Storage tank for water supply: how to install?

An autonomous water supply system does not surprise anyone today. Such designs are practical and very convenient, but their work very often requires devices that people who operate a centralized water supply simply do not know about.

Need to use

storage tank for water supply

For example, an autonomous water supply system for a long time will be able to run smoothly only if it has an expansion tank. In the market for modern products you can find many different models of such devices. In order to choose the best option, you need to navigate in the varieties of equipment and imagine the principle of its operation.

Equipment device

storage tank for water supply

Storage tank for water supply is designed to support a certain pressure in the water supply system. Most often, a closed membrane tank is used for this. It is made in the form of a container, inside of which there is a rubber membrane. It divides the described device into two compartments: one of them is air, the other is water. After starting the system, the electric pump fills the water chamber with water. The volume of the air compartment is reduced. The smaller the volume of air in the tank, the higher the pressure will be. As soon as it exceeds a certain mark, the pump will automatically shut off. It will be activated only after the pressure drops below the minimum mark, while the water begins to flow from the water compartment. The on and off cycle will be repeated automatically. The user can check the pressure in the system by a pressure gauge that is installed on the equipment. You can configure the device yourself by choosing the most suitable operating pressure range.

Expansion tank functions

water supply device with storage tank

The storage tank for water supply is designed to perform several functions at once, namely: maintain pressure when the pump is turned off; protect the system from water hammer, which can be triggered by air entering the pipeline or by power surges. Among other things, this element of the water supply system is able to store a certain amount of water in stock. This component is also necessary to protect the pump from premature wear. The use of the tank allows for low water consumption not to use the pump, but to satisfy the fluid needs due to the volume that is stored in stock.

Tank selection

storage tank for water supply

If you decide to install a storage tank for water supply, it will be important to first find out which kind of membrane equipment is suitable for you. You can pick up a device that has a replaceable membrane. A distinctive feature here is the possibility of replacing the membrane. It can be removed through a special flange that is held on bolts. It is necessary to take into account one more point: if we are talking about an impressive volume device, then to stabilize the membrane it is additionally fixed with the back to the nipple. Another distinctive feature of this device is that the water filling the tank will remain inside the membrane without contacting the inner surface of the product. This protects metal surfaces from corrosive processes, and water from pollution, extending the life of the equipment. If you select a storage tank for water supply, then you can purchase a model with a replaceable membrane in both vertical and horizontal versions.

When to choose a tank with a fixed diaphragm for installation

storage tank for hot water

In these devices, the inner part of the tank is divided into two compartments by a membrane. It can not be replaced, but because of failure, you will have to change the equipment completely. One compartment contains air, and the other contains water, which is in contact with the inside of the appliance made of metal, which can cause rapid corrosion. In order to prevent the destruction of metal and contamination of the liquid, the inner surface is coated with a special paint. But such protection is not always durable. You can pick up such devices in vertical or horizontal execution.

Features of the right choice

storage tank for water supply 200 liters

If you decide to install a storage tank for water supply, you should pay attention to its main characteristics. It is on their basis that equipment should be purchased. When selecting the volume, it is important to consider how many people will use the water supply system. It is important to calculate the number of water intake points: faucets and showers, as well as household appliances like a dishwasher and washing machine, should be included here. Please note that there is a possibility of water consumption by several consumers at once. In the store you should also pay attention to the maximum number of stop and start cycles per hour for pumping equipment.

