. The authors in them touch on various topics, including those that, it would seem, should interest adults rather than children.

"We are expired." Stace Kramer

best books about teenage love

This is the story of a girl who is about to graduate from school. She successfully studies, there is every chance to enter a prestigious university. She has no problem with her parents. Many friends, have a loved one. But here comes the graduation, and in her fate, a turning point comes. She learns that a loved one is leaving her, friends are not so reliable. After going over with alcohol, she gets behind the wheel and gets into an accident, as a result of which she is left without legs. The heroine of the novel believes that her life is over, but the internal struggle of life against death is only just beginning. At first, the girl, in desperation, begins to think about suicide, but the will to live does not allow her to do this. Passing through suffering, the heroine reinterprets everything that happened to her, and in the end she finds true faithful friends and a loved one.

"Alice's Diary." Beatrice Sparks

The story of how destructive drugs can be. The book is written by a professional psychologist. The annotation says that this is a diary of one of the patients in the drug treatment clinic, which the author published several years after the girl’s death. But there is no evidence for this, but the fact is doubtful: the doctor cannot disclose information about his patients.

The text contains profanity and descriptions of scenes of violence. The life of a young drug addict named Alice is not sugar. The girl had to suffer a lot, engage in theft and prostitution in order to get money for the next dose. This is one of the best teenage books by modern authors, as it shows the reader the horror of the life of an addict without the usual hypocrisy in such cases.

"The perks of Being a Wallflower". Stephen Chbosky

teen books best list

The story is not too sociable and modest guy who was very worried about the death of his best friend Michael. After the tragedy, he finds no place for a long time, but soon, in order to somehow cope with stress, he begins to write letters to a stranger. At school, he accidentally meets Sam and her brother Patrick. However, a difficult school life, an ambiguous relationship with peers lead to a break with his best friend and girlfriend. A difficult relationship with a girlfriend, the loss of a friend, guilt for what happened, for the death of Michael bring the boy to a nervous breakdown. But in the end it all ends happily.


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