What to give dad? Original ideas

Is dad's birthday soon? Then it's time to think about the present. What to give dad? It was difficult to come up with a gift to your loved one when you were children, but even when you grew up and you no longer have financial problems, anyway a good idea does not always come to mind. If you can't think of anything, use the tips below.

World map

what to give dad

Does your dad travel frequently? Then he just needs a traveler card. You can get an interesting option, in which countries will need to "open". That is, after a man visits the country, he will need to remove the protective layer from the required section of the map. If your dad travels around our country, you can give him a similar version of the map of Russia.

What to give dad if you cannot find such a presentation? This card is easy to make yourself. Get beautiful buttons and make flags from toothpicks. Present your father with an ordinary card and do-it-yourself accessories. When dad will return from another business trip, he will pin a flag to the country or to the city that he visited.

Board game

what to give dad at 23

If you have a young father, then probably he still likes to get together with friends on weekends and have fun. Perhaps the man and his friends often play board games. Legends such as "Monopoly", "Munchkin" and "Alice" are liked by almost everyone. So if you still do not know what to give dad, present him either the board game itself, or an addition to it. A man will be delighted with such a gift, and to check how useful your present will be, you will have the opportunity at a party organized in honor of the holiday.

Musical instrument

what to give dad on February 23

Dad plays the guitar well? And perhaps the man complained more than once that he never had the opportunity to learn how to play the piano? What to give dad in this case? Present a musical instrument to your loved one. Do you think such a gift will cost you a pretty penny? Nothing like this will happen if you buy things from message boards. For example, you can buy a guitar there at a good discount, and the piano will generally be given to you for free for pickup. But do not forget that it is one thing to give a musical instrument, and another to start playing it. To further motivate your dad, you can hire him a music tutor for the first month.


what to give dad from daughter

Do not know what to give dad on February 23? Give the man a subscription. Where to? Here you need to show imagination, of course, paying attention to the preferences of your father. If a man recently complained that he was losing a good figure, get a subscription to the fitness room. If your father goes to the pool, pay him a visit a year in advance. What if your dad doesn't play sports? Then you can purchase a movie pass. Your loved one will be able to watch all the latest film distribution for six months. You can also pay for several trips to the bathhouse. Such a present will be relevant for those men who like to bathe with friends on weekends.


what to give dad for the day

What to give dad on February 23? If a man’s arsenal lacks a tool, you can present it. For example, some men would like to buy a screwdriver, but they are sorry to spend money on such a toy, so they still screw the screws by hand. Or maybe your father needs a set of screwdrivers. Of course, your dad has such tools, but they are always lost and lying around the house. And if you give a neatly packaged set, where everything will be in order, the man will try to keep the present in the same presentable form.

Picnic set

what to give dad for his birthday

Do you often go outdoors with your family or do your parents like to go to the forest? What to give dad from his daughter in this case? A good present will be a set for barbecue. In a well-sewn bag will be everything you need: skewers, plastic dishes, a knife and even spices. With this set, barbecue cooked by dad will become even tastier. And most importantly, the man’s head will no longer be crammed into remembering what exactly needs to be taken. If you put everything you need in a bag and store it in the same place, there will not be a situation in the nature that you forgot ketchup or napkins.

home brewery

Does your father like beer? What to give dad for his birthday? Present him a small home brewery. Such an apparatus will help a man raise his self-esteem. Even if your loved one does not drink beer very often, he will be pleased to prepare it, and then treat friends with an amber drink. Are you afraid that your father will suck if there is a brewery in the house? Nothing of the kind will happen. On the contrary, a man will appreciate beer more and learn to understand it.


What to gift

People who often listen to music are well versed in sound quality. If your father cannot imagine life without music, give him headphones. Moreover, you need to choose the model that does not distort the sound and helps a man enjoy great sound. Of course, such headphones cannot be small. But lovers of good sound do not consider this a drawback. Large headphones will help a person maintain good hearing, and also on the street your dad will be able to hear extraneous noises. Think it's distracting? This helps to save a life and not get caught in a car.

Cooler bag

Not sure what to give dad for his birthday? Buy a cooler bag. This accessory is simply indispensable in the summer. You can choose any bag size. If you have a small family and you do not go on a picnic very often or go on trips, then take a small accessory for several bottles. And if you are your dad often travels with you or with your friends, then you need to buy a bag bulk. After all, such a thing can well cool foods during the day. And in the bag you can put not only soft drinks, but also various sausage slices and even ice cream. If your family has a car, then buy a bag with the expectation that it can be recharged on the road. In this case, a small refrigerator will be able to cool you food throughout the trip, even if it lasts a week.

Original cake

What to give dad? With your own hands you can cook an original treat. If you bake well, then making your father’s favorite cake will not be a problem for you. And in order to make the sweetness unusual, you can conjure over its external transformation. For example, spread colored glaze and make a culinary masterpiece a rainbow. And you can play with mastic. For example, to make your father’s favorite cartoon characters out of it. Do you think it will look solid? But a birthday is a holiday of childhood. Even an adult and presentable man sometimes wants to feel like a child.

Home grill

Does father cook meat in your family? Then give him a homemade grill. Such a device will help you eat fried meat, as if from a fire, every day. Men love kebabs and steaks, but not everyone has the opportunity to have dinner in a restaurant or go out to the backyard and fry themselves a couple of schnitzels for dinner. Therefore, knowing the preferences of a man, present him with a useful culinary assistant. By the way, such a device will allow your family to eat not only tasty, but also healthy. After all, when you grill meat, you do not use butter. And this means that fried meat will be not only very tasty, but also harmless for the figure.


Does your father like to go camping? Then it makes no sense to puzzle over what to give a man. Buy him a tent. But if a father goes camping, then he already has such a thing? It is quite logical if you do not take into account the fact that a tent is a rather expensive thing and it has not been updated for years. And despite this, manufacturers of accessories for tourists annually come up with, develop and produce new models of all kinds of equipment and household items, including tents. Therefore, you can present your father a lightweight version of the tent, which can be unfolded in just 5 minutes. Moreover, such a thing will be made of a wear-resistant material that does not get wet, is well washed and dries quickly.

Something for a hobby

Does a loved one have any hobby? It is very good. You can come up with a present based on your dad’s hobby. If a man loves fishing - give him a new fishing rod or spinning; if his father goes camping - present him with a modern sleeping bag. Well, if your father prefers to spend leisure time lying on the couch with an exciting book in his hands, give him the acclaimed bestseller.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E17608/

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