Types of stairs

There are the most diverse types of stairs. Their design completely depends on the size of the building, individual rooms, as well as on the purpose of the stairs themselves. Depending on the layout of the premises, they are one- and two-march. By marching it is customary to understand a series of steps that are not interrupted. Usually in one march contains no more than 10 steps, and from each other they are separated by an intermediate platform.

Types of stairs
Types of stairs are still divided into rotary and straight. Straight-march designs are the easiest option. They are easy to manufacture and very easy to operate. If we talk about two-flight stairs, it is advisable to make them with the same number of steps.

The most common stairs, in which the climb is carried out clockwise. When designing structures with two marches, it is worth remembering that the distance between the marches or between the ceiling and the march should not be less than two meters. The width of the march should not be less than 60 centimeters, and the height of the handrail - not less than 90 centimeters. In large buildings you can find types of stairs with many marches.

types of stairs for the house
Consider these constructions in terms of the organization of space. The most beautiful types of stairs are spiral. They themselves can serve as decoration of the interior, while they occupy quite a bit of space. Such stairs can be placed even on a sufficiently small area, this is ensured by their design. Fan stairs are one of the varieties of spiral. Here, the entire load falls on the central vertical rack, on which the steps are strung. At such a ladder, the step of ascent is greater than that of the march. Such designs have such a drawback as the uneven depth of the step. That is why they are more often used as a decorative or additional staircase, but not the main one.

There are marching types of stairs for the house. Usually two-march constructions are used, since single-march ones are characterized by great steepness, and this is not always convenient. Constructions consisting of several marches can be straightforward or rotary. In the case when the intermediate platform is followed by two marches directed in opposite directions, we are talking about a swing ladder. This design looks very original, so it is customary to classify it as elite stairs.

As the main element of each staircase, one can name the base that holds the entire structure in a stationary position. Bolt stairs look delicate and light, and the foundation structures on bowstrings and kosoura are not like that, they are more heavy.

types of wooden stairs
It is worth saying that the types of wooden stairs do not fundamentally differ from those described previously, since they build on the basis of the same rules.

Modern craftsmen create more and more new designs, combining different views in them, which allows you to create beautiful and unusual stairs in design. When choosing a suitable option, it is worthwhile to rely on the available capabilities in the room, as well as on the appropriate type of design and constructive solution.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E17581/

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