Cross stitch pattern for goat. Description of work

The goat is a frequent hero of children's fairy tales. Moreover, this animal is an important element of many religions. Therefore, we devoted our article to cross stitch patterns for goats. If you are new to this type of needlework, then choose a simple scheme that does not involve a large number of colors and shades.

Materials needed for cross stitch

To embroider a cross, you do not have to spend a lot of money. Below we have provided an approximate list of what you will need to buy:

  1. The hoop is the most important element. The more convenient they are, the more pleasant your work will be. When choosing, pay attention to either a wooden hoop or a plastic hoop, but with a metal lock. A hoop with a plastic lock is best not to buy, as they are likely to not withstand strong tension.
  2. For cross stitching, special floss thread is used. They can be cotton, wool or synthetic (for example, polyester). Woolen ones create more volume and are suitable mainly for creating winter landscapes or embroidering animals. In the case of the embodiment of the cross-stitch pattern of a goat, it is better to buy woolen floss.
  3. You will also need a canvas for embroidery. Pay attention to the size of the cells: the smaller they are, the lighter the drawing will be. Canvas with large cells is suitable for people with low vision and children.
  4. And the last tool needed for embroidery is a needle with a wide hole.

Cross stitch pattern for goats

If you have never embroidered a cross, then first select a simple pattern. For example, the one we presented below. By the way, such schemes, due to the presence in them of only two colors, are called monochrome.

Before embroidering, you need to determine the center of the cross-stitch pattern of the goat and the center of the canvas. It is from this place that you will begin your work. To find the center, divide all sides in half. Next, connect the opposite sides with an imaginary line. The point where these lines intersect will be the center.

cross stitch pattern goat

Next, get started. And after you finish it, thread the threads on the back so that they do not stick out and interfere, and iron the canvas with an iron. Now the embroidery can be framed. You can also decorate it with a pillowcase for a pillow, a bag. In addition, such drawings can be used as one of the elements in the work on curtains or tablecloths.

If desired, for the background, you can take the canvas is not white, but any other color. Embroidery made with a thread with a metallic effect on a black background will look very beautiful.

Brooch with goat embroidery

Below we offer you a cross-stitch pattern of goat, consisting of three colors. You will need a floss of blue, blue and white. Of course, if you use a white canvas, then the goat itself can not be embroidered, but in this case the embroidery will lose its volume. Therefore, we advise you to embroider not only the background and the eye, but also the animal itself.

cross stitch sheep goats patterns

Before work, you will also need to determine the center. For convenience, it is better to use a small hoop. And after you finish the work, iron the canvas. Prepare a piece of thick felt suitable for embroidery. Sew or glue it to the felt. And from the wrong side, attach the base for the brooch. The product is ready!

Cross-stitch goats for children

In order to make such an embroidery, you will need a floss of gray, white, brown and black. You can use a canvas of any shade. Identify your embroidery center and get started. The size of the finished picture will be approximately 5 by 7 centimeters.

cross-stitch year of the goat

The resulting embroidery can decorate a pillowcase, bag, baby clothes, cap. Similar patterns of cross-stitching sheep or goats are suitable for children, as they are easy to perform and do not require special efforts and skills.

Schemes for experienced lovers

The diagram below is more suitable for experienced needlewomen than for beginners in embroidery. You will need a floss of yellow, brown, green, beige and blue shades. Chinese threads because of the poverty of the palette are unlikely to suit you, so we advise you to buy French or Spanish.

cross stitch goat

To embroider, as in the previous examples, it is necessary from the center. Be sure to take breaks every 30-40 minutes so as not to make mistakes. After you finish working on embroidery, iron it. Then pick up the frame. It is advisable to hide the embroidery under the glass so that it does not gather dust.

When buying a frame, pay attention to the mounts. Poor fasteners can bend over time, causing the picture to fall.

If you want to decorate a bag or clothes with this embroidery, then special attention should be paid to the wrong side. Poorly fixed threads may unfold over time, as a result of which you will have to unfold the item and correct the job.

Auxiliary decor elements in cross-stitch

If the cross stitch pattern of a goat seems too boring to you, then it can be decorated with additional elements. These can be sequins of different sizes and shapes, hot-meshed rhinestones and satin ribbons. In addition, you can combine cross-stitch with other techniques (for example, with stitch embroidery).


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