Yorkshire Terrier: maintenance and care. Pros and cons of the yokshire terrier

A pet brings a lot of joy and pleasant moments to its owners. But it requires attention and patience. One of the most popular dog breeds today is the Yorkshire Terrier.


This is not to say that the breed has deep roots. Not many years have passed since its appearance in the north of England. The ancestors of the dog were started by ordinary peasants. They were not allowed to have large breeds of animal. Thus, the nobility protected itself from the possible poaching of the poor. Small dogs were used to fight rats.

yorkshire terrier care and maintenance food
The end of the 18th century was marked by the heyday of the industrial world. People from villages and small towns reached out to large cities in search of work and a better life. They brought pets with them.

And so the dog breeders set a goal - to breed a new breed with excellent wool quality. And they succeeded. The offspring turned out to be excellent, with beautiful long hair, smooth and silky. She had an interesting gray color with a blue tint and golden tan.

In 1898, the first club appeared. Here it was possible to learn in detail what kind of breed is the Yorkshire Terrier, which have features and care for them.

Beaver Yorks Overview

The ever-increasing popularity of terriers has led to the emergence of new varieties. One of them is Beaver York. It was bred using the terrier genotype in the eighties in Germany. Dogs got their name in honor of a family that has been breeding for more than two decades. It was they who bred this breed, the Beaver Yorkshire Terrier. Care and maintenance in general do not have specific features.

beaver yorkshire terrier care and maintenance

Here is a list of breed standards:

  • straight long hair, flowing down on both sides, with even parting in the center;

  • small size and harmonious proportions;

  • small head, long neck with a bright scruff;

  • medium-sized eyes without obvious bulge;

  • erect ears of a triangular shape;

  • average height - 22 cm (plus / minus 5 cm);

  • weight - 2-3 kg;

  • quite diverse color.

Beaver: bathing and combing

Wise and quite experienced dog owners are well aware that the structure of the hair of a pet is very different from human. The hair may look silky and shiny, as in the photo of the top model, but this does not mean that you need to wash it with expensive shampoo for people.

Today there are many popular brands of cosmetics for animals. They produce a quality product. The components are selected according to the characteristics of the pet and take into account the characteristics of the body. Proper use of this shampoo will help make your dog irresistible and attractive.

If you decide that your hygiene product will not harm the pet, then remember: you can wash it this way no more than once a month.

Yorkshire Terrier, the maintenance and care of which cause a lot of questions, requires a careful approach. So, beaver species dogs need to be combed daily. The owner should purchase special scallops and massage brushes. Such procedures are performed in order to avoid the appearance of strong warlocks, because the pet's hair is quite long.

Yorkshire Terrier puppies care and maintenance


Having such a cover, the dog has an attractive appearance, but also requires special care. However, do not rush things. To cut a puppy at the age of less than one year should not be. During this period, the formation of body proportions occurs and the structure of the pile changes. Hurrying, you can get a not too good result, in which the dog will look funny and ridiculous.

After a year of haircutting the Yorkshire Terrier, photos of which you can see, can be very diverse.

Yorkshire Terrier maintenance and care

The ears of the animal require special attention. First, the hair at the tips should be trimmed regularly. Secondly, you need to monitor the general condition of the auricle. If there is dark discharge and an unpleasant odor, then it's time to do cleaning. It is performed with soft cotton buds.

Wool between the pads of the fingers and around the paws is also suitable for processing.

Varieties: general information

Yorkshire terriers are notable for their small stature. At the same time, they have a rather proud and confident appearance: a square case, a strong lower back, and ribs are slightly oval. Breeders conditionally divided the breed into several types:

  • micro (up to 1.5 kg);

  • mini (up to 2.5 kg);

  • standard (3 kg).

The smallest representatives of the breed are bought as decorative pets.

A straight, even tail without bulges and kinks is a sign by which you can distinguish that in front of you is a real Yorkshire terrier. Keeping and caring for animals recently included cupping. Today they have departed from this practice.

The structure of the skull cannot be called convex and large. Medium long muzzle, deep set eyes. Ears far apart, erect. Beautiful wool with a steel shade.

It is believed that due to the lack of undercoat, dogs can live with allergies. But you need to remember that irritation is caused by saliva, bowel movements, and discharge from the genital tract. Spend a few hours with the animal - and you can immediately understand how your body perceives it.

dog breed yorkshire terrier care and maintenance

Mini Terriers: Care

Most often, it is the Yorkshire Terrier Mini that takes part in exhibitions and competitions. Care and maintenance of such a pet has its own nuances.

Preparation takes place constantly, especially with regard to wool: regular haircuts, combing, winding on small bundles of fabric or paper (papillot). But all these procedures require special knowledge. Therefore, it is recommended that you first stipulate the rules of care with the veterinarian.

Bathing is carried out twice a month, using special means for animals.

The peculiarity of the breed - the absence of undercoat - on the one hand, makes the ownerโ€™s life easier, excluding periods of molting. On the other hand, cold becomes a threat to the pet. It should be worn for winter walks.


Representatives of standard sizes - strong and hardy. They have good immunity and are not prone to frequent diseases. They lead an active lifestyle until old age, which can not be said about the "mini". Has such a Yorkshire Terrier such disadvantages as:

  • weak nervous system;

  • frequent cases of joint disease;

  • fragile skeleton.