Preparation before installation

water system with storage tank

When choosing a storage tank for water supply, you must purchase one with a volume of 20 to 24 liters. This is true when the number of consumers is no more than 3 people, and pumping equipment has a capacity of 2 cubic meters per hour. It is necessary to prefer a tank volume of 50 liters, if the number of consumers increases to 8 people, and the pump capacity is 3.5 cubic meters per hour. The maximum volume, which is 100 liters, is suitable for the number of consumers more than 10 people and pump performance within 5 cubic meters per hour. Before choosing a specific tank model before installation, you need to consider that a smaller tank volume will contribute to a more frequent shutdown of the pump. Among other things, a smaller volume will indicate a greater likelihood of pressure surges in the water supply system. For the reason that the equipment acts as a reservoir for storing water, it is possible to adjust the volume of the expansion tank even before the acquisition of the equipment. The design of the device allows the installation of an additional tank. This can be done already during the operation of the main equipment, without carrying out laborious dismantling. After the installation of a new device is completed, the tank volume will be determined by adding up the volumes of the tanks installed in the system.

Professional advice

If you decide to make a water supply device with a storage tank, then it is important to consider that you should not chase a low cost when choosing a tank of a little-known manufacturer. The pursuit of cheapness can cause more substantial costs. Most often, cheap materials are used to make cost-attractive models, and, as practice shows, they are not always of high quality. It is especially important to pay attention to the quality of the rubber that underlies the membrane. The life of the tank, as well as the safety of the water, will depend on this.

When buying a storage tank for hot water supply, you must specify the price of the consumable element, which is true for models with a replaceable membrane. Most often, in the pursuit of profit, unscrupulous manufacturers overstate the cost of a replaceable membrane. At the same time, experts advise selecting a model of another supplier company. Large firms are responsible for product quality, as they value their reputation.

Features of the installation

The water supply system with a storage tank involves the installation of a tank in the room in which the temperature does not drop below 0 degrees. It is necessary to provide comprehensive access to the air valve, this will allow you to adjust the pressure in the air chamber. During installation, there should not be any obstacles when accessing shut-off valves, nameplate or drain valve. In no case should the membrane tank be subjected to static load, it should be protected from pressure from the side of the pipe or other units. Installation of a pressure reducer, which should be located after the water meter, will provide a certain pressure in the expansion tank. When the safety valve is activated, the pressure level must not exceed the maximum permissible value. Installation of an expansion membrane tank implies the moment that the safety valve is installed in front of the flow armature, it must be positioned along the course of the flow. Considering the installation scheme of the expansion tank, it must be taken into account that installation should be carried out from the side of the cold water supply to the heating device. Experts exclude the possibility of installation at the outlet.

How to avoid errors during the connection process

If you have a storage tank for water supply (200 liters or less is not so important), then, of course, you can install it yourself. However, it is necessary to prepare an exceptionally high-quality tool with regard to gas and adjustable spanners. These components will be key figures in the installation work. In addition to them, you may need a wrench for installing metal-plastic pipes, as well as a step wrench designed for detachable connections. Do not use materials that are not used for such work as seals. For example, some inexperienced home craftsmen use cheap sealant for plastic windows, but it is designed for a different temperature. Initially, such compounds may have a very attractive appearance, however, when starting the system, the sealant will not withstand the effects of high temperatures. In any case, after this you will have to deal with the elimination of the leak. If you will equip the water supply of a private house, the storage tank should be installed in such a way that the approach to it is not difficult. Do not choose the amount of storage capacity per eye. The installation must be carried out in accordance with the norms and rules for operational safety.

What else is important to consider when installing it yourself

If you yourself will install a storage tank for water supply to the summer cottage, you must definitely consider the possibility of dismantling the connecting pipeline, which may be necessary for repair and replacement of equipment. The diameter of the connected water supply elements should not be less than the diameter of the pipe. Be sure to ground the device, only this way you can eliminate electrical corrosion. If the water supply of the house is equipped with a storage tank, then the installation of the device should be carried out from the suction side of the pumping equipment. In this section, which is located between the pump and the connection point, it is necessary to exclude all elements capable of introducing hydraulic resistance into the system. The make-up line must be connected to the circulation circuit of the system.


The storage tank for hot water supply is an integral element of the autonomous system. It is able to maintain the right pressure, preventing premature wear of pumping equipment. Among other things, with its help you can save a certain supply of water.


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