Tendryakov, “The Night After the Release”: Summary

The story "Night after graduation" (V. Tendryakov wrote it in the first half of the 70s) is still debated. This is understandable, as the author raises the problem of educating adolescents in it and determines what role the school plays in this complex process. As a result, his characters undergo a peculiar test of humanity. This path is not simple, but it is through such moral purification that the true value of good and truth is realized.

night after release summary


Vladimir Tendryakov “Night after graduation” compositionally divides into two parts. This is a parallel conversation that takes place between the graduates on a cliff and the search for a difficult solution to get out of the situation by their teachers yesterday, who were sitting in the teacher's room. The reason for the discussions in both groups was the performance of the school’s pride, Yulechka Studentseva. Departing from the rules that had long been established at the prom, she did not cry and thank the senior mentors. On the contrary, the girl noticed that she cherishes the school very much, “like a wolf cub with her burrow,” however, she did not teach her to love something else. Yulia was given knowledge, but did not teach the main thing: how to live in this world. And therefore she is scared. She does not know what awaits her next, how to deal with the problems that will inevitably arise in independent life. Such a performance was a surprise for everyone and an occasion for an unscheduled meeting of teachers.

tendering the night after graduation

“The Night After Graduation”: A Summary of the Conversation at the Teacher

The first took the word Olga Olegovna, the head teacher of the school and a history teacher. She expressed the idea that some teachers require from their pupils thorough knowledge in the subject, which they will not be useful in the future. In particular, the replica was addressed to the teacher of the Russian language, Zoe Vladimirovna - she has been working at school for the fifth decade and simply can’t live in a different way. And in response, no thanks either from the students or from colleagues. Her speech made her colleagues agitated and served as the beginning of a complex conversation, which is reproduced by the author of the story "Night after graduation."

Summary of the dialogue

Opinions of teachers regarding what Yulia said were different. Some experienced resentment and frustration for the fact that their work is not appreciated by adolescents. Anger and indignation were added to them, since what was said cannot be undone.

Others agreed that there really are a lot of problems at school that officials are not even trying to solve. Everyone tried to refute the words of the previous speaker and present their vision of how to teach children so that the results exceed the costs.

Innovative teacher

Tendryakov introduces the image of Pavel Pavlovich Reshetnikov in the short story “The Night After the Issue,” a short summary of which you are reading. He was a physics teacher, completely absorbed in science. At first, the staff did not accept it because of the desire to introduce new teaching methods into an already established system, but the situation soon changed. Pavel Pavlovich continued to teach not strictly in textbooks and programs, but began to do this more carefully. The young teacher wholeheartedly believed that everyone “cultivates his garden” as he wants it, as his soul desires, without forcing others to do so.

In contrast, Innocent Sergeyevich, a mathematician, spoke. He believed that “school is a large-scale phenomenon,” therefore, the desired success cannot be achieved alone.

Vladimir Tendryakov described the discussion for a long time. The story "The Night After Graduation" includes many opinions on how best to teach children. However, none of the teachers even remembered a more important issue. And what do the guys really want? What are their interests, desires, feelings?

Vladimir Tendriakov story the night after graduation

Unexpected insight

And only saying goodbye to Ivan Ignatievich, Olga Olegovna suddenly realized that it was precisely today that they missed a significant event: the birth of a personality! Julia Studentseva in her own words showed not that the school taught her anything important. On the contrary, she appeared as a person who knows how to think outside the box, who has found the courage to express what she feels, thinks, even if this goes against the generally accepted standards. And the main problem of others is that when a person stands out among others, first of all, everyone tries to identify his shortcomings, plant it back, crush it, and prevent individuality from appearing. So ends the first part of the novel "The Night After the Release" Vladimir Tendryakov. The content of the head teacher’s thoughts gives hope that changes in the existing system are still possible.

night after the release of Vladimir tenders content

River Talk

Julia’s performance excited not only teachers. Six alumni gathered at the cliff to speak frankly and finally find out what they think of each other. They were very different, but one question bothered everyone: what will happen next?

A summary of Tendryakov’s novel “The Night After Release” continues the description of the conversation that arose. He takes an unexpected turn. Everyone is interested in what those with whom he studied side by side for ten years think about him. It would seem that everyone knows each other, no one expects to hear bad things about them. However, it soon becomes clear that everyone has his own "stone in his bosom."

Genka Golikov was the first to decide on the “court” - “a city celebrity, an open face, a light-eyed, a fair-haired, a hundred and ninety growth, a shoulder, a muscular man ...” He was not at all afraid of the verdict, because everyone loves him, respects him, “he is holy and pure before friends, let Natka hear what they think of him. ” However, what a surprise it was when, instead of the praises intended for him, Genka heard reproaches and accusations! Even his best friend Igor did not fail to recall the case when Golikov opposed him. At the same time, no one stood up for his defense, did not remember how much good and kind he did, Gena, for each of those present.

summary of the story Tendryakova night after release

It seemed that the desire to find out the truth, even frightening and cruel, overshadowed all other feelings. Angry and paying friends with the same coin, Golikov fled. And his classmates for a long time could not come to their senses from the words they heard. Although they themselves provoked Gena to such an unpleasant frankness - summarizes Tendryakov. The night after graduation unexpectedly turns into an unpleasant revelation for young people entering a new life.


And suddenly the news appears: their friend, who has just offended them, is in danger. At first everyone was revived, but then decided not to intervene, since Gene no longer deserved, in their opinion, even help. And only Julia Studentseva opposed public opinion. She helped the guys realize that Gena is still their friend, that everyone can make a mistake. The main thing is to learn to forgive. So ends the story "Night After Release", a summary of which you read.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E17590/

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