You will have to follow the baby as if you were your own child. Just imagine that a dog can break a paw just by jumping from a sofa!

If you are interested in breeding, then the mating begins not earlier than the terrier turns one and a half years. This is a very delicate and crucial moment, which is desirable to spend with the participation of experienced breeders. The gestational age is 58-62 days.

Yorkshire Terrier grooming and content photo

Very small individuals cannot be born on their own. Therefore, breeders often resort to a caesarean section.

We cut claws

The Yorkshire Terrier, the maintenance and care of which is a rather painstaking process, may one day clatter on the floor with its claws. Having noticed this, you should perform the cutting procedure. Remember that when walking with overgrown claws, the dog has painful sensations.

Frequent walks on the street may not always be the solution to the problem. Sewing occurs only on hard surfaces, such as asphalt. But a dog can walk on sand, grass, fallen leaves and snow. In any case, it is advisable to have the necessary tools in the house.

Puppies trim their nails with ordinary forceps; at a more mature age, use a clipper.

Check the length of one and a half to two weeks. Remember that you canโ€™t immediately cut off very grown nails. Do this little by little so that the blood vessels react (move back with the claw) and move back.

dog breed yorkshire terrier care and maintenance

Safety recommendations

Due to its small size and weight of features, adult individuals and puppies of the Yorkshire Terrier, the care and maintenance of which we briefly discussed, require careful attention in detail:

  • If necessary, young offspring are lifted up by putting one hand under the hind legs, and the other under the chest (you must not allow the baby to be taken under the stomach).

  • Of particular danger are electrical wiring, telephone cords and cables. They need to be hidden from the dog and securely fixed.

  • Match sulfur can cause poisoning, and the woods themselves can cause strangulation, splinters can get into the oral cavity. If you suspect a foreign body has entered your throat, consult your veterinarian. In no case do not give any medicine or emetics.

  • In order to avoid mental disorders, it is forbidden to scare and tease puppies.

Many ordinary objects in our homes can cause injuries, illnesses and death of the dog: threads, piercing objects, furniture, doors, shoes. To minimize dangerous incidents, the dog must be trained and accustomed to discipline.

Disastrous curiosity

All pets should know the rules of behavior at home and on the street, no exception - the breed of dog Yorkshire Terrier. Care and maintenance is a manifestation of love and care, but in the absence of the owner, who will look after the baby?

Terriers are very active and curious. Do not forget that their descendants were hunters of rats, and their instincts are preserved in them to this day. Dogs can nibble on wallpaper, shoes, wires, and house plants.

We will talk about the dangers of the latter. Many home and garden flowers, shrubs can adversely affect the animal if it decides to feast on foliage. The list of dangerous ones includes: aloe, gladiolus, iris, daffodil, rhododendron and several dozens of popular plants. Poisoning can cause:

  • skin rashes;

  • swelling of the organs of the oral cavity;

  • cramping

  • diarrhea;

  • vomiting.

    yorkshire terrier care and maintenance food

These are the easiest manifestations. The animal may begin hallucinations, convulsions. Many flowers affect the state of blood vessels, heart, kidneys, respiratory tract and can be fatal.

Feeding basics

Here he is such a gentle, Yorkshire Terrier. Care and maintenance, nutrition - all this affects the health, vitality and mood of the animal. Consider the main details of the last paragraph.

Many of the kindness of sincere kindness treat the dog with โ€œsnacksโ€ from their table, without thinking about how useful and necessary the baby is. It is especially not recommended to give puppies bone.

The main rule: the amount of daily food should correspond to physical activity. If the dog on one day moves less, sleeps a lot, it is better to reduce the portion. With increased activity - increase. An adult is fed twice a day. A bowl of food is put on for 15 minutes, and even if it is not empty, they are removed.

Water must be present continuously.

Such small "sofa" pets tend to overeat. They, like man, can only eat out of boredom. Therefore, you need to carefully monitor the weight of the dog, an excess of which leads to disease.


Healthy puppies and adults look attractive, well-groomed. Today, there are all kinds of haircuts Yorkshire Terrier. Photos of styling and various hairstyles will help the owner to choose the right option for your pet. But all this is possible only when your pet is healthy.

haircuts Yorkshire Terrier photo

When purchasing a puppy, be sure to clarify: is the mother vaccinated, what vaccinations are done after birth to the offspring.

Contact a trusted veterinary clinic; experienced breeders can advise it. Be sure to check the expiration date of the vaccine.

You can not vaccinate pregnant and sick animals.

Pros and cons of the breed

Peppy, lively enough, joyful and curious these dogs (Yorkshire Terrier). The pros and cons of the breed we described throughout the article. Let's emphasize each of them.

Positive characteristics:

  • gorgeous silky coat;

  • lack of undercoat, which excludes molting;

  • dogs are active and very clean.

What are the Yorkshire Terrier cons?

  • The breed requires regular hair care.

  • Dogs may have health problems.

  • Many household items are fraught with danger.

  • They need compulsory walks.

Today we learned a lot of interesting things about the Yorkshire Terrier breed. Care and maintenance, photos of haircuts and the appearance of dogs - all this information was presented in the review.

When starting a pet, you should always remember that this is a living creature. It requires attention, care, and in return will give you unforgettable moments of happiness. Surrounding the terrier with care and love, you will receive the same strong feelings in response.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E17628/

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