How to water an orchid correctly?

To know how to water an orchid, you need to have general ideas about this magnificent plant. Orchids grow in almost all regions except the most northern, but the most famous and popular of them are the inhabitants of tropical and monsoon forests. It is always warm and humid, and the abundance of lush multi-tiered vegetation creates the necessary shade from the hot rays of the sun.

how to water an orchid

Orchids are herbaceous plants, and their beauty is credited with the legend that Venus herself dropped her shoe, which turned into a flower, during lovemaking. Many of these beautiful creatures of nature are epiphytes. That is, they live on other plants, eating a special substrate of particles of dead bark, droppings of birds and water formed on their carriers (not to be confused with parasites that feed on the juice of their prey). In the process of adaptation to the environment, these wonderful flowers received dense leaves and thick strong roots, which, for example, can grow into a clay pot. Therefore, plants are usually planted in bright plastic containers - they heat up less when exposed to the rays of the sun.

How often do I need to water an orchid? It depends on the time of year. In summer, the plant needs water once every 2-3 days, in winter - 2 times a week. It is very important to remember that the exquisite beauty does not tolerate overmoistening, since in the natural environment all its parts are freely blown by air. In view of this, the pot must have a special substrate, as well as a large number of holes.

how often do you need to water the orchid

If you pour water from above, as for the rest of the flowers, the question of how much you need to water the orchid will remain unanswered, since in the best case the water will completely go down through a loose substrate. In the worst case, it can accumulate at the bottom, creating the prerequisites for plant disease.

There are several ways to water an orchid correctly. In the first case, the flower pot should be placed in a basin with warm, settled water and wait ten minutes. The substrate will absorb the necessary amount of liquid, and excess water will pour out through the holes. In the second - a flower (outside the flowering period) is placed under a warm shower with a weak stream and with a temperature of about forty degrees Celsius.

how much to water the orchid

Everyone who wants to get a persistent flowering and healthy plant needs to have information on how to water an orchid. Otherwise, you can get painful formations on the roots of the plant and wrinkled leaves (little moisture) or, conversely, see a dark rotting root (a lot of moisture) in a green pet. In addition, you need to take care of sufficient ambient air humidity, maintaining it through a sprayer.

According to the horoscope of flowers, the orchid belongs to the constellation Pisces. Therefore, she is very moody. But those flower growers who have waited for their wards to bloom, usually forget how they struggled with problems, how to water an orchid, in which substrate to plant, how to light, etc. The beauty of the flowers of this plant is really bewitching. Some varieties can bloom for five to six months a year.


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